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Understanding the Purpose of Religions

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#1 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 16:39

Even though I am currently an agnostic, I still believe there is God somewhere, ' but ' there is a theory in my mind which pops up from time to time, but I never think on it seriously:

'' There is God and He send down all the religions known to man ( their original states ) by inspring and giving power to certain people on certain places of the world, if God let the humanity as they are, they will probably just consantrate on their basic instincts and will never have civilization like we have today, so God created religions all over the earth to let humans gain ' spirituality ', which will seperate them from other animals, no more will they only fight for their territories and woman but they will question the origins of their life and understanding the universe.
Just look carefully to religions all over the world which suddenly pops up by a single person and have similiar concepts. These religions obviously not found to gain material benefit, look at Buddha for example, he refuses to become a king and instead a man following spiritual path on an empty stomatch ( sorry if the example was rude ), same goes for Abrahamic religions' prophets, from what we know their life is not simple nor they live as kings but they continuously serve their people and be a medium between the God!
We absoultely have freedom, and God concept does not contradicts that, if He just shown himself allthe time at the sky or somewhere else, this life will have no purpose, people will just worship Him and do nothing else as He is right in front of their eyes ordering to follow His path! But when He is not visible, that makes people to question their beliefs, thinking about it and eventuall grow cultures, wars are essential to keep population under control and convince them to improve their current thecnology to defeat other one, eventually everyone takes its pay from this profit.
so I say God's ultimate plan is to make all of us more and more ' conscious ' beings, which not acts like animals but to act like Himself, like God, but this is a long process and painful, like the birth of a child, yet something beautiful cames up in the end. ''

I am curious if others think like this aswell. I opened this thread not to let peoples preach each other about their religion or trying to disprove others but for ' uncertain ' ideas and discussions, for your ' suspicions ' in your religion and your ideas about purpose of religions.

Edited by General, 17 May 2009 - 16:39.

#2 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 16:59

we wouldve created societies without "gods intervention" to make religions. we would jst worship random animals if anything, and some would worship nothing. religion didnt make civilizatoins, we did
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#3 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:06

I simply doubt that any god would be interested in us or that we would ever be capable of being like God (if she existed, that is) so the whole thing of God having created religion for us to follow her ways seems rather unlikely.
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#4 SquigPie

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:06

But we made civilisations through religion, it was allways some guy who united everyone under his dieties banner.


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#5 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:09

Most likely in the beginning it was some guy who united everyone under his big damn stone club.
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#6 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:10

then the seperate dieties went to war. if god really wanted to help he'd make a clear corrct religions. making seperate ones is BOUND to cause violence and if he diid do it seperatly on purpose that would just be cruel.
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#7 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:14

View PostWNxMastrefubu, on 17 May 2009, 17:59, said:

we wouldve created societies without "gods intervention" to make religions. we would jst worship random animals if anything, and some would worship nothing. religion didnt make civilizatoins, we did

I'll give another example, take a human baby for an example, if you just let it the way he is at the time he is born, he will die, or some random animals will decide to look after him, then he will become a Tarzan, but nomore a human, lives like animal and acts like an animal, but if he is raised by his ' intelligent ' mother, he will be like humans and act like it, imagine God as some kind of mother or teacher in that case, tries to give ' consciousness ' to humanity. Same thing can be given to animal raisers, some people teach to elephants to ' paint ', obviously elephants can't paint without that raiser' help.

#8 Futschki


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:22

Or you can understand God as something not separate from yourself and thus it'll be that way:

I (which means We, You, God or whomever) created this relative world for manifestation and for realising Who We Really Are through multiples lives be it on Earth or elsewhere coz its quite impossible to know what or who you are without being in a relative world ...
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#9 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:31

I mean with being like God, when we finally have one common worldwide religion, we will look further to improve ourselves, with our thecnology, we will be able to do things which looks impossible to us now, maybe we will be able to control the very fate of our solar system and others, we will create life forms on other planets and guide them to the path we learn or help an already existent life forms we encounter around the universe if there any. But there must be ' rule ', freedom yes, but rules which everyone comfortable with, I just can't come up with an idea what it can be, but I am pretty sure we will have oneday, otherwise we will destroy ourselves, there just can't be a society without any little rule, it will lead to chaos and disorder, but when man put and write these laws, people tend to not listen it and think they can bring better laws and anarchy rises, but when you see someone with miraculous powers which you just can't possibly reach to the level, you will obey to his rules and will not attempt to change it, thats the difference between god and human rules, whatever we are happy with it or not, history proves it to be true.

#10 Futschki


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:36

Well General, you're talking about getting to higher levels of consciousness which means realising what we are for real, which is IMO finding God within ourselves and not something or someone separate or any different from us
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#11 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:40

View PostAbourror, on 17 May 2009, 18:36, said:

Well General, you're talking about getting to higher levels of consciousness which means realising what we are for real, which is IMO finding God within ourselves and not something or someone separate or any different from us

Yes, something like this, but not completely, as it seems we are one of the two possible right paths, we tend to move thecnologically from now on, but still need a common logic which comes with ' consciousness '
second right path can be achieved by higher ' spirituality ' which I believe there is, it is similiar to high thecnology, but doing things which is looks impossible by not our tools but wiht our ' thought's.
second option for sure will not be accepted by most people.

#12 Futschki


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:46

if you talk this way, you'll be attaching yourself to Earth so much ... who told you that for example next life would be on Earth maybe you took the experience you came here to take and now you're ready to move to other world with other physical laws and other newer things that your creativity isn't enough to take you there by even imagination
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#13 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:49

Well, let's assume God's big ineffable plan is to make us like her in a similar way as a human mother would raise her child to be human... then why did she create us as humans instead of, y'know, little doodzy-woodzy mini gods?
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#14 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:51

View PostAbourror, on 17 May 2009, 19:46, said:

if you talk this way, you'll be attaching yourself to Earth so much ... who told you that for example next life would be on Earth maybe you took the experience you came here to take and now you're ready to move to other world with other physical laws and other newer things that your creativity isn't enough to take you there by even imagination

Thats why we need a common belief, not everyone think the way I do or yours', what seems logical to me can be seen unlogical and meaningless to others, we need a common goal, to let everyone prosper at same degree and move on to create better and better things to live.
This can be achieved spiritually , but it is not possible anymore , since we are dependendt on our thecnology to live on, unless someone ' reset 's it.

View PostGolan, on 17 May 2009, 19:49, said:

Well, let's assume God's big ineffable plan is to make us like her in a similar way as a human mother would raise her child to be human... then why did she create us as humans instead of, y'know, little doodzy-woodzy mini gods?

actually christians and jews already believe we are in His Image :P But I know what you mean, you are not talking about image, but as if we have his powers from the beginning, I think we need ' education ' before we use that kind of ' equipment '. Scientists which work on Cern is human , and so I am human aswell, but if you let me meddle with these equipments, I'll probably blow up the place.
Also, there will be no ' joy of life an experience ' if you just reach to the level from the start, its like playing the final boss fight of a game.

Edited by General, 17 May 2009 - 17:56.

#15 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:54

If we all are to believe in the same common goal to fulfill God's ineffable plan, then why did she create so many different religions to begin with?
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#16 Futschki


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Posted 17 May 2009 - 17:56

Golan said:

Well, let's assume God's big ineffable plan is to make us like her in a similar way as a human mother would raise her child to be human... then why did she create us as humans instead of, y'know, little doodzy-woodzy mini gods?

My opinion is this: there is no God as in someone who made us to be like him, what I'm trying to say is that We're God, but suppose you're in an absolute world and u are God what can you do ??
So I created this relative world so I can realise that I am really God ... and who said we dont have those God-ly powers ? maybe we didnt get to the level of consciousness that let us manifest those powers ?
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#17 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 18:01

View PostGolan, on 17 May 2009, 18:54, said:

If we all are to believe in the same common goal to fulfill God's ineffable plan, then why did she create so many different religions to begin with?

I can't possibly know that, maybe this leads to ' more freedom ' ? ' more options ' ? , also I don't say %100 of all these beliefs are from God, sure some corrupted by men, or all, who knows.

#18 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 18:01

God is by definition pretty much the perfect being (unless you settle for the Sufficiently Advanced Alien but let's be honest, that would just shift the problem by some levels) so she would already know that she's god, what she can do, what it'd mean to be "one of us" and all the other stuff. No need for doing a meatbag cosplay.

View PostGeneral, on 17 May 2009, 19:01, said:

View PostGolan, on 17 May 2009, 18:54, said:

If we all are to believe in the same common goal to fulfill God's ineffable plan, then why did she create so many different religions to begin with?

I can't possibly know that, maybe this leads to ' more freedom ' ? ' more options ' ? , also I don't say %100 of all these beliefs are from God, sure some corrupted by men, or all, who knows.
But it's God we're talking about here. She should have known that mankind would corrupt some beliefs and planed ahead. Or simply kept us from doing it in the first place. Ultimately, in one way or another, seeing the outcome she must have accepted this multitude of beliefs.

Edited by Golan, 17 May 2009 - 18:06.

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#19 General

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 18:07

maybe all these ' diversity ' and corruption will lead to that ultimate goal in the end, maybe thats the purpose beyond our current understanding capability, sure we can add millions of ' maybe ', but with asking such questions and eliminating some of them at a time, I believe we get close to the reality.

#20 Golan

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 18:17

Missed that one:

View PostGeneral, on 17 May 2009, 18:51, said:

View PostGolan, on 17 May 2009, 19:49, said:

Well, let's assume God's big ineffable plan is to make us like her in a similar way as a human mother would raise her child to be human... then why did she create us as humans instead of, y'know, little doodzy-woodzy mini gods?

actually christians and jews already believe we are in His Image :P But I know what you mean, you are not talking about image, but as if we have his powers from the beginning, I think we need ' education ' before we use that kind of ' equipment '. Scientists which work on Cern is human , and so I am human aswell, but if you let me meddle with these equipments, I'll probably blow up the place.
Also, there will be no ' joy of life an experience ' if you just reach to the level from the start, its like playing the final boss fight of a game.

But as being God, she could simply give us the knowledge of our powers - or better to say, the knowledge of those powers is part of the powers of God in itself. So it's not about having you as an average human fiddle with CERN (which would probably just do nothing) but about having you magically altered into a top-of-the-class scientist fiddle with CERN - which would work just as fine.
And let's be honest here, what does God care about the "joy of life and experience". Disregarding the fact that most religions outright ban what I'd consider to be fun, God, being an omniscient and omnipotent being and all that, would a) have no need for such things and b) know them anyways.

View PostGeneral, on 17 May 2009, 19:07, said:

maybe all these ' diversity ' and corruption will lead to that ultimate goal in the end, maybe thats the purpose beyond our current understanding capability, sure we can add millions of ' maybe ', but with asking such questions and eliminating some of them at a time, I believe we get close to the reality.

Didn't you just speculate that God's ineffable plan requires our unity? Then how should the total opposite of it be part of it as well? I mean it's not like our 80 year lifespan allows us to really build up on what earlier generations learned from slicing each other to pieces.
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#21 Zero

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Posted 23 May 2009 - 23:34

Ha! Almost missed this one.

On this subject I verge on God-Emperor Leto II's thoughts on the job of a god and religion in general.

God most defenitely created humanity to become more, and I pretty much agree with General on this. Why?

Well, consider this, why was the tree placed there in the first place? Why was humanity given free will? It was not simply for God's own pleasure, instead it was for humanity to take a course. Humanity was CREATED to violate God and defy him, as such is the example of the tree, it was placed there for humanity to EAT from even though they were told not to.

Remember that God created humanity with free will and not as an object to please HIM, but instead as a sentient being fully aware of everything around him and his/her own choices. The whole point of humanity is to make choices. If God does exist, what it wants from us is not blind faith, but instead it wants us to EVOLVE. But not evolve physically, instead it wants us to evolve MENTALLY and in terms of UNDERSTANDING. And for this, there must be testing and violence. Humans are simply animals, and the ONLY way animals can learn an enduring lesson is through making mistakes, and if they result in pain or violence towards that animal, then the animal learns to avoid that all the better, or at least TRY to prevent it (yes, I'm comparing ALL of humanity to ONE being, there is no difference in reality).

My examples are the prophets themselves. Gods' greatest prophets and disciples are those who defied him. Moses defied God on MANY occassions, as did Noah, Elijah, Abraham, Lot (Sodom and Gomorrah), and even Jesus protested and even completely defied god on many occasions, they contested him! Why, because if God exists then, then by the actions it has undertaken it is easy to understand that, if anything, it seeks for humanity to reach an equal level of intelligence and power, but to do so in a time that they are stable enough to not use it to destroy themselves. God wants to be understanded and made an questioned! On the other hand, it does NOT wish for him to be followed blindly and absolutely (The Pharisees and God's-through Jesus- seeming dislike of them seemed to be based more on their unforgiving and completely blind faith that was unquestioning). Jesus, in fact, seemed to enjoy being questioned.

Now, why does God want to be understood? Simply because god is not a completely selfish being. If one were to follow what the bible implies, God is understanding, unselfish, and benevolent in regards to men and ALL life, this is most especially exemplified in the New Testament where God seems MUCH more forgiving than in the Old Testament. It can be stood to reason that God wants to share power, and certain acts seem to imply that as well as the "ascencion" of some prophets (Elijah, for example, or Jesus who was a God made from a Human (ascended to become a God)). Heaven might even be seen as a smaller extension of this plan as what Heaven is implied to be is enlightment, knowledge and peace of self.

And of course, I am not saying you can gain God's favor by killing, that's not what I mean by questioning him. Killing, stealing, adultery, etc. would be a hinderance to any plan to reach some tiny form of near-perfection as it can lead to the extinction of the human species, now more than ever (and let us not forget that once a woman was used as a scapegoat to start a massive war- The Trojan Wars) in a world filled with Nukes, Super-Bio Weapons, and so on. So, of course, the whole point that killing is questioning is actually redundant, it THREATENS the aforementioned plan.

God created a multitude of religions to appeal to a BROAD number of people, and not just a select few that will follow it. Instead, we try to spread OUR OWN PERSONAL belief by the tip of the blade (or the tip of a bullet as things are now) insted of accepting beliefs that are so fundamentally the same that only a FEW indiscretions are what seperate them. The truth of the matter is that having MANY religions is a GOOD thing because it can apply to many people (I'm, of course, only talking about more-or-less reasonable religions, unlike Scientology which I believe to be COMPLETELY bloody insane) and it means that it causes more diversity in people which God seems to enjoy, and it is also a diversity that would help such a plan.

So, in conclusion, god wants to be questioned and understood (or else "blasphemous" things such as science and doubt would not exist at ALL), not simply followed, it wants to create leaders to lead and help evolve. If humanity were to simply follow Religious Law "Letter-by-Letter" it would cease to exist of any of a million factors, and if continued to massacre each other, the same thing will happen. Instead, it means that humanity should not fight religion, but instead doubt and raise questions when he feels it necessary instead of saying "God said so." Questioning is the basis of the Scientific Method, and it is alos the basis of LIFE and advancement itself. So, doubt, question, and know that religion will forgive you for that is its purpose, to explain and help evolve, not to simply give a moral code and reward and punish.

And no, we do NOT gain unity through faith or even acceptance, instead we gain it through diversity. A prime example is governments, or even jobs, ALL DIFFERENT kinds of people JOIN together to create ONE unified force that is more powerful, effective, and surviable than if only one type of person existed (say only chemists existed and no physicists, or vise-versa, they NEED each other to exist. And even in smaller examples, even if only ONE TINY thing is missing, the result can be catastrophic).

That's all I have to say for now.

If any points don't make any sense, please let me know so I can elaborate.

Edited by Zero, 23 May 2009 - 23:40.

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#22 Golan

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 10:32

Sometimes I wonder how people can believe that a being which they confidently describe as being unable to teach without mass-genocide and eternal suffering is worth being worshiped.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

If any points don't make any sense, please let me know so I can elaborate.
Pretty much all of them seeing that most of your argumentation is based in itself on your believe itself.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

Well, consider this, why was the tree placed there in the first place? Why was humanity given free will? It was not simply for God's own pleasure, instead it was for humanity to take a course. Humanity was CREATED to violate God and defy him, as such is the example of the tree, it was placed there for humanity to EAT from even though they were told not to.
I don't believe that The Tree was created by god (or the rest of The Eden stuff), so IMO there also was no purpose to it. Even if there were (not saying that there is), it wouldn't make the plan any less retarded.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

Remember that God created humanity with free will and not as an object to please HIM, but instead as a sentient being fully aware of everything around him and his/her own choices. The whole point of humanity is to make choices. If God does exist, what it wants from us is not blind faith, but instead it wants us to EVOLVE. But not evolve physically, instead it wants us to evolve MENTALLY and in terms of UNDERSTANDING. And for this, there must be testing and violence. Humans are simply animals, and the ONLY way animals can learn an enduring lesson is through making mistakes, and if they result in pain or violence towards that animal, then the animal learns to avoid that all the better, or at least TRY to prevent it (yes, I'm comparing ALL of humanity to ONE being, there is no difference in reality).
*skips the issue of God creating us in the first place*
Fully aware? Do you have eyes in the back of your head? Can you sense EM-fields? Are you able to see in IR-spectrum?
If we are nothing but animals, then why are you preaching that he's testing us, not other animals as well? God is all-powerful, so why would he want us to learn in the first place when she could have created us in a state absolutely equal (all powerful, remember?) to us having it learned the hard way? Why didn't he create us differently to begin with, so that we could learn without slaughtering each other?
There is a very drastic difference between a single human and humanity as a whole. A single human will learn but also in time whither and die. Humanity doesn't learn, it evolves - assuming that yes, God would be the kind of retarded bloke to have such a plan, then the last generation of humanity would be exactly the same as if humanity had been created with all the knowledge it was meant to learn in the first place.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

My examples are the prophets themselves. Gods' greatest prophets and disciples are those who defied him. Moses defied God on MANY occassions, as did Noah, Elijah, Abraham, [...]
I do not belief in any of The Prophets so the argument is void to me as well as all others that share this disbelief.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

Now, why does God want to be understood? Simply because god is not a completely selfish being. If one were to follow what the bible implies, God is understanding, unselfish, and benevolent in regards to men and ALL life, this is most especially exemplified in the New Testament where God seems MUCH more forgiving than in the Old Testament. It can be stood to reason that God wants to share power, and certain acts seem to imply that as well as the "ascencion" of some prophets (Elijah, for example, or Jesus who was a God made from a Human (ascended to become a God)). Heaven might even be seen as a smaller extension of this plan as what Heaven is implied to be is enlightment, knowledge and peace of self.

So he created us the way we are only to because he felt that the beings he created should accompany him? Isn't that sort of a circular argument? We were created in this way because we exist, and exist because we were created in this way? If he's not selfish, then why go through all the genocide, millions of lifespans worth of pure torture, eternal damnation for trillions of souls and what have you only to get some company?
Besides, if God is all powerful, omnipotent [...] there can only be one. Every being ascending to this godhood would have to merge with God, who would, for the matter of being all powerful, all seeing, all knowing etc., already have any information and trait this newly assimilated personality holds.

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

And of course, I am not saying you can gain God's favor by killing, that's not what I mean by questioning him. Killing, stealing, adultery, etc. would be a hinderance to any plan to reach some tiny form of near-perfection as it can lead to the extinction of the human species, now more than ever (and let us not forget that once a woman was used as a scapegoat to start a massive war- The Trojan Wars) in a world filled with Nukes, Super-Bio Weapons, and so on. So, of course, the whole point that killing is questioning is actually redundant, it THREATENS the aforementioned plan.
If God is omnipotent and omniscient (if not, then he isn't God), then his plan cannot fail. So why should killing be bad? You even said it is an integral part of his plan, so someone's got to do it, no?

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

God created a multitude of religions to appeal to a BROAD number of people, and not just a select few that will follow it. Instead, we try to spread OUR OWN PERSONAL belief by the tip of the blade (or the tip of a bullet as things are now) insted of accepting beliefs that are so fundamentally the same that only a FEW indiscretions are what seperate them. The truth of the matter is that having MANY religions is a GOOD thing because it can apply to many people (I'm, of course, only talking about more-or-less reasonable religions, unlike Scientology which I believe to be COMPLETELY bloody insane) and it means that it causes more diversity in people which God seems to enjoy, and it is also a diversity that would help such a plan.
Isn't the very reason that we try to spread our own beliefs with violent means that there are so many different beliefs in the first place? If there was only a few fundamental beliefs needed, then why not create one religion for this fundamental base and leave the remaining freedom to the people instead if again making sure that we smash each others heads to the best of our abilities?
And for that matter, how can you know that Scientology isn't just as well part of his plan for more diversity?

View PostZero, on 23 May 2009, 23:34, said:

So, in conclusion, god wants to be questioned and understood (or else "blasphemous" things such as science and doubt would not exist at ALL), not simply followed, it wants to create leaders to lead and help evolve. If humanity were to simply follow Religious Law "Letter-by-Letter" it would cease to exist of any of a million factors, and if continued to massacre each other, the same thing will happen. Instead, it means that humanity should not fight religion, but instead doubt and raise questions when he feels it necessary instead of saying "God said so." Questioning is the basis of the Scientific Method, and it is alos the basis of LIFE and advancement itself. So, doubt, question, and know that religion will forgive you for that is its purpose, to explain and help evolve, not to simply give a moral code and reward and punish.
Again, why would God want to be questioned in the first place? He's God for crying out loud, he has to be right by definition. Why would he want to be understood if we aren't even remotely capable of it anyways?
If we don't fight religion, how can we doubt and question it? Doubting and questioning a religion means opposing it in its current form. One can fight things without violence and by doubting and questioning something one does. You yourself claimed Scientology to be something worth opposing.
And by the way, it wasn't long ago that religion did NOT forgive doubting it. At least not without some proper burning, chopping, slicing and torturing.
Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

#23 General

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 10:38

Eternal Punishment is one of the best way to keep ' believers ' away from sin, even though that threat, they still commit sin, without it; I don't want to think about it.

#24 Golan

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 10:45

If that's God answer to me not doing his bidding, then I'll treat him like any other bully.

Edited by Golan, 24 May 2009 - 10:46.

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#25 Rayburn


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Posted 24 May 2009 - 11:14

There is no purpose other than to keep fearful people in line and deeply divide civilisations.


Religion, episode 1

Long ago...
Caveman UgaUga: "Ooh lookit that, mate! What's with that scary lightning in the sky?"
Caveman BongoBongo: "That's...err...that's...the wrath of the great, allmighty some...one, yes!
It's the Sky-Man, the great and mighty creator of our world and everything else!"
Caveman UgaUga: "Sounds plausible. I reckon you're a really smart person, BongoBongo!
You sure know all about our powerful creator!"
Caveman BongoBongo: "Indeed..."
From that day, Caveman BongoBongo decided to call himself BongoBongo the Great Shaman of the allmighty Sky-Man


Religion, episode 2

A few years later...
Shaman BongoBongo: "Phew, making up all these crazy stories for the masses about the allmighty is hard work...But it's cool to be their boss!
I'll come up with a bunch of rules, too! Rule #1: Give half of your food to the great Shaman BongoBongo or else the allmighty Sky-Man will zap your house and smite your family!"


Religion, episode 3

Many centuries later...
Supreme Grand Inquisitor BongoBongo XXVI: "Burn those heathens who dare to deny the great, allmighty Sky-Man! May their god-
less souls suffer in hell; TO WAR, my fellow believers! If you die, the great Sky-Man will reward you for your sacrifice!"


Religion, episode 4

Even more centuries later...
Robert Q. BongoBongo detonates a makeshift shrapnel-bomb which he had strapped to his chest in the middle of a crowd. Apparently, he was rather
angry at these random strangers who, according to his leaders, do not believe in the greatness of the great, benevolent, all-forgiving Sky-Man.

Edited by Rayburn, 24 May 2009 - 11:16.

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