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What Is The Most Important Thing In The Wo...

Libains's Photo Libains 26 Jan 2010

View PostEdwardMichaels, on 26 Jan 2010, 16:17, said:

The OP is proposing we post the most important, I.E. the most valuable, thing in the world. In other words, we are being asked to evaluate everything in the world as valuable or not (and in varying degrees) based on a standard of value (without one, evaluations are impossible, and you draw conclusions such as the ones in this thread declaring everything to be relative). Because of the open-ended nature of the question, then, an answer must justify the standard of value it is based on.

When discussing values, it is important to understand that to declare something valuable is to imply that it is of value to something. Inanimate matter is not a candidate for that something, as despite fervent prayers around the world it remains staunchly indifferent. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but life is a process that can be advanced or destroyed, and as such it is only from the perspective of life forms that values are possible.

From here, we have the daunting task of selecting just which organism's perspective to take in the matter (this is a stop where your common nihilist gets off the train and declares adamantly that everything is relative). However, this task becomes much less daunting when we remember that the choice has already been made for us. We are human beings.

Let me restate that last one: We are human beings. We are not humanity, as humanity does not actually exist except as a blanket term denoting a few billion singular, independent entities. In following, collective values for humanity do not exist any more than collective values for all of earth or all of existence do. Values only exist at the personal, independent level.

The value, then, that is above all others is: Oneself. This value makes all of the others possible.

Everyone who said "me" in this thread may now pat themselves on the back.

Oh, and yes, I'm new here. Hello.

OK, I will echo what the blokes above me said regards an epic post.

However, I would not entirely agree with the manner in which you present your arguement. Value for the person is all well and good, but who are we to decide the boundaries of valuation? If I were focusing on myself, I would agree me, for now. However, in a few years time, as I have stated, what happens if I get married and have a family? Surely I would value their life over mine. Yes value is relative, but what if we make the concious decision to put something else before us - if we value ourselves at 100%, what is to stop me valuing my theoretical wife at 110%? While my 'being' allows me to value everything, there is always that possibility of concious choice over self.

Furthermore, put to your theory, we create value according to whom we are. So, we're all composed of atoms, which are composed of protons, electons, and neutrons, which in turn are composed of... etc. So while my body is the most important thing to me, surely we should value the building blocks of our body just as much? So I could theorise that the most valuable thing on Earth is the simple atom, because it allows us to create a being against which to set value.

Bar that, welcome to FS, should you want to go and make an intro in the General Discussion, please feel free to, and keep up the awesome posting :P