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Comr4de → The_Hunter
I love how everyone freaked out about it XD - it's a reference guys, quite funny one too.
Mar 27 2008 19:31
Soul → Kichō
Oh yeah, incase noone has told you yet. When you get 501 posts you can have a custom member title ;).
Mar 27 2008 18:31
@Crazykenny..Perhaps it was because I posted a pic of me?:P and thanks ^^.
Isn't there few females on this forum?:o
Mar 27 2008 18:19
Isn't there few females on this forum?:o
Crazykenny → Kichō
Is it just me or are you'all trying to impress her? :P
Goodday to you Miss, nice to have you on the boards.
Mar 27 2008 18:12
Goodday to you Miss, nice to have you on the boards.