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Bad Company 2: Impressions *SPOILERS*

Admiral FCS's Photo Admiral FCS 04 Mar 2010

Seeing that BC2 is a big game that's often compared to MW2, I decided that this game deserves its own post-release discussion thread as well.

Weapons: I don't think you need a Garand (granted to vets); they're slow-aiming, and personally, I think M9 does more damage than that gun. The other WW2 weapons are really awesome though. AEK's stopping power is feeling lower than demo, or that could just be me.

Vehicle "perks": I really recommend Alternate Fire with IFVs and Armour+ with tanks. Alternate Fire obviously grants a massive firepower bonus to IFV: a guided TOW. Seeing most of the time a 1v1 between tank and IFV is already decided when without any assistance, that TOW will help you when you need it most. As for tanks, if you encounter some drivers who can't aim while you are ultra close, smash into them and the armour keep the others out of this business as you pound him. I just unlocked Firepower+, gonna try it out after dinner.

Personal tactics: tank smashing is really lol-inspiring, as does air battles between choppers. I also found that guys in this game tends to not look back much, which provides good opportunities for knife kills (What, I killed a guy 4 times with knife in Port Valdez at the same position). If you hate UAVs, just get a quad and get back there.

My first impression is really good, despite the bugs associating with the weapon star pins.


Foxhound's Photo Foxhound 04 Mar 2010

Feeling slightly let down by the connectivity issues, but when it's not lagging it runs great. Dice is pretty good about fixing stuff too so I imagine it won't be a problem for long.

The C4's weaker against M-com stations, though it seems that they take longer to detonate as well. For those who haven't realized, Russia DOES get a proper BMD3 in addition to the AA one seen in the beta. Otherwise, it feels a lot like the beta--which is good, considering that there were few real gameplay issues with the beta to begin with. In particular the SCAR-L seems to be slightly more accurate. The maps, as well, have plenty of variety, and it's not all cookie-cutter close combat like MW2; I'm already liking Panama Canal.

All in all, it's shaping up to be an exceptional game already, and I personally think that Activision's going to have a run for their money.

Also, like FCS already said, definitely go with the alternate fire if you can. For the IFVs and chopper gunners it adds TOW missiles, and for the tanks and UAV, it adds a machine gun. It might also add gunpods to the Blackhawk, as seen in the campaign, but I'm not sure about that one.
Edited by Foxhound, 04 March 2010 - 03:48.

Kalo's Photo Kalo 04 Mar 2010

Foxhound : Atleast it's not 2142/bf2. On one of the two didn't they have to reset the stats on like day 3 or 2? also I'll write mine soon. I think Wiz and Chyros will be pleasantly surprised.
Edited by Kalo, 04 March 2010 - 08:20.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 04 Mar 2010

I certainly hope so. Even though I have said I was struggling getting used to the game I am certainly looking forward to it. Tomorrow can't come quick enough for me.

Btw Kalo I'll need to talk to you over the weekend.
Edited by Wizard, 04 March 2010 - 08:47.

amazin's Photo amazin 04 Mar 2010

something ive noticed is that you can get a lot of points without even firing a bullet, almost every class as a very important secondary role (except assault)

Engineers obviously focus on healing your vehicles and wrecking the enemies

medics are obvious as well

but the most interesting is the sniper, you wouldnt believe how much XP you can get from just climbing to a high place and using the target mark ability along with shooting the enemy, and it helps your team a lot

Kalo's Photo Kalo 04 Mar 2010

 Wizard, on 4 Mar 2010, 9:47, said:

I certainly hope so. Even though I have said I was struggling getting used to the game I am certainly looking forward to it. Tomorrow can't come quick enough for me.

Btw Kalo I'll need to talk to you over the weekend.

I will be here my friend.

Kalo's Photo Kalo 05 Mar 2010

Where to begin, there are some faults and there are some shiny fucking diamonds that gleam brighter then the light of a thousand suns.

I'll start in the most apparent argument : Can it beat Mw2?

For me? Yes...I disliked MW2s TEAM gameplay, but I loved the free for all like a bastard stepchild. The thing I fucking hate most
is the god damn knife. I hate it more then the sucking force of a thousand black holes. At some points it is entirely reliable and then
at others it just gets me killed. But because you have about 50% of the current pop coming from MW2 they're all knife spamming rather then firing
their guns so getting knifed is just really common and retarded. Can we have our OLD Battlefield knifing back? like when you swing and no ones near
by you have no auto aim you just swing. It's alot fucking better and how it should be. The grenades are good though, disliked switching in
previous BF games which leads me to actually use them.

But onto more comparisons : Infantry combat : I don't think MW2 can compare AT POINTS with some of the shit that goes down in BC2.

Buildings falling down around you, vehicles firing their giant rounds at you while you run away. Shit exploding everywhere whilst a Helicopter
zooms over and you immediately get that feeling of dread that takes over the previous feelings you just had!

MW2 wins in the fact that everything seems more fluid then chaotic. meaning you don't FREAK OUT all of the time which is hard not to do. But
loses in the sound department. Everything sounds so amazingly realistic (omg i used that word)

But there are some parts that are straight retarded and some guns that need fixing. The most obvious one is the M60. I AM AN AVID USER OF THIS GUN
DO NOT CALL ME A NOOB. But this gun is basically an automatic sniper rifle that mows through a burly field quicker then Anne Hesche on a tuesday.

Straight Retarded : The 50cal Bug...When getting into a stationary 50. caliber machine gun the "Blind" on it is in your face making it unable to aim. At all.
as in there's a giant sheet of metal in your face preventing you from aiming down the sites. Now I thought this was hilarious cause it caused
very few of the noobs to run STRAIGHT for the 50 cal because it is "TEH BEST WAI TO GET KIELZ". but it does need fixing.

Another fucking thing is the god damn fucking shit fuck cunt ass faggotry connection issues. ANYONE in this thread knows what I fucking mean.

I MEAN THIS, I could not play AT ALL for the first day, except ONE round and it was short but lovely. So I made up for it on Day two by playing
all fucking day. And in the process learned the fastest way to rank and I'll share that in a bit.

I am also unable to use my M1 Garand...I am thoroughly pissed off about this. Even though it says its unlocked.

The Bloom : this game is bright and gives me head aches. So I turned off my Bloom in my INI settings.

The Vehicles :

This is where the game shines and beats the shit out of MW2. Vehicles MAKE this game so amazing. The vehicles behave like you'd expect a real one to.
As in you get hit with an RPG and the Kinetic Energy is transfered and can knock your vehicle around. or you drive into a building and you
drive into a building. It's immensely satisfying.

They sound great too. They move and you hear the engine revving up and getting more powerful. and as it shifts terrain so does the sound change.

I was skeptical about no Jets but I suppose it's for the best. Helicopters can dominate an entire team and not go down if they're doing it right.

Case and points (Literally) : Me and two fellow clanners found out the Hind helicopter has a gun just like the attack chopper, what's that mean you
ask? that means I can sit in the back with my repair tool and fix it whilst in mid air whilst my pro flier didimau hovers back and fourth (Whilst
giving me motion sickness I might add) and my friend Hammertooth starts on the enemy team having 56 tickets and then winning the match and causing
the hind to be on his best vehicle stats. He went 46 kills before we got killed. Bro tip we werent actually killed. We flew out of bounds
and that killed us.

The other thing is you can fit the vehicle to your needs. As in you can change its capabilities to make up for the fact that vehicles are weak without a smart
pilot/co pilot. Case and point is Vehicle Smoke : This little feature helps you more than you realize. The way spotting is set up I've had
so many missiles miss me because they went just over the top of me. And it removes tracer darts (handy info, remember that as smoke grenades
also do this) Or you could get the Alternate Fire! which unlocks weapons on the vehicles. Like the Tanks co axial machine guns or the Helicopters
TV Missiles (Which work like this, have a friendly tracer a vehicle then fire it. Or so I think).

There's other options but you should find out for yourself.

The reason I mentioned vehicles is because I've encountered MW players who are convinced that MW has vehicles IE Kill streaks. So there it is.

The Maps : Now I loved MW2s maps (Except that rooftop map. Fuck off...) but they lose here because of this : The gameplay changes all the time.
At one point you're going through an area that's great for cover one round and then the next EVERYTHINGS gone and you have to adapt and start
aiming down the sights rapidly to survive. The entire destruction aspect is very amazing. If you're worried about going through a door to your death
you can simply make your own door and greet the enemy with a machine gun to the damn dome.

You could be in a perfectly good house sniping and then "BOOM" the house is being c4'ed by a squad who got pissed at you. And you hear the
CREEEEEEEEEEAAAAK. And you realize it's time to fucking go. It is also worth mentioning that if you do this to a full house of people
you will scream at your monitor in excitment.

Another thing worth mentioning is the map events! Panama Canal is one of such event, in the start of the map you'll hear communications and then
3 2 1 SPLASH as a map wide explosion happens in the middle of the map. Very cool and fun to watch. Valdez as well, as at one point you'll
actually see A-10 jets come in and start firing (WHY CANT I BE THE ONE DOING THAT) at the ground near you.

The game modes are immensely fun too. I have yet to play squad death match for more then 10 minutes but conquest is still my favorite.
Rush is pretty good and since C4 shit is gone your team will actually advance.

The Gear : In terms of need and field utilization I would say BC2 takes the cake. But in the field of bling and sheer cool factor MW2 wins.
IE being able to color your gun or use a throwing knife ( I loved that shit ).

But yes, you can really choose how you play when you start unlocking specializations AKA Perks and sidearms/main weapons.

Case and point here is this : You like shotguns, but you dislike the range. Ok, put Slugs on them. It decreases your chance of hitting but GREATLY
increases your range. And you may suffer in short range because its one slug and if you miss you have to pump again (Unless you have an auto shotty.)

And if you like C4 but dislike Sniper you can spawn with an M14EBR as Assault, get the C4, AND be able to re supply yourself. But no Motion Mine
sensors of course. Or noob tube.

Or maybe you hate LMGs like me (Mostly) and want to play as a rifle medic. That's there too. Or you're shotgun sally and just want to run
around hearing the sound of your own boner as you kill people with a SPAS 12 shotgun.

Or you dislike the fact that the RPG7 is too slow, so you switch to the Carl Gustav, Faster..But less damage to armor but more effective
in anti infantry operations (Make no mistake though, this thing CAN kill vehicles). Or you dislike both so you go with the AT4. It fires where
you point and does reasonable damage. But cannot utilize the tracer dart.

Which leads me to the Tracer dart! This is such a great way to promote teamwork and I'm seriously glad they removed Specialist and made
this thing universal. It not only allows you to lock on. It lets your whole team lock onto the enemy vehicle OR Infantry if you're a good
enough shot. It also makes a giant bleeping square for friendly vehicles to look at. It's like a longer lasting spot out.

Each class' weapons can utilize different strengths like the SAW fires fast but must be fired in bursts to sustain amazing accuracy.
Or you like going full auto so you get the PKM/M60. OR perhaps you like to be a midst combat sniper. You've got some full auto snipers for
use. But they do require more then just having an IQ above 50 most of the time. Or you can just get a shotgun XD.

The Teamplay : It hands down beats MW2 as well. It's the battlefield experience which is hard to beat. DICE always knows how to promote teamwork.
And that's this : Help your friends? HAVE A FUCK TON OF POINTS. Belong in a squad? Here have some more to go with that. Did you just kill a guy
who killed your bro? Here have a pin for it and some points. Did you just save a guy from getting killed? More points man.

They also have squads, which whilst in one you can spawn on anyone in it which definitely makes you stick with your mates.

Not much else to say other then I'm going to make a video to show off ways to work with your team relatively soon.

So why do I favor this game over MW2 in this little impression? because they're different games and the part where you can compare them
is thin because both have something to offer. MW2 is very casual player oriented whilst most elitists want them some BC2.

I like MW2, I do. BUT I like this game more because I can actually roll with my mates and just have a hilariously good time as people blow up
around me as I maniacally fire my machine gun.

The bad : I don't recall a game that's had such a shitty launch really, next to 1943s release which was worse...But they did fix it within a day! so all is well. The day 1 DLC is nice too but I wish there was a Karkand remake with skyscrapers. The knife, the bad spawn system in conquest (As in there's not a lot of places to spawn
in one particular outpost so its best to spawn on your squad).

And finally how to rank up fast : As you get kills with a gun you'll notice you got a Bronze/silver/gold star. When you recieve the gold with a certain weapon SWITCH it up! The rewards are as follows :

Bronze = 500
Silver = 1000
Gold = 5000
Platinum = Don't remember

Also, they fixed the performance...Seriously. I can now play full high and at my max res of 1600 by 900 and barely go below 30 frames. Pretty fucking cool man.

Edited by Kalo, 05 March 2010 - 09:28.

Admiral FCS's Photo Admiral FCS 08 Mar 2010

Just re-tested Garand. Maybe it's pretty powerful after all, but I guess I got addicted to MW2 red dots and can't aim with ironsights anymore D:

Kalo's Photo Kalo 08 Mar 2010

Call of Duty : Red Dot Warfare 2
Edited by Kalo, 08 March 2010 - 02:57.

Foxhound's Photo Foxhound 08 Mar 2010

 Kalo, on 7 Mar 2010, 21:57, said:

Call of Duty : Red Dot Warfare 2

Lag of Duty: Perkfest 2

In all seriousness, after almost a week of gaming, I can easily say that BC2, for all the buggyness that it has (it's a Dice release after all but they always fix it) is the multiplayer game of 2010, hands down.

Chyros's Photo Chyros 08 Mar 2010

 Admiral FCS, on 8 Mar 2010, 4:50, said:

Just re-tested Garand. Maybe it's pretty powerful after all,
Guess that depends on whether you like the M14, since they share identical damage, range, rate of fire, hip recoil, ADS recoil and spread :P.

Stalker's Photo Stalker 08 Mar 2010

Thanks for your review Kalo,

I'll probably get this game in the next days.

I need a new online-fps because MW2 really started to suck(noobs, lags, crashes).

How are the (conquest) maps compared to BF2142 or BF2 ? I know there are no jets, so the maps will be a smaller I guess.

deltaepsilon's Photo deltaepsilon 08 Mar 2010

 Stalker, on 8 Mar 2010, 8:30, said:

How are the (conquest) maps compared to BF2142 or BF2 ? I know there are no jets, so the maps will be a smaller I guess.

Yeah, the maps are smaller. The action is alot more intense and back and forth than how I recall it was in BF2, I've been having a lot of fun with that. Laguna Presa, in particular, has all of its points quite close together and its fun zipping around on a quad bike.

TheDR's Photo TheDR 08 Mar 2010

The rush maps are surprisingly good. I managed to destroy both of the MCOM stations on my own on the first part of the African map, it was really epic :rolleyes:

Once they fix the server issues (they didn't expect so many people playing it, 400% more compared to any other Battlefield) it should be a game that people will play for a while... or at least until BF3 comes out :D

Kalo's Photo Kalo 08 Mar 2010

 Stalker, on 8 Mar 2010, 8:30, said:

Thanks for your review Kalo,

I'll probably get this game in the next days.

I need a new online-fps because MW2 really started to suck(noobs, lags, crashes).

How are the (conquest) maps compared to BF2142 or BF2 ? I know there are no jets, so the maps will be a smaller I guess.

Way too short, but exactly like you'd expect.

Stalker's Photo Stalker 08 Mar 2010

I just installed it and I it seems that I can't play it at all in MP. I can't find Servers via Server Browser or Automatch


Kalo's Photo Kalo 08 Mar 2010

What does it say.

Foxhound's Photo Foxhound 09 Mar 2010

Posted Image

There we go, now it's in the proper thread.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 09 Mar 2010

 Stalker, on 8 Mar 2010, 18:51, said:

I just installed it and I it seems that I can't play it at all in MP. I can't find Servers via Server Browser or Automatch


Dice are aware that their server browser is broken and are apparently looking into it. The search criteria doesn't even work properly atm. You can find ranked games by unchecking the ranked option right now.

Dice have also asked for all server providers to stop setting up new servers due to this connectivity issue. Either something is hugely wrong in their code or EA have seriously misunderestimated the take up for this game.

Magma's Photo Magma 09 Mar 2010

 Stalker, on 8 Mar 2010, 20:51, said:

I just installed it and I it seems that I can't play it at all in MP. I can't find Servers via Server Browser or Automatch


Steam Forum Link

I too had some issues now and then with it, but if i try about 4 different servers it allows me to connect, but sometimes it just exits the game when trying to connect like no error message or such...
but after little tampering with BC2 options it doesn't do that anymore, atleast for now.
Edited by Magma, 09 March 2010 - 09:15.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 09 Mar 2010

That's right I remember now that someone had said 400% more use for this game than other BF games. If I were Dice and EA I would be thanking IW for making IWNet and the badly balanced MW2!! :rolleyes:

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 09 Mar 2010

The only people who should be thankful for noobtubes/dangerclose/onemanarmy

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 09 Mar 2010

 Wizard, on 9 Mar 2010, 9:24, said:

That's right I remember now that someone had said 400% more use for this game than other BF games. If I were Dice and EA I would be thanking IW for making IWNet and the badly balanced MW2!! :rolleyes:

Its nice to see alot of people playing BF2 BC, I was sort of worried it would suffer from moronic CoD syndrome. IE everyone would just stick with CoD instead. I'm quite tempted to get it myself.

Wizard's Photo Wizard 09 Mar 2010


Fallout Studios Server is now ONLINE!!!

Admiral FCS's Photo Admiral FCS 12 Mar 2010

Some little tricks I found while playing Arica Harbour:

-ALWAYS use warhead package: they increase your chance incredibly against enemy tanks. Today I killed another tank who fired first, and still had 14 HP left when the tank was destroyed.

-At later stages, don't use 12x zoom; use ACOG instead, they're much better in that small area.
