Community Status Updates

Areze → Sgt. Nuker
You could make nuke jokes all day long and it won't describe his fetish with nuclear weapons. :P

Sgt. Nuker → Dauth
To spend a comment just mentioning his intellect would be a crime against his many other attributes. Being smart isn't easy, yet this jolly bloke shrugs it off and presses onward. A pleasure to know, a joy to chat with, and a treat to be friends with

Cryptkeeper → E.V.E.
e.v.e. your fans request some of your hair they say it will bring good luck and rains to are villages

Cryptkeeper → Comr4de
comrade i bring you news frm the front seems hitler has raised again and is amassing a huge zombie army in poland

Cryptkeeper → The_Hunter
i would liek to say your hair cut looks great did you do it your self ?

Dauth → Sgt. Nuker
Possibly one of the most caring and sensetive men I have had the pleasure to meet. A true gentleman.