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Kane's Wrath Reloaded 1.6 released

Zocom7's Photo Zocom7 22 Feb 2013

From a MARV, Redeemer, Eradicator and Mothership to a Mastodon, Argus, Armada Destroyer, Assault Mothership and Shogun Executioner, the stakes have never been higher for this mod. Sorry, but Kane himself is not an epic unit. :P

For the first time ever for a recent C&C mod (other than Zero Hour), this mod finally reaches a playable 10th faction, which happens to be the Global Air Force.

As of this latest release, none of the new sub-factions have their skirmish AI enabled.

Source: http://www.moddb.com...on-16-released1
Download: http://www.moddb.com.../kw-reloaded-16

There are still some bugs, fixes and enhancements to be issued, and technically the biggest of all, balance changes. Also the SP maps in all C&C3 campaigns will have to be modified pertaining to the vehicle power requirement.