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Partys without Alcohol

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#1 E.V.E.

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 23:34

Well, today a Colleague of mine planned a Party.
Everything was okay untill he said that he doesn't want to drink any Alcohol ... and that it would be nice if the other's wouldn't bring any Alcoholic Drinks with them aswell.
Since that moment everybody apparently had forgotten about some very important Meeting they had this Friday ... :D

So yeah, his Party ain't taking place tonight and he is quite sad about it.
So he asked me if it isn't possible to have also fun on parties without alcohol. I said something around these Lines:

"Uhm ... well, maybe it is but I had those Parties often enough when I was a little Girl - why shouldn't I drink alcohol now?"

He also doesn't beleive me that Alcohol can make you more happy (At least in some cases).
I told him that if used in correct masses in correct Situations Alcohol can increase Libido, but he wasn't capable of believing that.

" Getting more fun for Sex when you're Drunk?! Hows that even Possible?! "
" It is, just believe me ... "

Discuss. :D

- E.V.E.

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#2 Dauth

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 23:43

It all depends on the alcohol consumption, and the style of party wanted.

With a small amount of booze and a small group of friends, dancing (even very badly) happens regularly, there are less inhibitions after 2 drinks without the problems of being completely hammered. I enjoy the thought of waking up in a puddle of my own vomit in a skip.

How many people were expected, what venue? What was the desired effect of the party?

#3 G-sus

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 23:47

...weed? :D
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#4 E.V.E.

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 23:48

Well, we would have been around 10 People.
And he just wanted to celebrate the Weekend, nothing special.

Reasons why he doesn't want Alcohol there was because:

A: People already vomitted in his House in the past.
B: Couples broke up because one made out with someone else.

Actually when I think about it, when he thinks that Alcohol doesn't increase your lust for Sex, then Point B is irrelevant or not?

Well whatever, thats about it - just a normal party.
We have around 2 - 3 hardcore drinkers, the rest is just average ( A few Beer and it's enough ).

- E.V.E.

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#5 Warbz

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Posted 18 April 2008 - 23:49

Alcohol just helps get the convo going. lol

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#6 Dauth

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:01

I do use it to get conversations going, well arguments, since they are more fun (and with students finding a lefty is like finding an atom of Nitrogen in the air, there's just so many).

If you're not drinking then few people will turn up, I'm ill atm and I really really want a pint, just because it's nicer to have some of the stress removed.

A) If people vomit, then make them clean it up and pay the costs for cleaning etc, either that or throw them out when they get too drunk, (they will only make the mistake once)

B) If you forget who you're with, or make out with someone else, tbh it's your own damn fault, when I was with my gf, I was drunk around a lot of equally drunk ladies, but I still had my head screwed on enough to recall who I was with.

If you are celebrating the weekend, then it means no early start tomorrow, that sounds like a reason to drink to me.

#7 Nid

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:13

You can have fun without alcohol I guess, but you need to occupy people.
Things like Wii's are good for parties like that.
From personal experience, Wii+ Alcohol doesn't mix, resulting in breakages, injuries, and the spilling of alcohol over the equipment.
But it's good when you're sober, or have little alcohol.

Edited by Duo Maxwell, 19 April 2008 - 00:13.

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#8 G-sus

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:15

GRILL IT WITH FIRE!! and drink after that...
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#9 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:26

Sure its possible to have a good time without alchohol. But i've never been to a party were alcohol wouldn't have made it better yet. Generally most parties I go to involve alchohol. You can only make a fool out of yourself so much when sober ^

I failed at spelling Alcohol - I blame alcohol :P

Edited by Ion Cannon!, 19 April 2008 - 00:27.

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#10 logical2u


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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:42

Alcohol = unnecessary libations.

If you need alcohol to have fun/have a good party then you aren't making the right sort of friends. :-/ Or you're looking for the wrong type of party.

Alcohol can loosen people up but it's also accessory to some bad **** and leads to suffering to some. For example, my grandmother who died due to alcohol related diseases when I was still quite young.
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#11 E.V.E.

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:45

Yes, I agree with that.

I once had friends who did nothing else than only drink some stuff when they met, but those times are over now ...

- E.V.E.

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#12 Chyros

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:46

Well I haven't had an alcohol-less party in about five years so I wouldn't know anymore but I can't imagine a party without alcohol being worthless. Personally I'm always looking for an excuse to play card and board games with people and parties are an ideal opportunity for that - no need for alcohol to get things going. Might be more fun with it, but not worthless without, I say ;).

View PostE.V.E., on 19 Apr 2008, 1:34, said:

He also doesn't beleive me that Alcohol can make you more happy (At least in some cases).
I told him that if used in correct masses in correct Situations Alcohol can increase Libido, but he wasn't capable of believing that.
You are right about that - low doses of alcohol almost universally cause euphoria to a certain extent: jokes become slightly funnier, talking comes more natural, worries are put aside for a moment. This is true for doses like a couple of beers - nothing you get drunk from and nothing your liver can't handle. Getting really sloshed generally causes more extreme emotional shifting - some people become overly happy while others become more reclusive - in that state, alcohol isn't particularly positive on your emotional system. Strictly speaking alcohol doesn't increase the libido but can make it more likely that people will engage in sexual activities, due to them either feeling more happy or due to them being incapable of thinking things through.

Damn, this topic made me thirsty :P.

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#13 Kris

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:47

Alcohol = BAD. I'm the only one in my family that doesn't drink until i get forced to drinking :P. I'd prefer wine over beer any day ;) .

#14 E.V.E.

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:49


Damn, this topic made me thirsty :P

Join me with a couple of Glasses then, because that's exactly what I am doing at the moment: Having a nice drink. ;)

- E.V.E.

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#15 G-sus

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:49

alcohol is only for people who can handle it.
and i dont mean drink more than others by that...
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#16 Dauth

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 00:51

Can I make one request, call this thread parties not partys.

View Postlogical2u, on 19 Apr 2008, 1:42, said:

Alcohol = unnecessary libations.

Define unnecessary, I find a looser tongue means that people speak more, seriously a party where no-one talks would suck.


If you need alcohol to have fun/have a good party then you aren't making the right sort of friends. :-/ Or you're looking for the wrong type of party.

Well nudity also works...
The party livens up with booze, a dry party ends at 10:00, games like Wii could work, however there is something funny about intoxicated people playing garden jenga.


Alcohol can loosen people up but it's also accessory to some bad **** and leads to suffering to some. For example, my grandmother who died due to alcohol related diseases when I was still quite young.

Everyone now knows the risks. While I feel sorry for your loss, everyone of our age should understand that they will binge themselves to the grave, sympathy is hard to provide for budding Darwin Award Winners.

Card games require booze, it's almost a cardinal rule.

#17 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:03

Agree with dauth.

Playing intoxicated charades is also very good. Especially if you harm yourself alot unintentionally during the process.

So while alcohol is by no means neccesarry to have a good time. Parties last longer and are better with it.
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#18 Overdose

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:06

I'm going out for a drink now. Caipirinha ftw.
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#19 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:12

Why do you have to drink to have fun? It is possible to have copious amounts of fun without the consumption of a substance that erases the memories (pleasant or otherwise) of the night before. I'd much rather have fun with a couple of friends than puking my guts out and telling my life story to the porcelain throne. "Oh but if you have just a few drinks, you'll be fine", yeah, but that still means you've got alcohol in your system, does it not? I've been to parties with no drinking and have had a lot of fun. I've been to one drinking party (I didn't consume any alcohol) and was bored stiff. "The reason you didn't have any fun was because you weren't drinking". Yeah, I know I didn't drink any, but to be quite honest, the people there that were drinking didn't look like they were having any fun either. Depending on how much you've had to drink, the sun will bring with it two of your worst acquaintances, "the morning after" and "hangover". Have fun with those two, I'll be waking up headache free and completely clear/ non-groggy.
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#20 Chyros

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:13

View PostChris, on 19 Apr 2008, 2:47, said:

Alcohol = BAD. I'm the only one in my family that doesn't drink until i get forced to drinking :P. I'd prefer wine over beer any day :read: .
Well, east-Asian people are generally much likely to have a genetic mutation which results in a deficit of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, i.e. east-Asian people often get drunk much more quickly (no offence ;)). That may explain why you're not a big fan of alcohol.
As for why you like wine better than beer: that will require a much better explanation :P .

View PostE.V.E., on 19 Apr 2008, 2:49, said:


Damn, this topic made me thirsty :P
Join me with a couple of Glasses then, because that's exactly what I am doing at the moment: Having a nice drink. :read:
Well, guess what I'm doing at the moment :) . Cheerio!

View PostDauth, on 19 Apr 2008, 2:51, said:

Card games require booze, it's almost a cardinal rule.
True, except for poker.



Why do you have to drink to have fun? It is possible to have copious amounts of fun without the consumption of a substance that erases the memories (pleasant or otherwise) of the night before. I'd much rather have fun with a couple of friends than puking my guts out and telling my life story to the porcelain throne.
I can see what you mean, but there's parties and there's parties. In other words; there's drinking and there's binging ;) .

Edited by Chyros, 19 April 2008 - 01:15.


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#21 Dauth

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:15

View PostChyros, on 19 Apr 2008, 2:13, said:

View PostDauth, on 19 Apr 2008, 2:51, said:

Card games require booze, it's almost a cardinal rule.
True, except for poker.

Poker was a big game for me a few years back, now I get bored, if you offer me a game of poker I will medically need a pint within 15 minutes.

#22 CommanderJB

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 01:26

There's a big debate about alcohol usage, especially among the young, here in Australia at the moment. Our Federal Government is looking at ways to curb the current explosion in under-age alcohol consumption and specifically binge drinking, which regularly kills large numbers of people every year. Australia's Anglo-Saxon/Anglo-Irish drinking culture of drinking for the sole purpose of drinking, usually specifically to get drunk, is under the microscope and widely disapproved of by those in power - and me. I don't like alcohol myself, but the general attitude of 'lets go out, inhibit our brain functions, endanger our lives and lose respect, dignity, sensibility and all our public standing' is just utterly reprehensible from my point of view.

I've never been to a 'party' since I was twelve or so - we generally invite a few friends round (about 10-15 or so) and go to a place like a laser skirmish venue or a network gaming centre for a few hours of good solid fun rather than stay at home, chatting and milling around socialising. A lot of other kids at my school drink regularly and go to such house parties, which often have their alcohol supplied by parents, however, so I'm aware of the sort of thing you're talking about.

Basically I would say that it's more than possible to have a great time without alcohol, and really you don't need it. It may loosen the tongue, which may be desirable in certain situations, and I have nothing against people having a cold beer to relax or a glass of wine with a meal, but using alcohol in lare amounts while socialising isn't what I'd call a good idea from my point of view.


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#23 E.V.E.

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 02:00

Well yeah, I think i agree with most of you People on this.

Let's change the subject a bit then : Would you's use alcohol in when you'd would visit someone you have known for a long time and would like to get together with him/her ?

(By using alcohol I don't mean " Now Drink untill you're that drunk that you don't know what you're doing! " )

This interessts me now. :P

- E.V.E.

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#24 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 02:07

Even though I can drink, I don't feel the need to. Now if they have something that I've not yet tried (yes, believe it or not there are a lot of alcoholic drinks I have not yet explored), I might ask for a small glass of it and draw the line there. I don't hang out with someone expecting they'll share their booze with me, nor do I bring my own stash (since I don't have one :P ).
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#25 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 19 April 2008 - 02:14

View PostE.V.E., on 19 Apr 2008, 2:00, said:

Well yeah, I think i agree with most of you People on this.

Let's change the subject a bit then : Would you's use alcohol in when you'd would visit someone you have known for a long time and would like to get together with him/her ?

(By using alcohol I don't mean " Now Drink untill you're that drunk that you don't know what you're doing! " )

This interessts me now. :P

- E.V.E.

Interesting point to make.

I would agree that alcohol does increase the chance two people will engage in sexual activity in some form or another. But these are just one offs, they rarely if ever lead to a stable relationship.

It also really depends if this visit is just the two of you, or a group of you. If it was a group of us, most likely we would all drink a bit anyways. But if it were just the two of us I wouldn't "use" alcohol so to speak. If she offered it, I would take it. But if you know someone well and want to make it a stable relationship. Alcohol will not help. By using alcohol to achieve that end surely you are in fact hurting someone you care about. I would never do that anyway.
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