Generals and Zero Hour
File management:
FinalBig - Needed to extract and compress files into .big files.
XCC Mixer 1.40 - Needed to extract stuff from inside the .BIG Files,
Cameo Mapping:
Generals Cameo Mapper - Needed to "map" those pesky cameo portraits.
Texture editors:
DDS converter - Needed to convert DDS files to be editable.
Photoshop or GIMP - Needed to edit textures, cameo's and the sort. Gimp requires GTK.
Gmax and RenX - Needed to edit/create models. 3DSMax can also be used.
Coolfiles W3D Importer - Needed to "IMPORT" W3D models into RenX, Script works for 3dsmax 7.0 too.
BFME & C&C SDK - Heres a new-ish Re-release of the RenX For 3DSMAX, Nifty shaders for BFME II mods included.
Mapping Tools:
This tool imports elevation data from an 8bit greyscale raw bitmap image to an uncompressed C&C Generals map file. -More Details after clicking...
WAK Editor - used to edit waves for maps.
And the most needed resource is practice.

Happy modding!
Edited by Alias, 13 May 2007 - 02:20.