Syndicate - 4,5/10
WARNING: big spoilers.
First of all, know that this review comes from a diehard fan of the series. Expectations with me are about as high as they're going to get.
The game is about a future world, think about 2070, where megacorporations, syndicates, rule the world. People are controlled because they get chip implants, which allows the syndicates to monitor the civilians extremely closely. Think Big Brother. Wars are no longer wars, but rather tactical operations involving sabotage, espionage and assassination. The ones carrying out all this are Agents, cybernetically enhanced humans implanted with chips and (originally) also metal skeletal enhancements. They are basically the biggest force to be reckoned with. The player plays an Agent with the very latest generation of chip, the DART 6 chip.
Easiest is probably if I just divide the review in good points and bad points. I'll start off with the
good points.
-First of all, the single biggest praise I can give is that the the (visual) universe is very well put into the game. I can only extend great compliments on this. The world of the Syndicate series is a dark cyberpunk world where everything is about technology and corporations rule everything mercilessly by controlling your mind as much as possible (I'll get back to this later). Not only does the world LOOK exactly as you'd expect of a proper cyberpunk world, the makers also gave the world the feeling you'd expect. Everything looks extremely gadgety, it also looks and feel very dark and oppressing. My sincerest praise on this point.
-The weapons feature alternate firing modes. Something quite interesting of course. They definitely wanted to make the weapons highly diverse. Some ideas are really interesting too, such as a weapon with homing bullets.
-The DART overlay, a feature granted by the DART 6 chip, is a kind of Predator-vision-meets-They-Live-sunglasses-meets-bullet-time, looks quite cool. It allows you to see enemies through walls and with enhanced contrast, and slows everything down.
-The makers put in a really interesting effect. In accordance with the subtle and less-than-subtle indoctrination syndicates exert on their citizens, there is a lot of subliminal messaging everywhere. These texts are put there by syndicates and you can't normally see them, however they become consciously visible when you switch on the DART overlay, which is really cool. An example (normally only the logo is visible):
In addition, there is a resistance of some civilians who aren't tolerating all this anymore. These also apply the same type of ink painting over syndicate posters, changing the ads radically when looking at them in normal or DART vision modes. Normally:
with DART overlay:
-The DART chip the player has implemented affords him with massive hacking power that allows him to override chip functions of enemies, forcing them to commit suicide, turning on their former comrades etc. This is actually quite an interesting gameplay element and though crudely implemented it works very well. Kudos on this for sure.
And then finally, the
bad points.
-The game uses the Frostbite 2 engine which makes everything look absolutely godawful. Even though it's been remarked that Syndicate look much more colourful than BF3, which is true, everything is still monochrome because of the extremely limited colour palette of the engine. Worse, AGAIN like BF3, the game has extremely strong light scatter effects which makes it look like there's fog everywhere and consequently everything is completely blindingly bright, both indoors and outdoors. As a result, it's very hard to see anything, especially enemies, which look relatively innocuous, unless you use the DART overlay, which has extremely limited use times (though it recharges eventually). Some examples:

When in-game and not static like the screenshots, the moving and looking around (especially wih the motion blur effects which are IMO Satan), makes it all but impossible to see anything.
-The game is set in a cyberpunk world which means the designers could go as mental as they wanted to with the weapons. But they didn't. In fact everything feels extremely samey. In contrast to the originals' insanely powerful and diverse weaponry, they went for relatively conventional bullet firearms with red dots sights and ACOG scopes. In addition, everything has BF-itis, so everything is extremely weak. As a result, there are no weapons that are fun to use, because using everything feels like a major disappointment due to the low damage it does. The only exception is the minigun, which is the ultimate weapon in the game, is very powerful and has infinite ammo. Not something we haven't seen in other games, to be sure. For reference, the minigun was a starting weapon in Syndicate Wars, and the weakest weapon in the game after the Uzi, and all "bullet" weapons actually ran on rechargable batteries and fired plasma bullets. This Syndicate game could've been just as exciting if the designers were a little less conservative. Gone are the nuclear hand grenades, satellite bombardments, graviton guns, etc. etc.
-The game is based on the original Syndicate, and takes place right before or even during Syndicate Wars. However, the designers completely missed the whole point of the originals' plots and the whole world structure is utterly wrong. Everybody has free will and are only influenced by the subliminal messages, instead of everyone being implanted and being under complete control. The Church of the New Epoch, a terrorist/freedom fighter organisation that has just bloomed up in Syndicate. However instead of them gaining foothold by introducing a virus that makes everyone's chip malfunction, they are just spreading videos and writing wall messages to liberate the people, all of which feels very weak and wrong and doesn't do the originals justice. The originals has a MUCH more depressing, Brave New World feeling to them, which made the world feel more alive than it does in Syndicate.
-On the same note, though the player does still play for the EuroCorp syndicate, which is one of the many syndicates fighting for powers in the original Syndicate and the sole, dominant world power in Syndicate Wars, the entire game takes place in America, despite it clearly being about
EUROcorp, which was originally headquartered in London but is now headquartered in New York for no apparent reason. The player would also originally travel all over the world to undertake their ops against terrorists and rival syndicates, but the developers obviously couldn't conceive of a world outside the US and so all missions take place in the US, even the ones battling foreign Syndicates. Unlike one might think at this point, the developers aren't American but Swedish, by the way.
-The controls and movement are extremely annoying. I am presuming that this comes from its BF roots but everything doesn't work like it ought to. The player is constantly fidgeting, all movements are extremely imprecise, and the player tends to do weird manoeuvres at unexpected times, suddenly diving or jumping or doing something unexpected that you didn't want to do at all. Also, aiming is relatively hard because the mouse sensitivity has extremely bad customiseability (there are what, six or so different sensitivities in total?), has some kind of very strong smoothing effect and tends to either overshoot the target or stop short of it. The other controls aren't very customiseable either, no secondary buttons available, no hold ADS button, commands like "use" and "hack" split up for no good reason since they really do they same but you need two different buttons now, no grenade throw button (only a select button - I think the last serious shooter that didn't have a throw grenade button was what, CoD 1?), no prone, a crouch that lowers the player only by about 1 cm in height, etc. The character is also absolutely dwarfish, feeling like just 1,60 m tall or something, which makes it feel like you're crouching all the time, and you can't see very well because of this. Other examples include the player not being able to fire when close to a wall or obstacle, because the game feels it is necessary to twist the player into some kind of stupid posture from which you cannot fire. Almost everything boils down to realism you-know-what-but-I-can't-say-it-because-it-offends-certain-people.
-The player is played in first person perspective, complete with freeness of will, but this makes no sense. The Agents are chipped to such a degree that originally they wouldn't even return fire unless the player ordered them to do so. They were basically robots that couldn't conceive of doing anything that they weren't ordered explicitly to do. In this game, the player controls a character directly, which has emotions, free thought, and can even revolt against its creators. This makes absolutely no sense and feels unbelievably fake and cheap. Worse still, there are only four characters in the whole game and the story is weak and as deep as a teaspoon. Whoever wrote the plot couldn't write a toddler's book.
-The player is extremely weak. Though the Agents are supposed to be basically the Terminator which a metal endoskeleton and implants everywhere, the player has notable trouble even prying open doors or running or jumping, and is downed relatively fast. All this severely undermines the whole concept that Agents are supposed to be one man armies that represent the absolute cutting edge in technology. Instead, the player feels like a weak, limp bag of shit.
-The enemies are extremely boring to fight, with the normal soldiers being very easy and bland (and they just hide behind obstacles all the time) and sometimes a boss in the form of enemy Agents which have widely varying powers completely unlike yours. Because the enemies are too easy, eventually they introduce enemies that are invulnerable to spice things up. Until you hack their armour and they they become vulnerable again. And then they appear with minions with "hack-distorting" stuff that makes you unable to hack unless you kill them. And then later those are covered by other things you need to blahblah first. Invulnerable enemies aren't really that fun and really feel like a desperation move on the part of the designers. Also, the boss battles are unbelievably frustrating, boring and counterintuitive and regularly hardly or even not at all involve any firing, but rather hacking certain things fast enough to counter attack X. This results in boss battles centering around stuff like hacking ping-pong with missiles and hacking cover positions to rise up out of the ground and stuff like that, and much of it is not exactly intuitive. There is also no save feature so if you fail the battle you have to start over completely. Combined with the boring weapons and useless controls, the combat as a whole is nothing exciting at all.
-Every single thing you go through is a closed door or vent you need to open by pushing F rapidly. After about two times the novelty kind of wore off, but you have to do this literally dozens of times. Not the greatest issue ever but one can't help but wonder... Why?!
Overall, I'd say "nice try". They gave it a good shot, but the piss-poor implementation, weak story and insane liberties they took with the universe do kind of ruin it. Being as unfaithful to the originals as it is (the player wears a leather coat and works for a company called EuroCorp and that's almost everything it has in common with its predecessors), you should not in any way look at this as being a sequel.
Edited by Chyros, 02 March 2012 - 00:30.