The Object Collision system in Generals consist of this following lines:
Geometry = "insert geometry type" ;Collision Geometry
GeometryMajorRadius = XX ;Collision X Coords
GeometryMinorRadius = XX ;Collision Y Coords
GeometryHeight = XX ;Collision Z Coords
GeometryIsSmall = [Yes/No] ;Is the geometry small?
The height, width and length can be defined to your desired length, hight or width eventhough they will not properly work with objects that have dynamic shapes but it will do if you want your object get detected by objects..
The "Geometry" Defines what type of Geometry will the object use in the game world, Here's a list of Available Geometries:
The "GeometryMajorRadius" parameter Defines the length of the object's Geometry in the X axis...
and The "GeometryMinorRadius" parameter Defines the width of the object's Geometry in Y Axis. Last, The "GeometryHeight" Defines how tall the Geometry in the Z axis. I think the "GeometryISSmall" ,if set, is saying something like this to the engine: "this object's geometry is small so put LESS effort in the pathfinding engine."
In the "BOX" shape parameter, You are allowed to use the following:
While in "CYLINDER", Your allowed to use:
This also apply to the SPHERE Geometry Shape type.
PS: This is my FIRST Tutorial so be nice to it
Edited by Chris, 05 January 2008 - 17:54.