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Goddess_41214 → Jefferson
Thank you for the Simple Act of Kindness. Everything is apreciated greatly. :)

Sgt. Nuker → Goddess_41214
It completely depends on what you mean by "mini-war". Just so you know, Orkz don't believe in smalls wars. "Big iz BEST!" ;)

Goddess_41214 → Soul
Just saw one of ur messages and ur sig: "Proudly Canadian".
I WISH I was Canadian! The only perfect country on Earth.
If any offense was taken by this comment, none was ment. That is all.
I WISH I was Canadian! The only perfect country on Earth.
If any offense was taken by this comment, none was ment. That is all.

Goddess_41214 → Jok3r
Hey. Just wondering if I could get my hands on an authentic, SLG-made sig. PM me for more details. Please & THX!

Jefferson → Goddess_41214
You need more comments, here you go. Welcome to the party.