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Looking for digital movies

NergiZed's Photo NergiZed 28 Feb 2011

In the age of digital distribution, there are few things you can't find online. Sadly many of those are illegal, and while I'm fine with digital piracy I do want to find a way to patronize the works and artists that I like. Steam pretty much covers all my gaming needs and I've been quite satisfied with it (in fact, it's probably one of the most wonderful hitch-free programs I've used; I probably missed out on all the steam crashes and bugs because I only just started using it 2 years ago).

Anyhow, I want to know if there's a program or system out there that does what steam does; where one is able to purchase and download songs and/or movies? I really really don't want to use iTunes, as I've personally witnessed the massive frustration it causes; plus I'd rather have DRM-free music files, to save myself the future frustration of DL-ing them again. I hear Netflicks does a pretty good job with movies, but my roommate has it and it's kind of poo, plus I don't think you can take the file and put it onto a portable device.

So is there such a service? or am I forever barred from a convenient way of giving money to things I like without buying an annoying physical copy of be given some file wrapped in chains and shackled to my computer.

NergiZed's Photo NergiZed 02 Mar 2011

The silence speaks volumes. I guess there's no real good service or services out there that does music and movie DLs/purchases well.

Alias's Photo Alias 02 Mar 2011

There's plenty for music, the thing with video is that bandwidth required to transmit it is so much more. I think many just don't see it as a profitable enterprise yet. It'll come, eventually.

BeefJeRKy's Photo BeefJeRKy 03 Mar 2011

Movies? What about Netflix? It's supposed to be popular in the US.

For music, there is Last.fm, RDio, Slacker, Pandora, and even Zune.

NergiZed's Photo NergiZed 04 Mar 2011

I'll try some of those music ones out.

Netflix is more of a rental service rather than an ownership one. You can spend thousands of dollars for netflix but ultimately in the end you own nothing. That entire concept bothers me, I'd rather own it like I do with steam or with the many many digital music services on the net rather than rent.

Alias's Photo Alias 04 Mar 2011

View PostScope, on 4 Mar 2011, 10:24, said:

Movies? What about Netflix? It's supposed to be popular in the US.

For music, there is Last.fm, RDio, Slacker, Pandora, and even Zune.
All of those music sites are streaming. I'm pretty sure he wants vendors rather than streamers.

CJ's Photo CJ 04 Mar 2011

Zune has a music store IIRC, but since they're M$ owned I'm pretty sure if they have, they will also put DRM on their music...

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 06 Mar 2011

I've not tried it and it may well be UK only but Film 4 On Demand seems to be selling films digitally.
