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NergiZed → Amdrial
Oops. did I just comprehension-fail? I think I misread your comment, didja mean the other way around?

NergiZed → Amdrial
What? My 152 mm cannon does 900 damage. I might even be able to pop your M3 in one shot if I hit the right place. Plus I've got Spall liner and ammo rammer. Also, with my 100% crew, all my stats are buffed. Unless your M3 also has 100% crew, I doubt it very much, at least statistically speaking I'd win.

Amdrial → NergiZed
Your KV versus my M3 General Lee? Yeah, no chance of winning that one :p.

Pandut → TheDR
Army of Darkness. Ash Williams ftw :P.
I didn't make it though, I just found it on the web XD.
I didn't make it though, I just found it on the web XD.

TheDR → Pandut
Well i am a bit :P I'm in the application phase. (also, what movie is your avatar from?).

Amdrial → Sgt. Nuker
Yeah, my WoT Screenname is identical. Can I talk to you on STEAM?