Noobs At Work
Added 'noobs-at-work', a german tutorial. Sorry engrischmann.
Ok, I start with the menu frame on the right and translate step by step some chapters later.
Mapping Grundlagen: = Mapping basics
* Was bedeuten die Buttons = What do the (WB) buttons mean
* Bevor es los geht = Before you start
* Der Anfang = The beginning
* Texturierung = Textures
* Gelände heben und senken = Raise and lower terrain
* Straßen und Brücken = Streets and bridges
* Objekte einfügen = Add objects
* Wasserflächen = Water areas
* Startpunkte festlegen = Set starting points
* Karte Skirmish fähig machen = Make a map Skirmish AI ready
Mapping verfeinern: = Mapping polish
* Straßeneinmündungen = Street junctions
* Bahnübergänge gestalten = Design railway crossings
* Beispiel: Winterlandschaft = Example: winter scenery
* Beispiel: Küste/Wüste = Example: coast/desert
* Grafikfehler vermeiden = Avoid grafic flaws
* Kurvenbau = Curve creating
* Mapgröße und Bordersize nachträglich ändern = Subsequent change of mapsize and bordersize
* Texturierung 2 = Textures 2
* Schnee- / Regeneffekte = Snow/rain effects
* Spezielle Wegpunkte = Special waypoints
* Wassertransparenz /-farbe = Water transparacy and color
Script Grundlagen: = Script basics
* Grundlagen = Basics
* Timer = Well...
* Zivilisten in Bewegung bringen = Move civilians
* Depot-Wert ändern = Change depot value
* Intro / Nachrichten- einblendung = Show intro/text
weiterführendes Mapping: = Further mapping
* Autos Fahren Lassen (Single Player) = How cars drive in single player
* Blitz Scripte = Lightning scripts
* Bohrturmeigenschaften modden = Modify oil derrick properties
* Erstellen von Shellmaps = Create shellmaps
* Erstellen von Tower-Defence Maps = Create Tower-Defence maps
* Gegenwehr von UN-Soldaten o.ä. = Script of UN infantry and other
* Gebäude besetzen lassen = Capture buildings
* Superwaffen limitieren bzw. Abschalten = Limit or disable SW
* Umlagern von Upgrades = Change upgrades
* Vulkane bauen = Create volcanos
* Wasser anheben und Absenken = Raise and lower water level
Fahrzeuge Bewegen: = Vehicles movement
* Autos Fahren Lassen = Cars
* Autos Fahren Lassen (Single Player) = Cars in single player
* Autos Anhalten (Demo) = Cars stop (sample download)
* Züge Fahren Lassen = Trains running
* Brücken/Tunnels = Bridges/tunnels
* Zug anhalten = Trains stop
Kamerafahrt: = Camera move
* Kamerafahrt = Camera move
* Kameraeinstellungen = Camera settings
* Verfolgung von Objekten = Following objects
* Kameradrehung / Zoom = Camera turn and zoom
* Fotos machen = Camera snapshots
* weitere Kamera-Effekte = more camera effects
Sonstiges: = Other
* WorldBuilder auf CD-Größe = World Builder on CD size (standalone version)
* Was bedeuten die Buttons = What do the (WB) buttons mean
* Bevor es los geht = Before you start
* Der Anfang = The beginning
* Texturierung = Textures
* Gelände heben und senken = Raise and lower terrain
* Straßen und Brücken = Streets and bridges
* Objekte einfügen = Add objects
* Wasserflächen = Water areas
* Startpunkte festlegen = Set starting points
* Karte Skirmish fähig machen = Make a map Skirmish AI ready
Mapping verfeinern: = Mapping polish
* Straßeneinmündungen = Street junctions
* Bahnübergänge gestalten = Design railway crossings
* Beispiel: Winterlandschaft = Example: winter scenery
* Beispiel: Küste/Wüste = Example: coast/desert
* Grafikfehler vermeiden = Avoid grafic flaws
* Kurvenbau = Curve creating
* Mapgröße und Bordersize nachträglich ändern = Subsequent change of mapsize and bordersize
* Texturierung 2 = Textures 2
* Schnee- / Regeneffekte = Snow/rain effects
* Spezielle Wegpunkte = Special waypoints
* Wassertransparenz /-farbe = Water transparacy and color
Script Grundlagen: = Script basics
* Grundlagen = Basics
* Timer = Well...
* Zivilisten in Bewegung bringen = Move civilians
* Depot-Wert ändern = Change depot value
* Intro / Nachrichten- einblendung = Show intro/text
weiterführendes Mapping: = Further mapping
* Autos Fahren Lassen (Single Player) = How cars drive in single player
* Blitz Scripte = Lightning scripts
* Bohrturmeigenschaften modden = Modify oil derrick properties
* Erstellen von Shellmaps = Create shellmaps
* Erstellen von Tower-Defence Maps = Create Tower-Defence maps
* Gegenwehr von UN-Soldaten o.ä. = Script of UN infantry and other
* Gebäude besetzen lassen = Capture buildings
* Superwaffen limitieren bzw. Abschalten = Limit or disable SW
* Umlagern von Upgrades = Change upgrades
* Vulkane bauen = Create volcanos
* Wasser anheben und Absenken = Raise and lower water level
Fahrzeuge Bewegen: = Vehicles movement
* Autos Fahren Lassen = Cars
* Autos Fahren Lassen (Single Player) = Cars in single player
* Autos Anhalten (Demo) = Cars stop (sample download)
* Züge Fahren Lassen = Trains running
* Brücken/Tunnels = Bridges/tunnels
* Zug anhalten = Trains stop
Kamerafahrt: = Camera move
* Kamerafahrt = Camera move
* Kameraeinstellungen = Camera settings
* Verfolgung von Objekten = Following objects
* Kameradrehung / Zoom = Camera turn and zoom
* Fotos machen = Camera snapshots
* weitere Kamera-Effekte = more camera effects
Sonstiges: = Other
* WorldBuilder auf CD-Größe = World Builder on CD size (standalone version)
Advanced Mapping Tutorial
Noobs At Work
Crazykenny, on 25 Jan 2007, 20:49, said:
Well why not write it all in english, so we can all take advantage of its usefullness.
@Nipthecat, just curious.. How did you learn yourself to map?
@Nipthecat, just curious.. How did you learn yourself to map?
If someone needs a certain chapter so badly, tell me which one.
At the beginning I opened every Generals and Zero Hour mission in WB and read the map and the scripts. I tried single actions/triggers on test maps, ripped certain script sequencies from the original missions and read the official WB manual to understand the whole thing. That began few weeks after I got Generals in 2003. Then I had the idea of creating a mission for public release but early I run into a bug I couldn't fix.
When you rip the maps from MapsZH.big you'll find a map called "BUG_SavedGameandEnabledFolders" where a workaround is shown. The bug happened when tried to run a save game of a mission that has script folders enabled/disabled by script. If I remember correctly, the save game didn't work. When you create a new script folder you can check/uncheck "Group Is Active". This way you can save resources by keeping whole sets of scripts disabled 'til you need them. A folder is called a script in WB. If you wanna enable or disable folders go for "Enable/Disable scripts". And believe me, scripts need resources.
So I restarted the whole idea with ZH when I got the expansion and my first stuff was released in 2005 on CNCDEN. Month later Grazor from ROTR asked me to join and than in late 2006 Hunter. Oh and my technical school was a big help, made it much easier.

Basic tutorals
C&C Den
C&C maps
I can't be bothered to write out a whole tutorial when there are perfectly good ones there

It's where I first learned many moons ago.
External tutorial references.
These are the extra tutorials that people recomend or we pick up from places.
AI tutorial.
For those who don't like to read how to map, here is some awesome video tutorials made by the cncmaps team.
WorldBuilder Tutorial Vids
This tutorial is pretty good and simple for learning the AI making and it also comes with a example map
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 13:27.