Rate the last game you played
Posted 21 January 2010 - 05:32
Everyone knows hats are better than sex.
The name's Bond.
Covalent Bond.
Posted 21 January 2010 - 17:26

Got me Zombie Driver for £1.34, was totally worth that - quite fun if sometimes a little similar. Overall I'd give it about 7/10
Posted 07 February 2010 - 05:04

[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.
Posted 07 February 2010 - 05:37
AJ, on 21 Jan 2010, 18:26, said:

Got me Zombie Driver for £1.34, was totally worth that - quite fun if sometimes a little similar. Overall I'd give it about 7/10
I never used the idle program, so I got the halo. I'm talking about idling the old fashioned way, which is atually having to run the game and join an idle server. Though, I haven't been doing that for a couple of weeks, because...
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Beta - absolute blast. 9/10. The gameplay rises above the graphics (which is probably one of its selling points). Granted, there are couple of things that need to be ironed out and fixed (voice command menu needs to be implemented, among other things). I'm going to have a fun with all the other maps once the full game is out.
The name's Bond.
Covalent Bond.
Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:01

[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: The only thing I could do in safe mode
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: Is browse my porn photos
[ER-Dev] Kalo Shin [USA]: GIGGITY.
Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:19
Also, it's REALLY fun to just blow up a sniper's hiding spot.
Posted 07 February 2010 - 07:55
Kalo, on 7 Feb 2010, 7:01, said:
Yeah, I know that, but it'd be nice to have a full menu of commands I can bring up in anytime like in BF2.
Also, considering the voice commands aren't additionally shown as text, it creates issues when you're on the Russian team for fairly obvious reasons.
The name's Bond.
Covalent Bond.
Posted 16 February 2010 - 05:57
deltaepsilon, on 7 Feb 2010, 15:55, said:
Kalo, on 7 Feb 2010, 7:01, said:
Yeah, I know that, but it'd be nice to have a full menu of commands I can bring up in anytime like in BF2.
Also, considering the voice commands aren't additionally shown as text, it creates issues when you're on the Russian team for fairly obvious reasons.
You can change the voices to English in settings, ze.

Posted 16 February 2010 - 14:31
nonstop lately, leveling
my new characters.
Though an MMO,
Guild Wars is primarily
focused on tactics
rather than level
grinding: thus, it recieves a
9/10 in my book.
Posted 18 February 2010 - 14:16
I have to say, its easily the best RTS i've played. It mixes air, naval and ground combat so nicely, creating many many different tactics for each factions.
The engine is top notch which allows for stuff like shield gens, stealth and teleporting which are always fun. The maps are big enough to eliminate the "rush or lose" type of game but their are enough units and buildings with enough range to make the games not last hours.
The best part is that now I have my cooling tray, i can play it without my pc overheating and restarting

Posted 09 March 2010 - 00:49
For a developers first game, this is almost unparalleled. For those who don't know, imagine crossing God of War with Legend of Zelda. A combat orientated action adventure game. Surprisingly though, both puzzle solving and combat are pretty perfectly balanced with various puzzles in each area and no shortage of enemies to kill. Combat is incredibly fluid which is surprising given that you could be facing a large amount of enemies at once. The amount of weapons, equipment and abilities means that combat is far from a "button mash-a-thon" which some similar games turn into. The amount of equipment is pretty good and the functions vary. All are needed to solve puzzles but can be seamlessly woven into combat to create some nice combos. Each area is nicely thought out and all areas are nicely different.
I have a couple of very minor gripes. After collecting the considerable amount of hidden items (which is very fun unlike most game where it become tedious) there isn't a great deal to do in the game. There is a higher difficulty setting to play it on but there isn't the massive free roaming aspect like Prototype for example. There are several free roaming sections but its not the sort of game where you can troll these for hours. The camera can also be a bit of a pain when making certain jumps but that doesn't happen often.
In short, its the most fun i've had with a game in a long time. The game has plenty of soul and really shows the amount of dedication and effort put into it. The art style they have gone for is very visually appealing. This includes everything from the environment, the enemies and War himself. The main story is engrossing and well thought out as well. Has lead to some very late nights recently as i wasn't able to put it down

It definitely seems to a game made for the gamers as the amount of exploration and puzzle solving would deter the casual people. Its definitely the better for it.
I looked into this game a lot before release and was pretty hyped about it. Unlike Sup Com 2, it lived up to my hype and then some. If you have a 360, I heartily recommend it.
*Will be watching vigil studios in the future.*
*Edits the crappy spelling*
Edited by Mbob61, 09 March 2010 - 01:04.
Posted 20 March 2010 - 23:03
Graphics: 6/10
I don't really like them, but they are not bad either, there is something about the graphics that makes me have my eyes removed, but also a certain awesomeness about it.
Gameplay: 8/10
The ballance has to be fixed. GDI Support specially. I mean, why should support be able to roflpwn everything? (-1) Aside of that, I like the gameplay. It has nothing to do with CnC anymore (-1 too). Battles are actually more epic than in the first one, mixing units has become important, scorpion and venom spams are easily counterable. Also the fight shifts arround the map, mostly arround TCN nodes, and multiple fights at once actually Do happen.
Sound: 11/10
I love it, to put it simple. The music is gorgeous, the sounds are pretty ok, with some exeptions.
Story: 6/10
It's pretty meh, but not that bad either. I preffer the previous ones. I mean, Kane himself allying with GDI?
Multiplayer: 8/10
For the first time in a CnC, I have fun in MP because I actually CAN win

Overall I'd give it a 7/10.
EA did screw up on a few aspects (No Resource gathering, pop cap...), but also did a good job on other things, the Crawler for example turned out to be better than I though, but CnC4 really isn't a CnC anymore, since it misses too much of the things that made CnC great.
Posted 16 April 2010 - 23:51
100 of 10. Simple as that. They are easily the most epic games I've ever played, ME2 being twice as epic as ME1 even.
Graphics, Story, Music, everything is about as perfect as it can be. The only downside in ME2 is that there are no vehicle parts and the world isn't as open as in ME1, but it's still absolutely epic.
Posted 17 April 2010 - 00:07
the first playthrough, anyhow..
7 out of 10.
Pretty addictive.
Graphics are sweet, and tons of
weapons to choose from
(that more than made up
for the repetitiveness
of gameplay, I think.)
Game was too easy;
the end boss was a letdown.
Still fun, regardless..
It was like playing
far cry 2 on easy mode,
just with less walking.
next time I write a game review I'm doing a rondeau.
Edited by Guy Mannly, 17 April 2010 - 00:14.
Posted 18 April 2010 - 13:44
Huge complicated map tone of things to do cool little pointless things to do, quite enjoyable to stuff around in doing random acts of violence in between missions apparently it has a really long story to complete. Picked up the controls quickly.
I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure
Posted 24 May 2010 - 23:47
Aliens versus Predator - 6,5/10
NB: this review is written from the perspective of a diehard Alien & Predator movie franchise fan who does not appreciate the apocryphal AvP movies. Caveat lector. Also, I haven't played the multiplayer. This is about the singleplayer function and the game's looks and workings as a whole.
Let's start at the start. This game can really only be compared to one other: AvP 2, its predecessor from 2001 which was developed by Monolith (while this game is developed by Rebellion) and which was very popular in its day; quite possibly the most successful AvP game ever (and there have been a lot). In contrast to AvP 2, a well-established classic in the series, this game draws inspiration from the AvP series (the original drew solely from the separate Alien and Predator franchises - the AvP movie didn't exist at the time). The AvP movies are known for having an extremely terrible plot and this shows in the game as well which suffers from a very weak and confusingly pointless plot as well. The missions are very short (with the exception of the Marine missions which are slightly longer) and there's only very few of them. Worse, ALL of them feature the exact same environments, except in different order and from different directions. It requires little explaining how disappointing this is.
The visuals of the game are what floats the entire game. Though generally speaking I frown on games that rely solely on looks, I cannot stress enough just how pretty this game is. With this comes a hefty memory consumption but it is worth it. The visuals are what makes all the campaigns immersive; without it the game would have been utterly useless. Bad mechanics and somewhat suffering controls (more on that later) aside the game does really make you feel like you are inside it. More on specific visuals later, and screenshots below.
Controls and combat mechanics... well they suck, there's no other way to say it. Though they have improved the controls here and there a bit the game doesn't handle as easily as it could have. For example, the player can see its own model, which is great, but the model isn't allowed to clip through the terrain, even the parts you can't see. This means you can push yourself off a ledge if you look around, and the model will collide with something and push you off to prevent clipping. Another frequent example is that the melee combat (which revolves around "block defeats weak attack, heavy attack beats block, weak attack beats heavy attack") has so much aim assist and pulls you into the enemy automatically so that it will pull you off ledges and whatnot almost every time. And on the subject I don't think it requires much explanation on why the fighting system is... flawed. More specific controls issues later.
Now, a breakdown of all the species.
Visually the least impressive of the species but nonetheless fun to play to say the least. Though much of the campaign revolves around finding tiny vents (sometimes in secret areas), the Alien plays quite immersively and convinces you of being a true natural weapon of mass destruction.
The HUD is very simple, and that's a good thing. The developers obviously tried to make the vision look as natural as possible by cramming lots of information into the aiming reticle (which shows you which way is pointing up, if you're in light or darkness and if you can jump onto a surface) and the health bar is hidden by default. The lack of HUD elements does make the game much more convincing.

The Alien's view looks very simple but is surprisingly useful. It has a very wide (definitely fish-eye) field of view which automatically adjusts itself so that you can see in dark environments. This is an added element since AvP 2. Now you can use your pitch-black body concealed in the darkness without being affected yourself (and the reticle helps you determine how well concealed you are). The Alien also has pheromone-assisted view but it's been done differently than in AvP 2. Instead of just showing enemies in a brightly coloured aura, you can now see enemies through walls within a distance (which adds to the impression that you can smell them and not just see them). All in all, the Alien's view is the most useful in the game.

The Alien can't pounce miles anymore (its previous signature attack) but can target enemies and pounce small distances. It doesn't instantly destroy any enemy anymore though; it is a nice, useful and balanced feature though.
The Alien's health can fully regenerate over time and will regenerate instantly if you headbite a (live or dead) victim with your tongue. This had a pretty fun HUD element:

Aliens can still walk on walls but it works differently this time. If you are on an angle between two surfaces you can transition into the other surface, instead of having a wallwalk toggle button like before. Though this requires slightly more work and practice than the old game, it does have its charms and has the capability to be better than the original system. You can also actually jump-into-plus-autowallwalk onto a surface which is a very useful added feature compared to AvP 2. It also moves at very high speed and though it only has melee weapons, it will close the distance quickly and lash out with devastating power.
If the Alien sneaks up to an enemy from behind, you can do a grab kill which activates a (generally quite long) ingame cutscene. These are extremely brutal but quite fun. Luckily they implemented quite a few of these cutscenes so they don't get boring very soon.

The Predator is easily the most visually impressive of the three. IMO they made the HUD too cluttered though, it could do with the removal of quite a few elements. Still, it looks pretty good:

The vision modes, which highlight humans or Aliens, look rather blurry and therefore very convincing. Though inspired by the AvP movies instead of the Predator movies (I maintain the original vision modes look best) they still look super awesome. The Predator's weapons also look quite cool, especially the Plasmacaster. Cloak works a little differently this time, and is partially seen through by thermal vision. This means you can see the small imperfections on your cloak on your thermal vision :o .

The Pred has only four weapons besides his claws, and not all of them are that exciting. The combistick (a huge spear) can only be thrown, not used in melee, and doesn't do anything special. You can lay mines which are quite useful at times but not the most exciting weapon ever, and the disc has been transformed from a maximally brutal smart projectile that tracked enemies all on its own and with relentless efficiency and killed everything in one shot into a tiny circular saw that bounces around everywhere merrily and goes only where you tell it to. It's quite useful (though not very damaging) but tbh not very exciting. The most fun weapon of course is the Plasmacaster, a shoulder-mounted cannon that uses a triple laser beam to track targets using your vision modes, and then fires projectiles that can be charged up to be very powerful. Eats energy though. The weapon is easily the most iconic Predator thing ever:

(I could make a billion pictures of this thing, I just love it

The Pred (and also Marine) use an interesting health regeneration system. Your health is divided into x segments. If a whole segment is depleted, it is gone until you take your species' equivalent of a medikit. If it's only partially lost though, the segment will regenerate over time. Quite an interesting hybrid between regeneration and medikits IMO.
The Predator has melee attacks with its claws which are not bad at all, but are slower than the Alien's. You can also make trophy (cutscene) kill from behind, which are also extremely brutal.

Predators are this time around a LOT more mobile than they were originally. In AvP 2 they could just do very high jumps, but this time around they can target a ledge or platform and simply jump to there. This happens with varying degrees of noise but is generally very stealthy and a very good way to easily get around. They move at average speed when not jumping around like a monkey.
The Pred's "ammo", measured in energy, is done in a very weird way this time. You don't recharge it at will through a weapon (which leaves you very vulnerable for a short while), but through draining random appliances at static points. IMO the AvP method was more charming but whatever.
The Marines are the only ones with a decent array of weapons. However, you can only hold two at a time and your pistol (though there is plenty of opportunity for swapping in missions). The Marine's campaign is easily the longest and also easily the most fun (because it is the most scary). The campaign is quite tense; not as scary as, say, Doom 3, but nonetheless quite tense. To be honest though, it gets less tense as you go along, and it is not nearly as tense as the AvP 2 campaign was. About half of the maps is outdoors, which is easy to manage, and about half is inside. With inside, comes darkness. For example, this is a lit corridor:

And this is a not-so-lit corridor:

To fight the darkness, you can put your flashlight on (which doesn't run on batteries this time, so you have it on all the time) which sheds a small amount of light on nearby surfaces, and flares. The flares are the weirdest ever though. They give off a very powerful red light, but only in a radius of about a metre. Also, you have an infinite amount, though you can only have one active at a time and they are only active for three seconds at a time

I think that if you could stock these up like items instead of having infinity flares, and they would last two minutes or something, it'd be quite a bit more interesting. Nonetheless the darkness can be quite pressing, and if you want to enjoy the game to the full, play it at midnight without lights in your room and using no flares. Much more fun

The Marine's weapons range from the pistol which is somewhat weak but has infinite ammo (and a nice reload animation

The Smartgun, a notoriously lame weapon from AvP 2, has been redesigned quite well. It takes up TWO weapon spaces so if you use it, you have only it and a pistol. It doesn't draw from a single ammo pool anymore but uses mags, it makes you walk slowly and unable to run, and it doesn't have auto-aim all over your screen anymore but instead uses a lazy targeting reticle over a superimposed screen of the stuff on the precision rifle. This also highlights enemies and shows them through walls, but unfortunately filters out most of the light from your flares (red light through blue filter).

The Marine is very immobile compared to the other species as well, relying on pure firepower instead. He walks very slowly and doesn't sprint that long or that quickly either, and takes high damage from even small falls (the pred is very resistant to falls and the Alien is immune to fall damage).
Overall, it is a fun game if you're a fan of the series. It looks very good and on that basis alone merits playing it. I'm not sure the MP part would be worth it with such lousy mechanics, though. 6,5/10
Edited by Chyros, 24 May 2010 - 23:48.
The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

Posted 04 July 2010 - 19:08
Prince of Persia 1/2 : Forgotten Sands (PC)
Note : 3/10
When I heard that Ubisoft made a new PoP game which was actually a real one, and not some CEL Shaded crap with no relation to the series whatsoever, I intended to buy ASAP, but seeing how many bad reviews it got, I decided to go for the old good try before you buy policy... I must say that it has been one of the wisest moves I made this year...
So, long story short, this game is supposed to take place between the Sands of Time and Warrior Within, except that with the silly story they invented this time, they could've pretty much placed it whenever they wanted...
Also, it looks like instead of taking the best part of every game and mixing them together, they did the exact opposite :
- The combat mechanics are similar to those from Sands of Time, which means you get pretty much two simple attacks (sword slash + kick), a charged one, and a single aerial attack, without any combo or something like that to make it more interesting... Also, there are only 7 kinds of enemies, 2 of which are bosses which will rarely appear anyway, and the only ones who could take more than 5 seconds to kill are the shielded ones (which you must always kill the same way BTW)
- The graphics are a mix of SoT and WW : Sometimes the environment is too dark, and the rest of the time it's just too bright... Also, most of the time you're just supposed to jump in the void like a complete moron, hoping that an invisible platform will show up, and keeping your finger near the Q key to rewind time in case it doesn't.
- The acrobatic passages are kinda cool, and can represent quite a challenge, especially near the end of the game (which you'll get to in less than 5 hours at a snail's speed), the trap dodging sequences on the other side are at a 5 year old kid's reach. You can get past most of the traps by simply running forward like a madman and randomly hopping around (Here again, it only starts to be interesting at the last 15 minutes of the game, where it actually gets very hard to get across them, a bit like those who were in T2T)
- Special Powers : You are supposed to get 4 of them, but believe me, the only useful one is the one which makes you invincible for a short time, which can prove to be useful in large melees (Oh, did I mention you'll be fighting packs of dozens of enemies at each time? Probably to compensate for their awful AI I think...)
As for the three other powers : One will generate a fireball which automatically attacks the nearest enemies, doing no damage to them. Another one will make your attacks more 'frosty' but it's useless since it doesn't even freeze the enemies and barely increases your attack power. And the last one is called Tornado, but has nothing to do with Tornadoes, it's merely a shockwave which'll knock out the nearest foes.
All in all, this game just fucked up all my hopes to see another good PoP game.
Oh yeah, and FFS Ubisoft, when you make such a simplistic game, at least have the decency to allow players to choose the Hard difficulty from the beginning.
Clearly, this game has been designed for the same bunch of fucktards as usual : casual gamers, and I really don't recommend it to any of you guys.
Now excuse me while I go clean my hard drive, it must have been corrupted by so much crap in it.
EDIT : I almost forgot to mention the bugs... I died 3 times because of the character's ragdoll getting stuck in the floor during a combat, 5 times because the character froze in the middle of a jump, and luckily escaped 2 traps by getting teleported 10 meters forward just before hitting them
Edited by CJ, 04 July 2010 - 19:13.
Posted 04 July 2010 - 20:31
TF2 10/10 this is probably the only game ill be able to go back to for the rest of my life as does ZH.
Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:17
Rating - 8/10
Pretty much what you'd expect from the major Nintendo franchise. Run, jump, stomp enemies, and whatnot as you have been doing since Super Mario 64. New powerups, abilities, and challenges help liven up what could have been just a simple re-hash of Super Mario Galaxy 1. But even then it wouldn't have been too bad.
Some levels are a bit difficult, but often due to arbitrary time limits or extreme tedium of the challenges. one such that I wasn't too big of a fan of was collecting 100 coins on a series of rotating platforms. If you fell, you had to start it all over again from the beginning, which means another 5 minutes of collecting coins. Not the best, but also not very common either.
The game itself may be a bit short, but having 120 individual challenges should give the game at least enough replay value to play through it twice.
Posted 06 July 2010 - 13:57
Split/Second: 8/10: ... Very nice in MP. Atmosphere is great. Gameplay is very repeating though and Powerplays are poorly balanced
Medal of Honor (BETA): 6/10 ... Combining the stuff from BC2 and MW2 to the worse. A rather obsolete game.
Pokemon Soul Silver: 9/10 ... Pokemon is a classic. I still enjoy it as much as I did 10 Years ago.

Posted 14 July 2010 - 21:10
Note : 2/10
At first, this game looked very promising, especially since there aren't many sniping games out there, but as soon as you start the training missions, things start to look screwed up : First, if you play on Easy or Normal mode, you get a goddamn red dot which shows where the hell your bullet is gonna land. WHAT'S THE FUCKIN POINT OF HAVING A GRAVITY + WIND SYSTEM IF YOU KNOW WHERE THE BULLET IS GOING? D:!
Thankfully, you get rid of that stupid thing if you're playing on hard mode, but what about those who don't want to face this insane AI and not having the stupid dot at the same time?
The AI... It's just crappy in fact, stealth is pretty much useless, you could be hiding in the grass, where no one can normally see you, and where you can't see anything as well, but still, those silly soldiers will be able to snipe you at a distance of 1km with their AK-47s, they can also see you when you're underwater at a 500m distance, and they'll only need to fire one bullet to kill you, but on the other hand, they won't notice a dead body if they're standing on it, and not even a fucking knife thrown at them!
Mission checkpoints are screwed up as well, you'll only find two per mission. The objectives are even worse : If your spotter asks you to hide and you do so but in another bush than the one which was indicated by the objective marker, you'll be immediately spotted by the enemy.
As for the the equipment is pretty limited : A sniper rifle (always the same model), a silenced pistol, some throwing knives and a rope which you'll use twice in every mission. Oh and you can pickup some weapons on dead bodies occasionally, but they'll be useless as you die in less than 3 seconds in combat...
tl;dr : This game is crappy, don't buy it.
Posted 14 July 2010 - 23:54
Sniping was that boring.

Posted 31 July 2010 - 13:00
I'd give it a 7/10 as a game, tho, a -10 or 10 as a CnC. It doesn't have anything that defines CnC, beside GDI and Nod. The story is also rather crap, but skirmish/MP is a shipload more fun than all of the previous CnCs combined.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 20:56
This is one serious step back from WA. Though as funny as always (quite hilarious actually), and though it looks quite a lot better, they messed up the mechanics badly. Ninja Ropes don't control very reliably, the Jetpack doesn't show the fuel countdown until you're halfway out and consumes fuel in an extremely random way (sometimes it consumes almost nothing, other times you can hardly get a few metres up with it) and it is now the primary means of transportation, mines are INCREDIBLY bouncy (seriously Mexican jumping beans have nothing on them), landscapes are extremely tiny, weapons don't do 50 or 75 damage anymore but instead 45 and 65 (while the Shotgun still deals 2x25, making it even more overused I guess)...
Worst of all, though they added a couple of interesting new weapons like the Buffalo of Lies (which is like a Mad Cow herd except it's the same thing exploding over and over again) and especially a poison gas launcher and a bunker buster, both of which would fit very well in WA, they removed almost all weapons from the previous games. The Concrete Donkey is still in, as is the Banana Bomb, but there's no Carpet Bomb, any of the fancy airstrikes except the two basic ones, no walkers except that buffalo thing and the sheep, no special dynamites, no special anything in fact. There's not even a minigun ffs!
The campaign is exactly what you expect it to be, too. There's 40 missions. In 1-19 you basically win automatically, the question is just who of you two kills the computer player the quickest - you or he himself. At mission 20, the computer switches to an aimbot that lands the well-known perfect grenades into your lap every shot. You eans "money" from the missions which you can use to unlock hats, forts, weapon options etc. with, which is quite charming though.
The music consists of remixes from older songs. There are actually quite good and significantly better than the original versions of these tracks. However, I remain of the opinion that Worms 1 had the best music tracks of any Worms game to date.
Another thing, one familiar to Worms veterans, is the lack of customisation the game gives you. Worms 2 had a huge list of weapon parameters but you couldn't change much about the game itself, and Armageddon was notorious for giving you almost no customisation of weapons at all. Here, you can only tune the amount you get of *some* weapons and nothing else. The game parameters are roughly as customiseable as in Armageddon. However, every menu or selection consists of one option, so if you have to scroll somewhere you have to press one button to maneuvre to that option which sometimes take way too long, something that seems inexplicably fiddly. Also, worms teams cannot contain more than four members EVER (though finally you can write some medium-sized names).
Between the rather absurd mechanics and the, to say the least, disappointing amount of weapons (which are by the way organised into an extremely hindered screen like in Worms 3D, where it doesn't even tell you the shortcut for each weapon (and the weapons are also not ordered by category anymore) and where every weapon icon is so huge, colourful and complicated that you can't very easily oversee the weapons menu) and the feeling that this game somehow lacks playability and flow which WA was so well-known for, the game is kind of a sham IMO. The hats are quite nice and the new accents are quite hilarious at times, but I'd say this is a waste of money.
I've actually managed to already stop caring about a game which hasn't even launched yet in its pre-order 24-hour early access time. Wow.
EDIT: oh yeah, and the Cluster Bomb is now even MORE useless than it ever was. The CPU is quite fond of using them, but even a perfect hit in a confined area doesn't seem to yield more than 30 damage. A painful experience for those who grew up with the awesome power of the original Cluster Bomb.
Another EDIT: ok, so now that I look through the game files there's actually a whole map of .TXT files where you can tweak most stuff of almost all weapons. That's quite neat, though I guess a menu option for that (and perhaps some explanation of what all the variables mean) would've made stuff a lot easier. All in all, this improves the game, but I wouldn't call it good for it either.
Edited by Chyros, 25 August 2010 - 21:09.
The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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