before i go any further, i would like to remind you that i will not be teaching you how to add anything, altough the idea is to inform you how you might go about adding something, or at least understanding it

First off here is the code used for the USA crusader, it is found in the INIZH.big, in the americavehilce.ini
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object AmericaTankCrusader ; *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = SACLeopard_L ButtonImage = SACLeopard UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone UpgradeCameo3 = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone UpgradeCameo4 = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining UpgradeCameo5 = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultConditionState Model = AVLeopard Turret = Turret WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY TurretMS WeaponRecoilBone = PRIMARY Barrel WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY TurretFX WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY TurretMS End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED Model = AVLeopard_D End ConditionState = RUBBLE Model = AVLeopard_D End TrackMarks = EXTnkTrack.tga TreadAnimationRate = 2.0 ; amount of tread texture to move per second TreadDriveSpeedFraction = 0.3 ; fraction of locomotor speed below which treads stop moving. TreadPivotSpeedFraction = 0.6 ; fraction of locomotor speed below which we allow pivoting. OkToChangeModelColor = Yes End ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:Crusader Side = America EditorSorting = VEHICLE TransportSlotCount = 3 WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY CrusaderTankGun ; Uncomment this when we want the crusader to have a machine too again ;Weapon = SECONDARY CrusaderMachineGun End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = TankArmor DamageFX = TankDamageFX End ;ArmorSet ; Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE ; Armor = UpgradedTankArmor ; DamageFX = TankDamageFX ;End BuildCost = 900 BuildTime = 10.0 ;in seconds VisionRange = 150 ShroudClearingRange = 300 Prerequisites Object = AmericaWarFactory End ExperienceValue = 100 100 200 400;Experience point value at each level ExperienceRequired = 0 200 300 600;Experience points needed to gain each level IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience CrusherLevel = 2 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CommandSet = AmericaTankCrusaderCommandSet ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = CrusaderTankVoiceSelect VoiceMove = CrusaderTankVoiceMove VoiceGuard = CrusaderTankVoiceMove VoiceAttack = CrusaderTankVoiceAttack SoundMoveStart = CrusaderTankMoveStart SoundMoveStartDamaged = CrusaderTankMoveStart UnitSpecificSounds ; These have the syntax of SomeNameSomewhereInCode = SomeNameSomewhereInLookupINIs VoiceCreate = CrusaderTankVoiceCreate VoiceEnter = CrusaderTankVoiceMove TurretMoveStart = NoSound TurretMoveLoop = TurretMoveLoop SoundEject = PilotSoundEject VoiceEject = PilotVoiceEject VoiceCrush = CrusaderTankVoiceCrush End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_ATTACK ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS VEHICLE SCORE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 480 InitialHealth = 480 ; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health. ; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own. SubdualDamageCap = 960 SubdualDamageHealRate = 500 SubdualDamageHealAmount = 50 End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 Turret TurretTurnRate = 180;60 // turn rate, in degrees per sec ControlledWeaponSlots= PRIMARY End AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL CrusaderLocomotor Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 Mass = 50.0 End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_05 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanBattleDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_06 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanScoutDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_20 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanHellfireDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ModuleTag_07 MaxQueueEntries = 1; So you can't build multiple upgrades in the same frame End Behavior = ExperienceScalarUpgrade ModuleTag_08 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining AddXPScalar = 1.0;Increases experience gained by an additional 100% End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_09 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End ; Turret fly off death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_10 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 500 DestructionDelayVariance = 100 FX = INITIAL FX_GenericTankDeathEffect OCL = MIDPOINT OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion OCL = FINAL OCL_CrusaderTurret End ; Catch fire, and explode death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_11 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 2000 DestructionDelayVariance = 300 FX = INITIAL FX_CrusaderCatchFire OCL = FINAL OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion End Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModuleTag_12 ReallyDamagedParticleSystem1 = Bone:Smoke RandomBone:Yes PSys:SmallLightSmokeColumn ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BattleMasterDamageTransition End Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_13 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED End ; A crushing defeat Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_14 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED DeathFX = FX_CarCrush End Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_15 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED CreationList = OCL_CrusaderTank_CrushEffect End Behavior = CreateCrateDie ModuleTag_CratesChange CrateData = SalvageCrateData ;CrateData = EliteTankCrateData ;CrateData = HeroicTankCrateData End Behavior = EjectPilotDie ModuleTag_17 GroundCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotOnGround AirCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotViaParachute ExemptStatus = HIJACKED VeterancyLevels = ALL -REGULAR;only vet+ gives pilot End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_18 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21 AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long... AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage... AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often. End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 15.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 10.0 GeometryHeight = 10.0 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME ShadowSizeX = 45 ; minimum elevation angle above horizon. Used to limit shadow length End
now that might seem mighty confusing, so lets try and split it up, so its easier to understand
first off the object is defined with the following
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object AmericaTankCrusader
NOTE: the semi-colon followed by dashes is not part of the code, it is usally placed there to help coders easily find where one object starts and the other finishes
NOTE2: anything following a semi-colon(

The actual object is already split up into sections, the sections are headed with a semi-colon(

the first we come across is the art paramters section
; *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = SACLeopard_L ButtonImage = SACLeopard UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone UpgradeCameo3 = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone UpgradeCameo4 = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining UpgradeCameo5 = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultConditionState Model = AVLeopard Turret = Turret WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY TurretMS WeaponRecoilBone = PRIMARY Barrel WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY TurretFX WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY TurretMS End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED Model = AVLeopard_D End ConditionState = RUBBLE Model = AVLeopard_D End TrackMarks = EXTnkTrack.tga TreadAnimationRate = 2.0 ; amount of tread texture to move per second TreadDriveSpeedFraction = 0.3 ; fraction of locomotor speed below which treads stop moving. TreadPivotSpeedFraction = 0.6 ; fraction of locomotor speed below which we allow pivoting. OkToChangeModelColor = Yes End
this section is used to define anything visual about the object, i will split this section up even more to give a more detailed description:
SelectPortrait = SACLeopard_L ButtonImage = SACLeopard
these two settings define the portrait (the large image you see in the bottom-right hand corner of a game, when you select the object and the button image, the image on the button you press to train the vehicle
UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone UpgradeCameo3 = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone UpgradeCameo4 = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining UpgradeCameo5 = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor
next are the upgrade cameos, these are the pictures that are placed around the edge of the portrait picture and IIRC, the positions are as follows
[ ] [ ] [1]
[ ] [ ] [2]
Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultConditionState Model = AVLeopard Turret = Turret WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY TurretMS WeaponRecoilBone = PRIMARY Barrel WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY TurretFX WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY TurretMS End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED Model = AVLeopard_D End ConditionState = RUBBLE Model = AVLeopard_D End
next are the model properties
DefaultConditionState is exactly what it says, the default condition, when you buy a tank and it rolls out of the war factory, its in its default condition
'Model' defines the model, this model needs to be in the W3DZH.BIG
The next properties can either use parts of the model or bones on the model. In short bones, are positions in relation to the object, that can't be seen in-game, these tell the game where the shell should shoot from where the tracks appear from,etc. In most cases either can be used. WeaponMuzzleFlash, is the part of the object that should be hidden from view until that brief moment when the tank fires, a flame like object appears at the end of the barrel, that is the muzzle.
Next other condition states can be defined, usually they are just the damaged or dead condition states, but they can also include snow conditions (for example in shockwave, some vehicles on snow maps have special wheels, and therefore require a different model, or when a particaulr upgrade is purchased, a new model may need to be defined, or simply part of a model needs to be hidden/unhidden
the next section is the design paramter section
; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:Crusader Side = America EditorSorting = VEHICLE TransportSlotCount = 3 WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY CrusaderTankGun ; Uncomment this when we want the crusader to have a machine too again ;Weapon = SECONDARY CrusaderMachineGun End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = TankArmor DamageFX = TankDamageFX End ;ArmorSet ; Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE ; Armor = UpgradedTankArmor ; DamageFX = TankDamageFX ;End BuildCost = 900 BuildTime = 10.0 ;in seconds VisionRange = 150 ShroudClearingRange = 300 Prerequisites Object = AmericaWarFactory End ExperienceValue = 100 100 200 400;Experience point value at each level ExperienceRequired = 0 200 300 600;Experience points needed to gain each level IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience CrusherLevel = 2 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CommandSet = AmericaTankCrusaderCommandSet
The display name field refers to the 'generals.csf' found in the englishzh.big, this file contains the names,descriptions,etc of every object in the game (well most), and the filed specified looks up the value in that file
'Side' is the side you want the object to be associated with
'EditorSorting' is the type of object, in this case it is a vehicle
'TransportSlotCount' is the number of spaces that the object takes up when in a transport vehilce
WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY CrusaderTankGun ; Uncomment this when we want the crusader to have a machine too again ;Weapon = SECONDARY CrusaderMachineGun End
weaponset is the section that specifies the type of weapon the object has
'conditions', similarly to the condition sate mentioned before, sets the condions for that weapon, when 'none' is specified the weaponset is the default weapon. One example of a condition that can be applied is an upgrade purchased. The start of the value need to specify which weapon it is (PRIMARY, SECONDARY or TERITARY) followed by a wepaon specified in the weapon.ini
ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = TankArmor DamageFX = TankDamageFX End
ArmorSet follows the same format as the weaponset, except for thre vital deifferneces; 1) Only one armour can be specified at a time (i.e. there cant be a primary and a secondary), 2) DamageFX needs to be specified, this specifies the particles that are created when a weapon hits the object and 3) this specifies armour not weapons

and to finish off this section:
BuildCost = 900
BuildTime = 10.0 ;in seconds
VisionRange = 150
ShroudClearingRange = 300
Object = AmericaWarFactory
ExperienceValue = 100 100 200 400 ;Experience point value at each level
ExperienceRequired = 0 200 300 600 ;Experience points needed to gain each level
IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience
CrusherLevel = 2 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles
CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
CommandSet = AmericaTankCrusaderCommandSet
'BuildCost' specifies the price of the object
'BuilTime' Specifies the time that the object takes to build/train
'VisionRange' specifies the how far the unit can see
'ShroudClearingRange' Specifies the amount of shroud the object clears
'Prerequisites' specifes any objects or sciences that need to be purchased before the object can be built/trained
'IsTrainable' specifies whether the object can be premoted or not
'CrusherLevel' specfies what the object can crush, most tanks specify a value of 2, which means they can crush trees and infantry, heavier tanks, such as the overlord may specify 3, which me they can crush all smaller tanks, trees and infantry
'CrushableLevel' specfies where it is on the food chain, most of the time if its a tank, its a 2, if its an infantry its a 0, however there are exceptions, such as hero units, they cannot be crushed, and have a value of 2
and finally 'CommandSet', this specifies the command set that the object uses. (ingame) When you click on an object, a set of commands come up on the command bar, most tanks usally only have stop, guard and attack move, but other commands can be added, like switchable wepaons, or purchasing upgrades
thats is the end of the design section, now on to the sound paramters
; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = CrusaderTankVoiceSelect VoiceMove = CrusaderTankVoiceMove VoiceGuard = CrusaderTankVoiceMove VoiceAttack = CrusaderTankVoiceAttack SoundMoveStart = CrusaderTankMoveStart SoundMoveStartDamaged = CrusaderTankMoveStart UnitSpecificSounds ; These have the syntax of SomeNameSomewhereInCode = SomeNameSomewhereInLookupINIs VoiceCreate = CrusaderTankVoiceCreate VoiceEnter = CrusaderTankVoiceMove TurretMoveStart = NoSound TurretMoveLoop = TurretMoveLoop SoundEject = PilotSoundEject VoiceEject = PilotVoiceEject VoiceCrush = CrusaderTankVoiceCrush End
these are pretty self-explantry, so i won't go into any detail, but each one of these specifies a (specific set of) sound(s), that is triggered by a specific action, for example, voice select is the sound that you hear when you select the unit, these usaully have more than one voice so a random voice is selected, but (for example) soundeject, only has one sound and will play that specific sound when that event happens
The next section is the engineering section
; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_ATTACK ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS VEHICLE SCORE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 480 InitialHealth = 480 ; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health. ; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own. SubdualDamageCap = 960 SubdualDamageHealRate = 500 SubdualDamageHealAmount = 50 End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 Turret TurretTurnRate = 180;60 // turn rate, in degrees per sec ControlledWeaponSlots= PRIMARY End AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL CrusaderLocomotor Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 Mass = 50.0 End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_05 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanBattleDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_06 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanScoutDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_20 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanHellfireDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ModuleTag_07 MaxQueueEntries = 1; So you can't build multiple upgrades in the same frame End Behavior = ExperienceScalarUpgrade ModuleTag_08 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining AddXPScalar = 1.0;Increases experience gained by an additional 100% End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_09 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End ; Turret fly off death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_10 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 500 DestructionDelayVariance = 100 FX = INITIAL FX_GenericTankDeathEffect OCL = MIDPOINT OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion OCL = FINAL OCL_CrusaderTurret End ; Catch fire, and explode death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_11 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 2000 DestructionDelayVariance = 300 FX = INITIAL FX_CrusaderCatchFire OCL = FINAL OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion End Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModuleTag_12 ReallyDamagedParticleSystem1 = Bone:Smoke RandomBone:Yes PSys:SmallLightSmokeColumn ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BattleMasterDamageTransition End Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_13 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED End ; A crushing defeat Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_14 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED DeathFX = FX_CarCrush End Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_15 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED CreationList = OCL_CrusaderTank_CrushEffect End Behavior = CreateCrateDie ModuleTag_CratesChange CrateData = SalvageCrateData ;CrateData = EliteTankCrateData ;CrateData = HeroicTankCrateData End Behavior = EjectPilotDie ModuleTag_17 GroundCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotOnGround AirCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotViaParachute ExemptStatus = HIJACKED VeterancyLevels = ALL -REGULAR;only vet+ gives pilot End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_18 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21 AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long... AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage... AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often. End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 15.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 10.0 GeometryHeight = 10.0 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME ShadowSizeX = 45 ; minimum elevation angle above horizon. Used to limit shadow length
and this is the section that i know the least about and i usually just leave it alone

i will try and explain the parts i do know, although these are quite basic and probably easy enough to figure out by yourself anyway

MaxHealth = 480 InitialHealth = 480
'MaxHealth' Specifies the maximum helath the unit can obtain
'InitialHealth' Specfies the health the unit comes with when built, this is usaully kept the same as the max health
Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 Turret TurretTurnRate = 180;60 // turn rate, in degrees per sec ControlledWeaponSlots= PRIMARY End AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL CrusaderLocomotor Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 Mass = 50.0 End
'TurretTurnRate' specifies how the maximum angle the turret can turn in a second
'AutoAcquiteEnemiesWhenIdle' specifies whether the object aquries enemy positions when idle or not (can't explain this very well

'Locomotor' Specifes a locomotor located in the locomotor.ini, this tells the game how the object moves, for example how fast, or whether the object uses wheels or tank treads and how many of them
'Mass' is exactly what is says on the tin, how heavy it is, and how it reacts to explosions, etc.
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_05 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanBattleDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_06 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanScoutDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone End Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_20 UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanHellfireDrone TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ModuleTag_07 MaxQueueEntries = 1; So you can't build multiple upgrades in the same frame End
In this case, this part specifies the building of the drones for USA tanks, you should be able to see that the firs three moduleTags are the three drones that can be built
'UpgradeObject' Specifes an OCL
'TriggeredBy' why this OCL happens, in this case it is triggered by an upgrade
'ConflictsWith' this specfies what the upgrade can't be built with, in this case, only one drone should be able to be built, so the two confilicting upgrades are the other two upgrades (the one not specifed in that ModuleTag)
The final module tag specfies how many things you can purchase at once, in this case it is one, meaning only one can be baught, because there is no other option (you either understand or you don't, i can't think of a way of explaining better)
Behavior = ExperienceScalarUpgrade ModuleTag_08 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining AddXPScalar = 1.0;Increases experience gained by an additional 100% End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_09 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End
The first ModuleTag is 'triggered by' an upgrade (Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining), which if you have played the game, you should know increases the amount of expericned gained, so thee 'AddXPScalar' changes the amount gained, in this case '1.0' means a 100% increase in experience gained
the next modula tag is triggered by an upgrade (Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor) which increases the maximum health (AddMaxHealth adds the specifed number to the max health)
; Turret fly off death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_10 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 500 DestructionDelayVariance = 100 FX = INITIAL FX_GenericTankDeathEffect OCL = MIDPOINT OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion OCL = FINAL OCL_CrusaderTurret End ; Catch fire, and explode death Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_11 DeathTypes = ALL -CRUSHED -SPLATTED ProbabilityModifier = 50 DestructionDelay = 2000 DestructionDelayVariance = 300 FX = INITIAL FX_CrusaderCatchFire OCL = FINAL OCL_GenericTankDeathEffect FX = FINAL FX_GenericTankDeathExplosion End Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModuleTag_12 ReallyDamagedParticleSystem1 = Bone:Smoke RandomBone:Yes PSys:SmallLightSmokeColumn ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BattleMasterDamageTransition End Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_13 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED End ; A crushing defeat Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_14 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED DeathFX = FX_CarCrush End Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_15 DeathTypes = NONE +CRUSHED +SPLATTED CreationList = OCL_CrusaderTank_CrushEffect End Behavior = CreateCrateDie ModuleTag_CratesChange CrateData = SalvageCrateData ;CrateData = EliteTankCrateData ;CrateData = HeroicTankCrateData End Behavior = EjectPilotDie ModuleTag_17 GroundCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotOnGround AirCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotViaParachute ExemptStatus = HIJACKED VeterancyLevels = ALL -REGULAR;only vet+ gives pilot End Behavior = MaxHealthUpgrade ModuleTag_18 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCompositeArmor AddMaxHealth = 100.0 ChangeType = ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO ;Choices are PRESERVE_RATIO, ADD_CURRENT_HEALTH_TOO, and SAME_CURRENTHEALTH End Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21 AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long... AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage... AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often. End
these specify different types of deaths a tank can go through, i am not going into detail ,because i will only be assuming

and finally the final bit (what a coinsidence

Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 15.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 10.0 GeometryHeight = 10.0 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME ShadowSizeX = 45 ; minimum elevation angle above horizon. Used to limit shadow length
'Geometry' specifies the type of collision, in this case 'box' is specfied, imagine an invisible box is created around the object, this box can be used to calculate collisions, using boxs for collisions is much easier than using real shape collision as it takes much more time to calculate. NOTE: i'm not sure if you can actually specify anything else, i don't think i have seen anything else used
and i'm not entirely sure on how the next values work, but they basically specify how large the object is, so the box is neither too big, not too small
well that was my first tutorial, i hope you enjoyed it, and actually learnt something, i know it was amazing and i missed some parts out, but well, no-ones perfect. I also haven't checked spelling/grammar because i cn't be bothered, fell free to ask questions

thankyou for your time and goodbye

bob signing out