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bit of php help

Warbz's Photo Warbz 25 Jan 2008

Im trying to make a php comment box on my webpage, Bob helped me make one before and this is basically the same but with a few tweaks, and i lost the original code.

Now all this new code does is show this...


heres the code...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &#34;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN&#34; &#34;http&#58;//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&#34;>
<html xmlns=&#34;http&#58;//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&#34;>
<meta http-equiv=&#34;Content-Type&#34; content=&#34;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&#34; />




$dbHandle = sqlite_open&#40;&#39;database.sqlite2&#39;, 0666, $sqliteError&#41; or die&#40;$sqliteError&#41;; 

if &#40;isset&#40;$_POST&#91;&#39;button&#39;&#93;&#41;&#41;{ 

$username = &#40;isset&#40;$_POST&#91;&#39;username&#39;&#93;&#41;&#41; ? $_POST&#91;&#39;username&#39;&#93; &#58; &#39;&#39;&#59; 
$comment = &#40;isset&#40;$_POST&#91;&#39;comment&#39;&#93;&#41;&#41; ? $_POST&#91;&#39;comment&#39;&#93; &#58; &#39;&#39;&#59; 

$sqlCreateTable = &#39;CREATE TABLE commenttable&#40;id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username CHAR&#40;256&#41;, comment CHAR&#40;256&#41;&#41;&#39;; 
@sqlite_exec&#40;$dbHandle, $sqlCreateTable&#41;; 

$sqlInsertComment = &#39;INSERT INTO commenttable &#40;username, comment&#41; VALUES &#40;\&#39;&#39;.$username.&#39;\&#39;, \&#39;&#39;.$comment.&#39;\&#39;&#41;&#39;; 
sqlite_exec&#40;$dbHandle, $sqlInsertComment&#41;; 

} ?><form action=&#34;<;?php echo $_SERVER&#91;&#39;PHP_SELF&#39;&#93;; ?>&#34; method=&#34;post&#34; name=&#34;commentform&#34; > Name&#58; <input type=&#34;text&#34; name=&#34;username&#34;><br/> Comment&#58; <textarea name=&#34;comment&#34;></textarea><br/> <input type=&#34;submit&#34; name=&#34;button&#34; value=&#34;submit&#34;></form><table><;? 

$query = sqlite_query&#40;$dbHandle, &#34;SELECT id, username, comment FROM commenttable ORDER BY id DESC&#34;&#41;; 

while &#40;$entry = sqlite_fetch_array&#40;$query, SQLITE_ASSOC&#41;&#41;
{ ?><tr> <td> <;? echo $entry&#91;&#39;username&#39;&#93;; ?> says
</td> <td> &#34;<;? echo $entry&#91;&#39;comment&#39;&#93;; ?>&#34; 
</td></tr><;? } 



Any help in making it work would be appreciated

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 25 Jan 2008

What exactly is '<;?' ? Shouldn't you just use '<?php' ?

Warbz's Photo Warbz 25 Jan 2008

yeh a mate of mine spotted it shortly after I posted it here.
Silly mistake. All sorted now.