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Angry mob Gen Power

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#1 Zancloufer

    Cause it looks Cool

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Posted 20 January 2007 - 22:08

Basically a Gen power that summons a groups of angry mobs that run to you target, damage buildigns and units, while 'mugging' them. The enemy would loose some money to you, have units and buildings take some damage [it would never kill anything, just moderately critically damage] and disable them for a short time while they get back together.

This would be scriptable if anyone is wondering. Just have a leaflet effect and make it a new damage type. Techs, Humvees, defenses would be destroyed, most tanks. WF etc would be notebly/critically damaged and what not.
Just give some units more armour to this than others.

Jordan Edit: Posts merged

Edited by Zancloufer27, 21 January 2007 - 15:53.

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