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Borked links

CJ's Photo CJ 12 May 2010

Well, you all know that Fallout Studios doesn't use the cncrenelips domain anymore, and the links in the wiki have been fixed, but as I was wandering through the forum calendar, I noticed that most of the links for the events were still pointing to that old domain, and therefore aren't working anymore.
Now I reckon that almost no one uses the calendar, but I still that they should be fixed for the upcoming recurrences of the events 8|

n5p29's Photo n5p29 12 May 2010

sorry to bump, but just adding that the links in some tutorials also haven't changed from cncreneclips. I've found it when reading pav3d skinning tutorial.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 12 May 2010

Fixed the events.

Can you provide links to the tuts? Saves us from sifting through them all.

n5p29's Photo n5p29 12 May 2010

just rechecked them, it's almost in all pages. mostly the "leave comments or ask questions here" part at the bottom of the pages.
but for pav3d skinning tutorial, it's on the middle that linking to bob's skinning tutorial.

Nid's Photo Nid 13 May 2010

The comment links have always been broken, it's simply that there is no comment page or section in the webby, and I'm assuming no topic to link to either.