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Hizbullah Vs. Israel Mod

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Futschki's Photo Futschki 20 Aug 2006

yeah for sure ... no new units but some new things like israeli dozer ad hizbullah dozer and israeli and hizbullah supply truck and things like that
with the two new factions for sure :P ...
But I Won't Release Anyway ... no one like the idea

Golan's Photo Golan 20 Aug 2006

You migth be able to change that by showing more confidence in your project, but it´s true that it might be a better idea to just improve one´s skills in other projects ATM untill tiberian war is published.

Kobra's Photo Kobra 21 Aug 2006

Show people some screenshots even. I could make a donkey crap look great if i advertised it properly.
Illustrate some units in action with pretty battles or something. You hook the people and then you reel them in with more and more images/videos etc

Put some of the Units in game and take a few screenies. Make a new topic for the screenies maybe even.

Futschki's Photo Futschki 21 Aug 2006

ok thanx for the hint kobra :locky:
but do u think this will be good without skin ?

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 21 Aug 2006

you need to skin them first, and if your like me, you will find it a long and boring task, but trust me it needs to be done, the more you put it off, the longer its going to take.

i suggest that you stop making models, skin the ones you've got and out them in game, then once you have done that, then make some more models :locky:

Futschki's Photo Futschki 23 Aug 2006

well ... I more than once tried to skin but I sucked ...

Well Here Are Some More Models :
Hizbullah Supply Truck :
Posted Image
M985 Cargo For Israel :
Posted Image

And I will Use The Israeli Dozer That Freedom gave me :
Posted Image

Jazzie Spurs's Photo Jazzie Spurs 23 Aug 2006

Israel Supply TK

Attached File(s)


Futschki's Photo Futschki 23 Aug 2006

u just want u as a SKINNER not A modeler stop doing models for the mod ... just SKIN the Models I gave u

Ion Cannon!'s Photo Ion Cannon! 23 Aug 2006

if hes making you free models with a skin thats pretty good i wouldnt bitch about it if i where you. Skinning is not to hard once you grasp the concept its very annoying to start with but easy enough if time consuming once you get the hang of it :D

Aces_High's Photo Aces_High 23 Aug 2006

Still need that unit coder abourror???

Futschki's Photo Futschki 23 Aug 2006

I dont need a unit coder Aces_High ...
I am not bitching him but I have the models I want them to be in-game and he modeled NEW BUILDINGS NEW UNITS that I dont need

Aces_High's Photo Aces_High 23 Aug 2006

Ok, just checking.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 23 Aug 2006

 abourror, on 23 Aug 2006, 18:16, said:

I dont need a unit coder Aces_High ...

just out of interest, how many coders do you have?

Futschki's Photo Futschki 23 Aug 2006

just me ... and I THINK its enough

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 23 Aug 2006

if you say so....

Aces_High's Photo Aces_High 23 Aug 2006

I think he's over reacting jsut a little, we only offered to help, and it ends up getting shoved down our throats.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 23 Aug 2006

no offense to him, but he's not fully aware of what he's getting himself into...

Aces_High's Photo Aces_High 23 Aug 2006

Agreed. it's always good to have more than one coder, it just get's the work done faster, a lot faster.

Futschki's Photo Futschki 23 Aug 2006

I did offense anyone ?? ... I dunno
I dunno .... if I need another UNIT coder ... well its the easiest thing in coding ... and one more thing we dont have nothn to code :D :D
when I need help I will tell u Aces_high :D :D :spam:

Golan's Photo Golan 23 Aug 2006

One unit-coder is more than enough. It´s usually model/textures and particles that delay a mod´s developement, a single coder can easily implement the work of two or even more GFX-artists.

Slightly Wonky Robob's Photo Slightly Wonky Robob 23 Aug 2006

but if that one person is also making and skinning the models, its easier to have at least one devoted coder
Edited by Bob, 23 August 2006 - 22:19.

Whitey's Photo Whitey 23 Aug 2006

Golan, once experienced with particles, it takes very little time to make new ones.

I churned out my missile exhausts in the particle fx thread in under 15 minutes.

Futschki's Photo Futschki 24 Aug 2006

well ... I Think Golan is right ... I dont need UNIT Coder .... I think I am enough ...
and I am getting a little good at Particle Coding so ... I dunno I dont need help coding YET ...

Futschki's Photo Futschki 25 Aug 2006

Sorry For The Lack Of Update here is something:
Merkava Self-Propelled Artillery :
Posted Image

and I think that I will have the Buildings Skinned in a week or so

☆FreedoM_FighteR☆'s Photo ☆FreedoM_FighteR☆ 25 Aug 2006

wtf what is it merkava artilery?! i think u need to do a doher or mlrs
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