Community Status Updates

smooder → Whitey
Anyone who says Switchblade isnt nice should be hung drawn and quatered. He's a great moddler and the best particle FXer ever. Although we rarely see his stuff anymore.

smooder → aurorasean
He's a great skinner! And he likes hiding alot, if you catch a glimpse of aurorasean on the boards you are really lucky!

smooder → Zeke
Zeke is a great moddler. I will defend him with my life if shockwave tries to steal him from me :p

smooder → Kris
Yayo is great! Great modder and leader of the best released mod on the boards! (not for long though :p)

Stinger → Prophet of the Pimps
Without a doubt, one of the funniest people on this forum. Just don't piss him off. :p

Dauth → Sgt. Nuker
One of my closet ES friends, a wonderful guy to talk to and a fan of top gear.

Short Stuff → Sgt. Nuker
Since i didnt get to say it...
*looks at the post count*
ITS OVER 9000!!!!
*looks at the post count*
ITS OVER 9000!!!!

Aviator → Lord Atlantis
A true friend, always there to help out. I don't see any reason why not to give you a five star.

Lord Atlantis → Whitey
Quite the intelligent person who is very forthcoming with his views and is quite blunt with his criticism and opinions. A pleasure to have around.

Sgt. Nuker → AfterFlash
He may not be known to some, but his maps soon will be. From humble beginnings, Afterflash is quickly climbing the status ladder. I haven't known him long, but I feel like he's been here from the start. :D