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Read these comics, then post your opinion

SquigPie's Photo SquigPie 30 Oct 2009

For all those who say that Tales from the Crypt is nothing but brainless, disgusting prolefeed.

Read these 4 comics, (you can skip Foul Play and Dead Right, they are good yes, but in the more...traditional TFTC sense). Then post your opinions afterward.

First of all, remember that these were written in the 50's, that was back when you didn't talk about these things, TFTC weren't simply controversial because they showed sex, death and violence, but also because they never hid anything, they were some of the first to openly speak out against smoking (back when the media actually advertised how HEALTHY smoking was), they spoke out against the racism, and Master Race was one of the first places where any american media actually showed how it was like under the Holocaust.

They might not be subtle, but they wouldn't be that good if they where.