Community Status Updates

AfterFlash → Warbz
Forum waster. Can't keep on a lookout for even the most obvious stuff. Flames a lot of people even when they did something right. Worst guy on the forums. Blames me for everything that happens. I would be surprised if this comment hasn't been deleted. Also, If any admins see this, it is true and you can blame me also, because i didn't start it.

nova → The_Hunter
the best moder that ever lived only one thing can defet him and thats sage

Nexolate → Soul
A character really, he's not an uber-spam-poster but everyone seems to know of him.

Warbz → Nexolate
Hey Kenny...What?
Nexolate = Good laugh, fun to talk to. Great artist.
Nexolate = Good laugh, fun to talk to. Great artist.

Nexolate → Short Stuff
Our aspiring Executive Producer. Here's hoping KSS Studios rises above EA one day, Short Stuff.

Nexolate → Rayburn
He's just one of those E-Faces, you know? You see him, you recognise him, you respect him. A well chosen Staff; Rayburn.

Nexolate → Warbz
A Forumer, plain and simple. Casual, Veteran PSer, Gamer. What more can I say? One of the guys... ;D