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Poll: why did you join this forum (205 member(s) have cast votes)

for what reason did you join

  1. Becouse of the mods hosted here (108 votes [52.68%])

    Percentage of vote: 52.68%

  2. Becouse the voices in my head told me to join (33 votes [16.10%])

    Percentage of vote: 16.10%

  3. Becouse i wanted to get my mod hosted here (9 votes [4.39%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.39%

  4. I'm a forum addict (14 votes [6.83%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.83%

  5. Other (post why) (41 votes [20.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.00%

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#1 The_Hunter


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Posted 28 June 2006 - 09:47

an other topic that got lost in the update.

for what reason did you join this forum ?

i originaly joined this forum becouse i wanted to get my mod hosted here and finaly ended up becoming a Admin of the place :D
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#2 spiderspag


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Posted 28 June 2006 - 10:07

I originally played the Reborn mod for ZH, but switched to Shockwave after I tried it out from Planet C&C, loved it, and started out making crazy suggestions I had always thought would be cool to add, and after all of those were shot down (lol) (but no, seriously;) I had a go at shooting for the position of ShW mapper, and made it!


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This sick sig was made by da man, Cattman2236. Yeeh boii!
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Check da myspace @ Spiderspag's Myspace
You killed my entire family... and I don't like that sort of thing...
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#3 Soul

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 16:21

I just joined cuz I felt like it.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#4 Rumpullpus

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 18:39

well the story begins with one rainny day.
and on that day i was getting bored with the original ZH and i thought "hmm wonder if they got any good mods for ZH" so i went to :D and put in mods for C&C zero hour.
looking from site to site i came across an article about a well done mod called shockwave.
looking at the screen shots i thought to my self "hmmm this looks quite fun indeed" so i went back to google and looked up shockwave and found there website. but on there website i couldnt find instructions on how to install it so i thought i should look it up in the fourms ( the fourms sometimes have magical solutions) and i found a nice step by step instruction on how to install.
while it was downloading i thought "well i might as well look around the fourms" and so i did. there was alot less people back then on the fourms (i remember POTPs old avatar being that robotic pinguin and thinking that was werid looking) and for the longest time thats all i did until i got to playing the mod more and it was then i thought that i should give a suggestion or two to the team and so i regestered and here i am today.
another great sig from cattman
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92% of people play as USA or China. If you are part of the 8% that plays as the GLA then put this in your signature.
you cant kill what you cant see :p

#5 ultra1437

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 02:42

^ basically (to the word) what he said. (except PoTP's avvy it was different a month before)
R.I.P. Luyo, I will never forget you.

#6 Comr4de


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 09:53

I also played C&C Reborn first, then got bored of it after 2 matches and moved on, looked for different mods and found ROTR. I ended up getting recruited by them, after some partnership with ShW i then got Beta Tester access then evenutally got recruited here. :D

Edited by C0|V|R4DE, 29 June 2006 - 09:54.

SWR Co-Lead | Texture Artist | Modeler | Level Designer | Fan of all things Awesome
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#7 The Blizzard


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Posted 29 June 2006 - 19:17

"Becouse the voices in my head told me to join"

Well, that's almost the same as: "I got brainwashed by The_Hunter and when I woke up I was registered" :stickattack3:

#8 Sic


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 18:24

Because of shockwave , the nice people and the great forums.
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#9 Nuke General

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 15:07

I, like many other people after 2 years got sick of playing vanilla Zero our, so I wnt around looking for a cool mod,\. I went to cncden and got the new tech mod but got sick of it after 2 days and went and found shockwave and I Love it.
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Awesome sig made by Lord Atlantis

#10 Cattman2236

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 18:32

I joined becuse of the various mods hosted, when i used to mod this place was (and still is) a goldmine of information on how to mod and such. Plus the staff here kick arse, i mean how many admins and moderators join you for an on-line fight in `nam lol. Even though i hardley have internet acces now, i still love coming here.
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#11 Waris

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 18:36


(It reads: I've been playing ShW since .8, but one day I decided to see what goes behind this great mod and....)

#12 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 03 July 2006 - 09:30

Well i first came here because my shw installer wasn't working. And it all led from there :P
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#13 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 05 July 2006 - 00:39

I wanted to have my voice heard. I was a lurker for a couple of months, and I decided to become part of the action. I also wanted to know why ShW wouldn't work with Zero Hour (turns out I had to d/l the 1.04 patch :loels: ). I've been here ever since.


Major Nuker
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#14 retry_1

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Posted 05 July 2006 - 04:23

i joined to report a bug i had beause my dad was threatning to reformat the comp because of it but i tayed because the cool people here, well there werent many people cool or otherwise when i joined but then the fourm grew new members joined and some of those new members were promoted(while i sat back and watched from a corner), others banned the fourm slowly deteriated to what it was noit to long ago but then the fourm was updated and it got slightly better
Sig and avy by yours truly
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#15 Ironside

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Posted 05 July 2006 - 05:35

I'm very picky about the mods I use, most of the mods I've used, which is alot, have had a life of less than a day. I first tried an early version Shockwave(.8 I think it was) and didn't care for it. Then I tried .9, played a game as laser gen, lost building and the game crashed. Tried it again, lost a Comanche, game crashed and I was playing Pro:Gen again in under five minutes. When played .91 I got a chance to give SW a good test run, I liked it and have kept it ever since. One day I stumbled across the SW site, nosed around a little, found out about the plans for the new gens and the POW system, I had a question of my own so I joined up.
http://www.liddyshow.com/ More than you ever need to know about my beliefs and views.

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Signature made by Crusada.

View PostRumpullpus, on 22 May 2006, 20:55, said:

ironside is my hero!
i say we just wipe the asshole of the world with nukes and make it nice and clean.

A legacy is not created by the deeds you have done in your life, but by how long it takes mankind to recover from them.
If you can see me I sure as hell see you, if you can't see me you are in extreme danger and may be about to die.
92% of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.

#16 Futschki


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Posted 05 July 2006 - 08:53

View PostRumpullpus, on 28 Jun 2006, 16:39, said:

well the story begins with one rainny day.
and on that day i was getting bored with the original ZH and i thought "hmm wonder if they got any good mods for ZH" so i went to :D and put in mods for C&C zero hour.
looking from site to site i came across an article about a well done mod called shockwave.
looking at the screen shots i thought to my self "hmmm this looks quite fun indeed" so i went back to google and looked up shockwave and found there website. but on there website i couldnt find instructions on how to install it so i thought i should look it up in the fourms ( the fourms sometimes have magical solutions) and i found a nice step by step instruction on how to install.
while it was downloading i thought "well i might as well look around the fourms" and so i did. there was alot less people back then on the fourms and for the longest time thats all i did until i got to playing the mod more and it was then i thought that i should give a suggestion or two to the team and so i regestered and here i am today.

Same story Same Story
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#17 Whitey

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Posted 06 July 2006 - 00:50

=-O the voices...

#18 Alias

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Posted 06 July 2006 - 02:42

Because I'm a Schitzo (not really, but anyhoo)

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#19 striker26


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Posted 09 July 2006 - 07:47

because i saw a lot of people talking about different mods and a lot of people said they liked shockwave
so i googled it and found this place
ahhhh.....the memories..
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Thanks Bob For The Awesome Signature above and Avatar
Remix 3
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#20 Mathias

    we dont need i to c

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 04:07

I was curious about Shockwave. :cool:
Lifes a shit.. deal w/ it..its impossible to have a good day wow fuck this gay earth much??
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Ask me questions about audio technical matters or DAWs!

#21 Sic


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Posted 21 July 2006 - 09:16

Almost all users started at shockwave.
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#22 Jordan

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 16:16

Well, I was interested in all the mods, and this community is much more active than the other 2 I visited before.
C&C Crazy Mod Version 0.55
^^^^The True Crazy Mod Starts Here^^^^
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#23 Hobbesy

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Posted 21 July 2006 - 19:45

I was bored of Orignal ZH so I went to google and lokked up C&C Zero Hour mods. I saw Shockwave and it sounded like a col mod. One week after downloading it you came out with 0.92 so I joined the forums to see if I could suggest things and now I come here everyday.

#24 Oathbreaker


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Posted 29 July 2006 - 19:55

mine is just the same as many of you i was bored of normal ZH used google saw shockwave i think it was like 0.9 and some time after that i wanted to report some bugs, the biggest part of my posts are in shockwave cause i didn't realise until some time ago that there was much to talk in the estudios forum, i only was in the shockwave forum all the time. it's even my homepage.. only it's becomming quite out there.
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The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it.

#25 MentalAss

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Posted 30 July 2006 - 16:39

Guilty as charged. I was also Googleing for mods and came across Red Alert Regeneration which led me here since its inactive at the moment (waiting on the mighty Hunter :dope:). So far Shockwave has been the only mod for me since V0.91.

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