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List of online coding/programming resources

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 26 Nov 2007

This is a list of tutorials, references and other utilities for various programming, scripting or markup languages, libraries and such. If you have a very useful one, post it here and it'll be included.

C and C++

C++ tutorial on the wiki. Describes how to set up things so you can start coding.

Has a very good tutorial to explain the C++ language, and reference for most of the standard library.

Reference for the C++ standard library and other things.

Reference and other information about the C++ standard library classes and containers.

Advanced questions answered about C++.


Various Java tutorials, explaining most of the language and its concepts.

Standard Java classes reference.

Game development

Homepage for the SDL library. This library is written in C and offers a low-level interface to the system, and can be used to develop games at a basic level. It's also platform-independent, so programs developed with it can be compiled and run on various systems.

A very good set of tutorials to get you started with SDL, it explains the various concepts used for game programming as well as how to apply them in SDL. The last tutorial gives you a small introduction to using SDL together with OpenGL for 3D programming.
Note: Although SDL is C based, the tutorials are written for C++.

A basic tutorial to get you started with SDL and OpenGL. It doesn't really teach you how to use OpenGL, but it explains how to use OpenGL together with SDL. This is quite simple to do, since SDL was designed to work well with OpenGL.

A set of very good OpenGL tutorials, which go into great detail about OpenGL programming and how it works. It might not be the best place to start off though.
Note: These tutorials were written for using OpenGL together with Win32 (the built-in programming interface for Windows) rather than SDL. So be sure you understand how to combine SDL and OpenGL first, so that you can simply rework the code in the tutorials to work with SDL instead.

An excellent start for both OpenGL programming and 3D programming in general. This explains a lot about how 3D programming works, how to do it, and a lot of other stuff. Once you know how to use SDL and OpenGL together, be sure to give this a read.

A very good and complete OpenGL reference manual.

Web development (HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.)

The W3C markup validator. A must-use if you're into any kind of web development. This will go through the page you give it, and see if there are any errors in your HTML or XHTML code. It will also explain errors where it can. Don't be turned back by this, because a properly-coded page is guaranteed to work correctly on any browser.

Reference for HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 elements.

XHTML reference.

Guilde to CSS, including a reference on most (if not all) properties and values.

Guide, tutorial and reference for JavaScript. Very complete, well-recommended!
Note: this does not include any of the components that aren't part of the JavaScript core language. For web-based JavaScript, read up on the DOM as well.

Information and reference about the Document Object Model, used in web-based JavaScript. This explains all the various objects that can be used in JS with web pages, such as the window, document and form objects.
Edited by Bob, 16 August 2010 - 21:19.

chance's Photo chance 22 Jan 2008

Also...For beginers... Scheme
Has a program called Dr, Scheme for programming in scheme, it also has the How To Designe Programs (scheme) textbook on thier site.
Edited by chance, 22 January 2008 - 00:59.

Gen.Kenobi's Photo Gen.Kenobi 08 Jul 2010

HTML for dummies: HTML Dog. This site started me on Web Programming.

Gen.Kenobi's Photo Gen.Kenobi 09 Jul 2010

If someone cares to edit the list, here's another one, this time for C# - it may help some wanna-be-game developers. It's prety easy understantable.
It also stands up for the Microsoft's XNA.

CamplemXNA C# tutorials

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 18 Jul 2010

A word of caution: C# is Windows exclusive. For cross platform, you're better off with C++, Perl or Python. Or Java if you really want to.

Gen.Kenobi's Photo Gen.Kenobi 27 Jul 2010


For good open-source IDEs, i'd suggest NetBeans or Eclipse.

Stalker's Photo Stalker 27 Jul 2010

^ this ^

I prefer Ecplise, but NetBeans' designer (forms, panels and stuff) is way better

Gen.Kenobi's Photo Gen.Kenobi 27 Jul 2010

Talking about IDEs, for PHP Developing, i'd suggest as a Framework, the Zend Framework tool. It's a nice way to get the structure of a MVC faster :P

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 31 Jul 2010

Visual Studio Express is great too!

Deformat's Photo Deformat 16 Aug 2010

Weird. I get a error when trying to access the link to the FS wiki...
Edited by Dr. Defo Wacko, 16 August 2010 - 09:09.

TheDR's Photo TheDR 16 Aug 2010

 Dr. Defo Wacko, on 16 Aug 2010, 10:08, said:

Weird. I get a error when trying to access the link to the FS wiki...

The link was broken, i fixed it for you.

Deformat's Photo Deformat 16 Aug 2010

Actually, its still broken ;)

It is:


Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 16 Aug 2010

Fix'd fo' real this time. ;)