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Looking for a new keyboard

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 02 Apr 2012

I think it's finally time to get a new keyboard. The left leg has finally completely broken, and I am now propping my keyboard up with a fingerboard, which unfortunately is a few millimetres taller than the other leg, so I have a couple of 20 pence pieces under that leg... needless to say, this has become tiresome pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, the keyboard/mouse combo that I currently use from my old HP computer doesn't seem to be made any more (that is if it could be bought separately in the first place), and the closest alternative seems to only be sold from the US HP website, and I really can't be arsed to go through the hassle of ordering from there (that is if they even ship outside of US anyway).

I'm pretty fussy when it comes to keyboards and mice, so here are my requirements:

- A standard, fullsize, UK layout
- A number pad
- A fullsize return key (i.e. the return key is 2 rows tall)
- Relatively flat keys
- Volume control
- Doesn't look fugly, i.e. a bog standard qwerty layout and without shed-loads of buttons that I am never gonna use
- Preferably wireless, but I am open to it being wired if it's a good keyboard
- £70 is my budget (but I would prefer less)

I'm also likely to get a new wireless mouse, it will most likely be a bog-standard wireless microsoft mouse, but if there is a wireless keyboard/mouse combo out there, I would certainly be open to it.

Anyone got any suggestions?

EDIT: Here's my current keyboard... something as close to that as possible tbh.

Posted Image

EDIT2: I'm liking the look of this atm: http://www.ebuyer.co...oard-920-002382
Edited by Bob, 02 April 2012 - 19:11.

CJ's Photo CJ 02 Apr 2012

I definitely do not recommend using a wireless keyboard/mouse. Unless you're not planning on ever playing with it.
Batteries have a tendency not to last on these things, and when they start failing it's just horrible.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 02 Apr 2012

Well considering I've been using a wireless mouse/keyboard for 3 or 4 years now (the same ones, in fact), I seriously don't see the problem.

Yes there is the occasional glitch when the battery gets low, and it can be a real pain on the odd occasion when I am playing a PC game online (and the battery runs out... this is more to do with the lack of battery level on either though)... but the hassle of having a wired set is far worse than. Also, the logitech keyboard I posted is rechargeable via USB, so no messing around with batteries. 8|
Edited by Bob, 02 April 2012 - 19:28.

ΓΛPTΘΓ's Photo ΓΛPTΘΓ 02 Apr 2012

At £70, I would totally recommend a mechanical keyboard. I nicked my Steelseries 6GV2 at £65, used until now and the key still feels the same as first bought. Normal membrane keyboard tend to lose the feel in a few months and keep going down hill from that. A mechanical keyboard is likely to last far longer and the feel is just not matched with membrane keyboards.

£76 for another membrane keyboard even without full size keys, don't you think it is a bit too much?
Edited by ΓΛPTΘΓ, 02 April 2012 - 19:30.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 02 Apr 2012

View PostΓΛPTΘΓ, on 02 April 2012 - 19:27, said:

£76 for another membrane keyboard even without full size keys, don't you think it is a bit too much?

1. It's £63 with VAT off. 8|
2. It does have full size keys :o
3. No. |8

So yeah... decided to go with the logitech, with an accompanying mouse (which from what I have read, will be able to use the same receiver). I was tempted to go for a mechanical keyboard, but the lack of choice ultimately put me off.