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Understanding the Purpose of Religions

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#51 General

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 12:21

I will try to make another point. If there is a God out there, He must be ' balanced ' I mean not a God of Love or Hate or Power or something else, He must be in charge of all these things, He must create the good-evil, beautiful-ugly, happy-sad things... But overall, He must have ' an understanding, not the corrupted God view in holy books which destroy things without showing himself as proof and make some people elite even though they do worst things, envy others or say contradicting things, even though everything comes out of Him, He can't be unbalanced like that, as He must be ' all wise ' to create such a wonderful system and an ' all wise ' being will not do things which even a human will not do.

Edited by General, 05 June 2009 - 12:22.

#52 Zero

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 19:16

View PostGeneral, on 5 Jun 2009, 12:21, said:

I will try to make another point. If there is a God out there, He must be ' balanced ' I mean not a God of Love or Hate or Power or something else, He must be in charge of all these things, He must create the good-evil, beautiful-ugly, happy-sad things... But overall, He must have ' an understanding, not the corrupted God view in holy books which destroy things without showing himself as proof and make some people elite even though they do worst things, envy others or say contradicting things, even though everything comes out of Him, He can't be unbalanced like that, as He must be ' all wise ' to create such a wonderful system and an ' all wise ' being will not do things which even a human will not do.

Oh my god! So pretty much you suggest God has a sense of humor?

But yes, God is not bias to any one group or sect, and if he is and I believed in him, I would NOT worship him. Simply put, I put up with enough hypocrosy on Earth and I'd rather spend an eternity suffering in whatever hell Hell can muster than spend an entire ETERNITY amongst the same kind of people. So, in other words, yes, god is like ANY other human. God himself is imperfect, both a prick and a nice guy, both a taker and a giver, both a lover and a hater, both an enemy and a friend. Then again, I believe that all that groks is god.

Simply put, ALL the "holy" books are corrupt. Outside of the "creation story" which is probably meant to be taken figutarively anyway (I believe anybody who denies evolution which has sufficient proof to become a theory, actually should be a LAW OF NATURE, should be hit over the head with a dinosaur bone just to make a point), are probably not too faithful. I mean, to be perfectly fair, the bible shows: sexism, racism, favoritism, and even genocide and all that other good stuff that has always plagued humanity. Furthermore, it takes somehting like sex and makes it ugly all the meanwhile it really should be something people are not afraid and discouraged to talk about and do (with moderation, of course), as it really is a thing of beauty as it is a unique and unverbilizeable (if that's even a word) form of human affection. Moreover, I raise the point that sex (the passionate kind in between two lovers, of course) is actually the single STRONGEST form of bond-maker that two people can have, not to say that it should be an extracurricular activity, however, those books, however...well...they make it seem like something to be ashamed of and fear....
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[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]

#53 General

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 20:28

View PostZero, on 5 Jun 2009, 20:16, said:

however, those books, however...well...they make it seem like something to be ashamed of and fear....

Reason of this topic is trying to understand why there is such laws, if they created by men or God. Sex is nothing to fear if done by conscious ' human ', but if you let people totally free about it, they will turn into Sodom and Gomorrah or will do far worse things since the instinct of sex is almost irresistable, and probably God wanted ' humans ' to be different than animals

#54 Zero

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 19:05

However, we are NOT different than animals? At least it can't be proven that we ARE different from them. Truth is, the whole "fact" that humans are not like animals is a load of bull. If anything we're not like animals in that animals are actually civilized more or less while we are not at all (when's the last time you saw animals fighting a war? good)

No, not necessirally. Think about this: are most things in life boring and exciting? Not really, they're dull and boring. If anything, being exposed to sex all the time will have more or less the same effect as being exposed to nudity all the time...simply put, it would get boring and dull. But, I'm not even referring to that.

All men are God. All that groks is God. Thou art God, I am God, the smallest ant is God. That is not to say we have a part of God in us, no. We ARE God, in body and mind, although we may not realize it yet. At least, so I believe. And they were created by men, most definitely (although you could say it was God, as man is God) and you can see it in that ALL seven of the non-god related commandments have something to do with human survival.
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[indent]Garrod "Newtype Killer" Ran[/indent]

#55 General

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 07:18

View PostZero, on 8 Jun 2009, 21:05, said:

(when's the last time you saw animals fighting a war? good)

They do fight, sometimes in packs, sometimes alone, the fact that you can't see tens of thousands of wolf packs together is, they are not intelligent enough, nor any other animal, their intelligence much like an AI, robotic, instinctical, we are above them, we are the most intelligent and dangerous ones, we not only possess this power in our world only but we can manage to spread all over the galaxy aswell, and if we not have morale codes of some sort, that will be chaos, we will be like virus, but fear ( religion ) grants us control and we get civilized, hell; even with that fear we still fight each other, without it; it would be even worse.

#56 Antonius Maximus


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Posted 08 August 2009 - 15:43

View PostRayburn, on 24 May 2009, 21:14, said:

There is no purpose other than to keep fearful people in line and deeply divide civilisations.


Religion, episode 1

Long ago...
Caveman UgaUga: "Ooh lookit that, mate! What's with that scary lightning in the sky?"
Caveman BongoBongo: "That's...err...that's...the wrath of the great, allmighty some...one, yes!
It's the Sky-Man, the great and mighty creator of our world and everything else!"
Caveman UgaUga: "Sounds plausible. I reckon you're a really smart person, BongoBongo!
You sure know all about our powerful creator!"
Caveman BongoBongo: "Indeed..."
From that day, Caveman BongoBongo decided to call himself BongoBongo the Great Shaman of the allmighty Sky-Man


Religion, episode 2

A few years later...
Shaman BongoBongo: "Phew, making up all these crazy stories for the masses about the allmighty is hard work...But it's cool to be their boss!
I'll come up with a bunch of rules, too! Rule #1: Give half of your food to the great Shaman BongoBongo or else the allmighty Sky-Man will zap your house and smite your family!"


Religion, episode 3

Many centuries later...
Supreme Grand Inquisitor BongoBongo XXVI: "Burn those heathens who dare to deny the great, allmighty Sky-Man! May their god-
less souls suffer in hell; TO WAR, my fellow believers! If you die, the great Sky-Man will reward you for your sacrifice!"


Religion, episode 4

Even more centuries later...
Robert Q. BongoBongo detonates a makeshift shrapnel-bomb which he had strapped to his chest in the middle of a crowd. Apparently, he was rather
angry at these random strangers who, according to his leaders, do not believe in the greatness of the great, benevolent, all-forgiving Sky-Man.

Whilst I did find your post as a cynical(and quite hilarious) way to view religion it is also a in some manner a fair way to describe some aspects of it, especially the evolution of religion(the phrase "evolution of religion" I find quite ironic, almost a paradox) through out the ages. My history teacher once described the crusades as a war between two factions that were furious over each others self proclamation of having the best imaginary friend. As I was a child brought up as a Christian (more by my grandmother than my parents) on the Cosmological theory( the regression of cause and effect eventually leading back to god) if i questioned god, and at the time this did stem my disbelief. I now know as a more developed person I find religion works hand in hand with totalitarian regimes e.g. Hitler and Nazi Germany. Religion and Hitler generally speaking heavily emphasized co ordination and conformity into the social order through a continuous exposure to indoctrinating propaganda to literally change how you see, think and feel(essentially a measure of control). And like religious and totalitarian institutions the concept of being "with us or against us" is very strong, non believers(by my opinion those that wont submit to something that hasn't convinced them, are at least being honest and are not "bearing false witness") are seen as a threat and must be condemned and vilified as sinners or in Nazi Germany in the early days of Hitler's regime as an anti Nazi communist. Thus there is an enemy that can be singled out as a scapegoat for all the flaws in which the rest of the mob can be distracted from.

#57 Enthusiasm


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 01:07

I believe that Religion is simply something that man made up to explain what they couldn't understand.
Although I think that theres some sort of "Force" out there it's way beyond our understanding. At least for now.
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#58 CodeCat

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 11:26

Religion was originally a form of science. It is only recently that the division has become more clear.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#59 SquigPie

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 12:28

Epic Necro?


As long as the dark foundation of our nature, grim in its all-encompassing egoism, mad in its drive to make that egoism into reality, to devour everything and to define everything by itself, as long as that foundation is visible, as long as this truly original sin exists within us, we have no business here and there is no logical answer to our existence.
Imagine a group of people who are all blind, deaf and slightly demented and suddenly someone in the crowd asks, "What are we to do?"... The only possible answer is, "Look for a cure". Until you are cured, there is nothing you can do.
And since you don't believe you are sick, there can be no cure.
- Vladimir Solovyov

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#60 CodeCat

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 14:25

No, not necro.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#61 Libains

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 14:45

View PostAntonius Maximus, on 8 Aug 2009, 15:43, said:

View PostRayburn, on 24 May 2009, 21:14, said:

There is no purpose other than to keep fearful people in line and deeply divide civilisations.


Religion, episode 1

Long ago...
Caveman UgaUga: "Ooh lookit that, mate! What's with that scary lightning in the sky?"
Caveman BongoBongo: "That's...err...that's...the wrath of the great, allmighty some...one, yes!
It's the Sky-Man, the great and mighty creator of our world and everything else!"
Caveman UgaUga: "Sounds plausible. I reckon you're a really smart person, BongoBongo!
You sure know all about our powerful creator!"
Caveman BongoBongo: "Indeed..."
From that day, Caveman BongoBongo decided to call himself BongoBongo the Great Shaman of the allmighty Sky-Man


Religion, episode 2

A few years later...
Shaman BongoBongo: "Phew, making up all these crazy stories for the masses about the allmighty is hard work...But it's cool to be their boss!
I'll come up with a bunch of rules, too! Rule #1: Give half of your food to the great Shaman BongoBongo or else the allmighty Sky-Man will zap your house and smite your family!"


Religion, episode 3

Many centuries later...
Supreme Grand Inquisitor BongoBongo XXVI: "Burn those heathens who dare to deny the great, allmighty Sky-Man! May their god-
less souls suffer in hell; TO WAR, my fellow believers! If you die, the great Sky-Man will reward you for your sacrifice!"


Religion, episode 4

Even more centuries later...
Robert Q. BongoBongo detonates a makeshift shrapnel-bomb which he had strapped to his chest in the middle of a crowd. Apparently, he was rather
angry at these random strangers who, according to his leaders, do not believe in the greatness of the great, benevolent, all-forgiving Sky-Man.

Whilst I did find your post as a cynical(and quite hilarious) way to view religion it is also a in some manner a fair way to describe some aspects of it, especially the evolution of religion(the phrase "evolution of religion" I find quite ironic, almost a paradox) through out the ages. My history teacher once described the crusades as a war between two factions that were furious over each others self proclamation of having the best imaginary friend. As I was a child brought up as a Christian (more by my grandmother than my parents) on the Cosmological theory( the regression of cause and effect eventually leading back to god) if i questioned god, and at the time this did stem my disbelief. I now know as a more developed person I find religion works hand in hand with totalitarian regimes e.g. Hitler and Nazi Germany. Religion and Hitler generally speaking heavily emphasized co ordination and conformity into the social order through a continuous exposure to indoctrinating propaganda to literally change how you see, think and feel(essentially a measure of control). And like religious and totalitarian institutions the concept of being "with us or against us" is very strong, non believers(by my opinion those that wont submit to something that hasn't convinced them, are at least being honest and are not "bearing false witness") are seen as a threat and must be condemned and vilified as sinners or in Nazi Germany in the early days of Hitler's regime as an anti Nazi communist. Thus there is an enemy that can be singled out as a scapegoat for all the flaws in which the rest of the mob can be distracted from.

View PostEnthusiasm, on 15 Nov 2009, 1:07, said:

I believe that Religion is simply something that man made up to explain what they couldn't understand.
Although I think that theres some sort of "Force" out there it's way beyond our understanding. At least for now.

Necro above you Code :cool:

Religion has a purpose, much like everything else in the history of man. This thread had a purpose too. It doesn't anymore. Enthusiasm, be careful not to necro topics, we tend to dislike people bringing threads up again over the age of 2 weeks unless you have something real and relevant that can apply only to that thread.
For there can be no death without life.

#62 CodeCat

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Posted 15 November 2009 - 14:47

I did say it wasn't necro and I meant it. There is nothing wrong with his post, it simply continues the discussion.


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

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