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You know you're [Insert Culture/Nation...

Cuppa's Photo Cuppa 03 Feb 2009

You know your conspiracy theorist when you can't sleep a night due to the thought of aliens being on our planet.

General Kirkov's Photo General Kirkov 04 Feb 2009

View PostFoxhound, on 3 Feb 2009, 18:41, said:

View PostGeneral Kirkov, on 3 Feb 2009, 18:36, said:

15. You Know you're Canadian when you laugh off other people's snow stories and compare them to ours... Seriously we have the fucking monopoly on crappy snow fall problems and stories.

Only because we don't have any Russian members. :D

Actually with the exception of the Siberia region in Russia, the populated centers in Canada are on average colder and get more snow then their Russian counterparts.

Montreal Tonight and short term forecast

Moscow today/night and short term forecast



3. You know you're a Geek when you meet another Geek and talk about and define people and places in D&D speak

-Hard to find a decent you know you're point these days
Edited by General Kirkov, 04 February 2009 - 00:33.

Admiral FCS's Photo Admiral FCS 04 Feb 2009

You know you're in Vancouver when all the Canada laughs at Vancouver, for only 15 centimetres of snow reduces transit system's efficiency to negative 200%.

You know you're in my home when our side's power is out for 27 hours, and the other side's lights keep working.

General Kirkov's Photo General Kirkov 04 Feb 2009

Bloody Vancouverites...

AZZKIKR's Photo AZZKIKR 04 Feb 2009

You know you're singaporean when u can associate yourself with this video.

you're also singaporean if u noe this song by heart:

Edited by AZZKIKR, 04 February 2009 - 14:39.

General Kirkov's Photo General Kirkov 04 Feb 2009

Wow... @ previous post

16. You know you're Canadian when you like or dislike the Monarchy but won't get into an argument with people with the opposing view on the issue because it would be rude or impolite

17. You know you're Canadian when you apologize for bumping or getting bumped into by other people

18. You know you're Canadian when you wish parliament, debates and elections could be more interesting and passionate about it but decide that's getting all passionate on the issue with someone else may start a fight and that should be avoided because it could be construed as impolite.

19. You know you're a Canadian student when you bitch about University tuition fees although they are bloody cheap and you should be thankful that you won't be in debt for 50 years to pay them off. So you simply apologize to the person who brought up the very valid point and thank him/her for the insight that you will no doubt share with your fellow academics.
Edited by General Kirkov, 04 February 2009 - 17:11.

D.K.'s Photo D.K. 04 Feb 2009

20. You know you're Croatian when you jump around if national team is mowing everyone in tournament, but as soon as they lose a single match, you want to cut their b...

21. You know you're Croatian when you work in another country and think of homeland it as most beautiful land in world, yet you gone to another country because here, well, everything is fucked up... women too (sadly).

22. You know you're Croatian when time isn't divided into before and after Christ, but after and before the war.

23. You know you're Croatian when you come into some European society, make sarcastic jokes about people "in the 'hood" (surrounding countries), which apparently, European d...heads simply don't get it, because they don't have neighbours that want their throats in several pieces.

24. You know you're Croatian when you consider everything that comes from Germany is sacred. Except from Helga.

BTW, here is complete truth about Croatia: http://uncyclopedia....om/wiki/Croatia

General Kirkov's Photo General Kirkov 08 Feb 2009

25. You know you're a "Red Shirt" (Star Trek TOS) when the Captain the Dr and Mr. Spock keep asking you to accompany them on away missions

26. You know you're a "Red Shirt" when no-one can remember your name

27. You know you're a "Red Shirt" when you're asked to go investigate some cave on a new planet all by yourself

Rai's Photo Rai 08 Feb 2009

You know you're too serious about computers...
1. When you add your third modem and dedicated phone line.
2. If you use more than 20 passwords.
3. When you start using phrases like: hungry.must-eat.food.now@home.
4. When you order most of what you buy...online.
5. When that 112Gb hard drive is full.
6. And if you have a heart attack when you forgot to pay your phone bill and receive a "pending disconnection of service" notice. :omfg:

Alias's Photo Alias 08 Feb 2009

You know you live in Australia when one day it is 46 degrees and the next it's 22.

Ghostrider's Photo Ghostrider 08 Feb 2009

You know you're American when you lack any sort of cool accent in english. :omfg:

Whitey's Photo Whitey 08 Feb 2009

You know you're English when you lack any sort of cool accent in American. :omfg:


Edited by Rorschach, 08 February 2009 - 09:08.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 08 Feb 2009

You know you're Chinese when your dinner guests keep insisting on paying the bill, even though everyone knows you'll wind up paying it in the end. And giving out red packets too.

Rai's Photo Rai 08 Feb 2009

You know your aging when...
- You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.
- You are proud of your lawnmower.
- Your best friend is dating someone half their age.................and isn't breaking any laws.
- Your arms are almost too short reading the newspaper.
- You sing along with elevator music.
- You consider coffee one of the most important things in life.
- You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
- Your neighbors borrow your tools.
- People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?"
- You answer a question with "Because I said so!"
- The end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants.
- You wear black socks with sandals.
- You know what the word "equity" means.
- You can't remember the last time you laid

- You get into a heated argument about pension plans.
- You got cable so you can watch

- You can go bowling without drinking.
- You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.

AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 08 Feb 2009

Except for number 3, 15, and 17, I fit all those criteria.

*Hangs head in shame*

Is it too late to have a mid-life crisis?


You know you have ADHD when you take 10 minutes to finish this sentence.
Edited by AllStarZ, 08 February 2009 - 09:52.

Rai's Photo Rai 08 Feb 2009

That's ok AllStarz you still have your so called *youth* left. And oh look 9 posts left before 7000 posts.
On topic:
You know you're annoying when...
1. You repeat the following conversation a dozen times:
"Do you hear that?"
"Never mind, it's gone now."
2. When you sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars, to see if they slow down.
3. You practice making faxmodem noises.
4. You sing the batman theme incessantly.
5. You staple papers in the middle of the page.
6. You ask 800 operators for dates.
7. You set alarms for random times.
8. You honk and wave to strangers.
9. You name your dog "Dog".
10. You dress only in clothes colored Hunter's Orange. :omfg: :/

Warbz's Photo Warbz 08 Feb 2009

View PostScope, on 2 Feb 2009, 23:10, said:

You know you're from the internet when you're use XD on MSN


Suvorov's Photo Suvorov 08 Feb 2009

You know you're American when you complain about everything you buy being made in china, then go to wal-mart afterwords.

You know you live in Indiana when you can drive for over an hour in any direction and not see anything besides corn.

You know you live in Indiana when, to describe where you live, you simply say corn and any other Americans automatically think Indiana.

You know you live in Indiana when you're state government's commercial promoting said state only says that there's more than corn in Indiana. (I'm not kidding)
Edited by Suvorov, 08 February 2009 - 16:59.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 08 Feb 2009

I've seen commercials here about a waterpark, and the tagline is just that, that there's more than corn in Indiana. =P


AllStarZ's Photo AllStarZ 08 Feb 2009

You know you were in Wisconsin when you come home with three permanently infected mosquito bites.

Sicarius's Photo Sicarius 08 Feb 2009

You know you're in Saskatchewan when you fall asleep at the wheel, drive off the road, and never stop till you run out of gas.

NergiZed's Photo NergiZed 08 Feb 2009

You know your in China whe it's easier to buy pirate-ware than the real thing.

You know your in China when you get 404'd everytime you search Tibet or Taiwan.

You know your in China when you search tiananmen in google and no get the tank guy.

Mr. Mylo's Photo Mr. Mylo 08 Feb 2009

You know you are german when you feel sad after a day without meat.
You know you are german when you have rules for absolutely everything.
You know you are in germany when you see in TV more sex than violence
Edited by Mr. Mylo, 08 February 2009 - 20:06.

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 08 Feb 2009

View PostNergiZed, on 8 Feb 2009, 14:53, said:

You know your in China not in the Western world when it's easier to buy pirate-ware than the real thing.

Same in Lebanon for the most part.

Rayburn's Photo Rayburn 08 Feb 2009

You know you're German when you're waiting for the traffic light to turn green before you cross the street even if you can neither see nor hear anything that even resembles a moving car within five kilometres.

You know you're German when people take the piss out of you with ancient Nazi jokes that already ceased to be funny years before the war broke out.

You know you're German when native English-speakers keep teasing you about your alleged inability to pronounce the th properly.
Edited by Rayburn, 08 February 2009 - 20:15.