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lithon's Photo lithon 01 May 2009

HI all, My frinds and I working on a project called Armageddons Wars, a fantsy story, we are 4, 2 artists and 2 modlers(one of them is an auother and thats me!!! :P ) and we want to work with u (If u please) on our project, we want to build a big entertainment comunity with u, and thats all.... thx

CommanderJB's Photo CommanderJB 01 May 2009

Hi Lithon,
As the questions, feedback and suggestions idea is intended for directly forum-related content, I've moved this topic to Games Modding. While we realise that it's more development than modding, and the matter is currently under discussion, here's where it'll stay for now at least.

As for the content of your post, I would caution not to get too optimistic; while we have many talented members here, they will only offer their skills when they deem it worthy of their time, and for them to do so, you'll need to provide considerably more information on what it is you're doing and how far you've got. We certainly won't be getting involved on a formal forum-wide level, as it's not Fallout Studios policy to tie ourselves officially to any single project (while we do have our popular 'flagship' projects such as those done by SWR, they receive the same treatment as anyone else).

In short, good luck with your project, but if it's help you're after I think you'll need to provide a lot more than you have so far.

General's Photo General 02 May 2009

Its better to see a couple of screens related to what you will ' try ' to do before it goes further, what kind of game it will be and how you plan to do it ?