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Any (x86) assembly programmers here?

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 23 Sep 2008

I'm just wondering if there are any people here who know x86 assembly language and have used it. Would be useful to have someone to exchange thoughts with. :P

jnengland77's Photo jnengland77 03 Oct 2008

I know some. Still learning as you may know from our conversation.


walkingGhost's Photo walkingGhost 04 Oct 2008

Had in school ~10 hours dedicated to Assembly coding (for microcontroller- programming), but since I never encountered a problem for which assembly- code had been less than TOTAL OVERKILL, I didn't improve/train my assembly skills...

Nevertheless, I've seen some quite interesting opensource projects, optimised with assembly- language (e.g. PAQ).

What do you use assembly for?

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 04 Oct 2008

Well, for now I haven't really used it for anything serious, but knowing it was very helpful in figuring out how Linux boots. And it might come in handy soon, because I'm planning to give OS development a try.