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C&C RenEclips 2006 Reborn

Chrizz's Photo Chrizz 14 Nov 2005

Hey Folks

If u have seen on the site ATM i removed loads of inactive navbar buttons.
because all these pages never made.

My site scripter it whas a good friend has left his work and never completed the site.

Now i want to make a new start with the website in januari 2006.
i hope in 2006 the site will be better than normal there will come an upload system again. and game information.
there will also come store but in the beginning Europe Only.

The_Hunter thinks that Deathstrike and Codecat can finalize the site etc.

Greets Chris

Kris's Photo Kris 15 Nov 2005

w00t! :D cant wait!

btw, restore the old goodness of the old CnC Reneclip's website :) especially the upload button :D