E-Studios C&C3 Forum RolePlay
Posted 07 April 2007 - 11:25
i'll have to read all the others first to make sure i dont condradict anything, as ive only een reading snippets from each bit,
very good by the way.

Posted 07 April 2007 - 13:55
but i tried quite hard to make it interesting.
hope you like it.
My mum a teacher and my dad a soilder in the pioneer regiment.
i worked hard in school and got extremly high results in all my exams.
then when i was 11 my parents were constantly having arguments and got
divorced. I was upset but i still had contact with my dad, and saw him
2 or 3 times a year. sometime later still with my parents at each others
necks i did my GCSE's and got great results, My parents each bought
great expensive gifts but i knew it was only to outdo the other parent.
Shortly after my dad stopped talking to me altogether and i felt betrayed.
I never found out why, but he basically just disowned me, without even
a warning or reason.
I went on to 6th form to do my A-levels but after failing all of them
miserably I was kicked out of school.
My mum was extremely dissapointed and upset.
we didnt talk for days.
Eventually she came up to me and started talking to me about my future.
I knew i had to get of my ass and do something.
I managed to get work at the local cinema, but carried on searching
for a better job none the less.
I ended up joining the military police, in the RAF.
2008 came round, and i was extremly happy with the way my life was progressing.
my military service was coming to an end with only 6 months left, i was once
again looking for work in the outside world ready for when i left the army.
That night me and a few mates got off duty and went to the pub.
"Did you see that drunk i brought in today?" Daniel asked, referring
to a man that tried to do guard duty while intoxicated, Daniel was a fellow
military policeman.
As i went to reply i hear blood curling screams from outside, I jumped up
and ran to see the problem, just as i stepped outside a massive clump of
rock crashed into the side of the pub with an almighty explosion,
i ws hurled across the road.
I managed to pick myself up, with my clothes torn and my head bleeding
the pub and the buildings next to it had collapsed to the ground,
but there was an eery green glow about them.
I staggered away confused trying to put two and two together.
There was still loads of civilians running frantically,
I looked up to see the sky alight with debris raining from space.
Then i heard breathing in front of me, very close in front of me.
I looked back i front of me and froze, it was a tall figure in
black with small areas of red, with a large weapon, some sort of LMG,
hanging by a strap drom the shoulders, his glowing red eyes locked on mine.
My life flashed in front of me, and i thought about my mates that i was having
a drink with just minutes ago, i turned and ran.
I heard a string of gunshots and lost my footing collapsing into a pile of rubble.
I now had metal bone replace my thigh, which had been shattered, and had spent the
last 7 agonising years in therapy.
The world now in ruins, normal civilain life was a thing of the past.
with approximately 30% of the world inhabitable, due to a crystal now called tiberium,
these areas where called redzones.
50% of the planet was capable of supporting life but with massive dangers around
every corner (yellow zones), and the rest was called blue zones, these were
completely unaffected, luckily i was one of the few eligibale to live in one of the
blue zones.
Very little was known about tiberium, but a group of terrorists,
as most called them, called themselves NOD.
They were hellbent on encouraging the growth of this 'Tiberium' believing
it to be the next stage of human evolution.
GDI (global defense initiative) had also developed to try and eradicate
the tiberium along with NOD, while protecting the blue zones.
In the modern day all men where expected to head to a GDI recruitment
office if they were fit enough to fight, my leg had by now fully recovered so
I was interveiwed there, and after being told that skills were not necassary in any
position, i requested to be a pilot.
There was some debate but eventually i went of to training.
6 months later:
I had excelled through training and passed with distinction.
I was finally on my first active duty, and had been called to breifing.
We were told there was a NOD base in cairo and we were to fly out and give support to the
GDI attack on it.
i was shaking, my hands sweating. I looked to the man on my left.
"first time?" he asked.
"yes" i stuttered.
"when we are in free formation, dont stay in a straight line" he warned.
free formation was when you were in combat and allowed to take any path required or desired
as long as you dont go AWOL, (absent without leave).
I sat in the cock pit, as the canopy slowly closed.
i looked at the control panel in front of me.
engines on.
HUD on.
Weapon system on.
"Base to all birds,proceed to checkpoint alpha in diamond formation"
That was the control tower, a cold feeling crept up my spine.
this wasnt how i imagined it as a child.
i increased throttle, and my firehawk lost contact with the ground as it rose.
I then pushed the joystick forward slightly proceeded to get into formation.
"leader to birds, proceed in formation at 200knots"
As we proceeded with the flight to cairo, we passed a red zone a leant
upwards to look down out of the canopy, it didnt resemble earth anymore, it was brown
and baron, with the green crystals climbing 100's of metres upwards from the ground.
several structures had become almost entirely engulfed by the tiberium.
"leader to birds, ETA 5mins"
"break formation, targets spotted 3'o clock"
A red light begun flashing oby my feet to indicate we were in combat.
i looked around and saw the other 8 firehawks change direction, i proceeded to change direction
towards the targets and climb to a higher altitude.
The heat was unbearable, but i couldnt concentrate on that now, i had to ignore it.
i could see the targets now, 4 venom patrol craft, my crosshairs closed in across my HUD
and locked onto one. i pulled the trigger, with a deafening hiss two missiles dropped from
underneath the body of my firehawk crashed into the body of a venom patrol craft in cloud of
some it exploded, and shrapnel plummeted to earth.
i washed it fall, but then heard the clatter of metal on metal, as another venom got a free shot on
my side, then i saw bullet make strafe across my canopy.
"jesus, what are you waiting for? get out of there!!!" I heard over the intercom.
I pushed the joystick forward and begun rapidly descending, it was following me, i could still hear
the bullets hitting the rear of my craft.
I heard a bang and my firehawk shook violently.
"team leader to all birds, thats all of them, continue to proceed to checkpoint alpha"
"that wasnt them?" i asked frantically.
"no, that was a patrol squad, they know we are here know." was the reply.
my heard begun beating rapidly, and my stomach felt heavy. There was more to come.
we proceeded over the GDI forward base that we were hear to support, i could see the odd explosion
and some movement but i couldnt see anything specific, we were too high.
I looked forward and could see the ditinct symbol of nod: a large black fist holding an orange sphere.
The red light still flashing by my feet.
there were 4 vertigo bomber moving towards us, with a venom patrol craft escort, there wasnt enough
time to count them. I saw tracers fly past my firehawk i followed them with my eyes and saw them
crack the the canopy, and into the pilot of another firehawk, he was killed outright, and his craft
continued to glide effortly downwards. i looked back infront of me to see another venom pass over
just above me.A vicious dogfight ensued with many deaths, mostly for NOD but our numbers were
dwindling too.
With just a few air to ground bombs and a couple of air to air missile remaining i was beginning to
"attack bikes spotted directly below us, disengage dogfight and escort Ox transports back to base"
the Ox transports had just dropped off reinforcents to the nearby GDI base,
"The ground defenses will be able to deal with the remaining air threat"
A siren begun to sound in my cockpit, i was panicing, it meant that missiles had been locked onto me.
i looked around, and saw two large missiles heading towards me at a great speed, one hit the wing
of my firehawk, the other was headed straight towards me.
it smashed into the canopy and ricoched upwards
into the underside of a friendly craft. I looked around and realised it was only myself left.
i engaged thrusers and tried to make it out of there as fast as i could.
i dont know how many were chasing me, but i made it back to the GDI base, with tracers flying past my craft constantly.
I could see the AA emplacements below me firing and the venoms behind me.
I dont know what happened, but suddenly my firehawk begun spinning uncontrollably.
I hit floor with an almighty thud, i couldnt see my hand in front of my face due to all the smoke.
i felt weak and vulnerable, as if i was going to die at any moment.
I tried to fight it but eventually everything went dark.
Edited by Warbz, 07 April 2007 - 15:17.

Posted 07 April 2007 - 14:06

Posted 07 April 2007 - 15:18
just to clarify:
when it says it all went dark, that just me passing out. not dying

Posted 07 April 2007 - 15:54
Posted 07 April 2007 - 21:24
is it gonna be compiled or summin?
or do we just add a bit more when we feel like?

Posted 08 April 2007 - 09:38
I gather my team inside a hollow Blue Tiberium Crystal when a Venom patrol passes by. We move out immediatly, for not even our suits will protect us from the radiation bombardment a large monolith sends us.
A Galileo sattelite pinpoints the location of a NOD Outpost 27 miles from our location. They are harvesting the tiberium field of our location. The field is dense. There is a reason we landed here. Not even the most imbecilic NOD peasant will dare his feet into this field. We will most likely not be harmed.
Our first minor objective is to shut down the two NOD Outposts in the southern german black tiberium desert monitoring the SAM defensive encampments. I am tempted to fullfill this duty. I want to make NOD vanish from the planet and here is where I can start. We run through the crystals at above human speeds. We jet over Tiberium infestations in the destroyed landscape. We bolt through the spore tree black woods and we zigzag around the monoliths of the desert.
An ominous sight does the relic of human intelligence give us. The two mile high Berlin Ultima Tower marked our skies from the beginning of our journey. It's ruined base is where the NOD spaceport is located. If necessary, I and my team are allowed and able to fracture the tensegrity mast and bring down the entire tower only to stop NOD. The main construction of the tower itself was just barely finished when the Tiberium struck our planet. Only the bottom levels are hospitable for life, the rest is given to the wind.
I continue pondering while automatically navigating to the tower. I share my thoughts with my members. They share theirs. It's an interesting manner to kill time. The NOD have a protected, self powered immense structure to, as that embodiment of disequilbrium, Kane, said; 'Harvest what Nod seeded.' They have seeded my hate, and now they will harvest my wrath.
The artificial cliffs of the black woods, created with the raw materials moved to sustain the tower's foundation, separate us from the Dark Waters surrounding the tower. The waters hinder our arrival. But there is far more to deal with before we can even think of reaching the tower's base.
The NOD outpost is shimmering in the morning sun. My built in binoculars scan the site. One defensive perimeter, one barracks structure and the target, the SAM site control center. We move in, demolish the shredder's hubs. They are totally taken by surprise. My railgun's second target is the data transmitter on the roof of the Control Center. I take down the entire roof with it. The foolish NOD rooters stare at me awestruck. I raise my railgun and take a spin through the inside. I don't care for anything in my path, human or machine.
I walk outside. My team has done well, nothing has been left standing. The main building collapses a mere second after I step out of it. The other outpost is a mile to the west, at the west side of the tower. Reinforcements can be brought in, but we take no risks until the second command post is down too..
Edited by Shirou, 08 April 2007 - 09:43.

Posted 08 April 2007 - 21:31
Sorry it took a while to respond, I forgot about your reply for a while there. xD
Anyways, here's my next section:
Our Outpost had been set up in the North East of the map, while the Harvesting Outpost was located somewhere in the North West of the City. Scythe ordered us to split up and maintain a low profile unless fired upon or we discovered the Outpost. We split up in separate directions, all heading west.
I had my vehicle going at a fair pace, trying not to draw attention with the engine, however I noticed scarce GDI Patrols. Why would GDI leave them selves so open? I shrugged it off as a poor Commander and continued, passing a destroyed mall before noticing the intoxicating glow that only Tiberium could produce.
I piloted my Stealth around the corner and saw a relatively large Tiberium Field with a few Harvesters doing their business. Apparently this place had been a construction site; several half-built structures were surrounding, and in some cases covered in the glowing gree crystal. I counted at least three Harvesters, and noticed their Refinery just across the field. I reported in and then quickly fell back into a darkened alley, waiting for the rest of my squad to arrive.
Once we had regrouped, Scythe ordered us to spread out around the nearest Harvester and move in close. I took the west side, while the rest of my squad spread out at regular intervals. Eventually we had a nice hexagon-box formed around the Harvester. Scythe said that on the count of three the others on the Northern edge and I should fire on the rear. Once it had turned around to identify the source, they would also engage and hopefully blow an even bigger hole in its hide. We agreed and prepared.
I took careful aim, targeting my missiles directly on the harvesters Tiberium-Channel which was just visible from the rear. Scythe counted down. Almost before he even reached three, we fired simultaneously. A barrage of twenty or so rockets buckled the rear armour, my missiles in particular blowing a large hole in the top.
As the Harvester slowly reared, we saw the rest of our Squad un-stealth and hurl their share at it. Apparently Scythe had the same idea I did and continued to tear into the hole I had already carved into its shell. The Harvester was smoking now, attempting to use its feeble machine-gun to try and fend us off. We quickly targeted our missiles on the front windshield and sent a small volley loose, causing the Harvester to explode in a green-tinted cloud.
Scythe ordered us to quickly move out and dispense the other Harvesters in the same way. We had no problems; apparently the leading Commander of this area was pretty poorly updated as we hadn’t experienced a single threat yet. We moved across the field, towards the Refinery. Unfortunately, it was guarded by several AT-Cannons, meaning unless we wanted to run straight into a shell, we wouldn’t be getting in so easily.
Enjoy, next up is the small problem.

Edited by No-Skillz, 09 April 2007 - 10:04.
Posted 09 April 2007 - 18:07

Posted 10 April 2007 - 19:25

Posted 10 April 2007 - 20:11
Part 2
A small cloud of dust rose around me and then settled again.
I looked back at my Firehawk as i rose to my feet, the steel frame was visible through most of the body and the left wing was missing.
Small clouds of fumes were still being emitted from several areas.
I looked around in the darkness to see if i could gather where i was, I saw the GDI base, though looking slightly worse for wear,
and began a brisk jog in that direction.
A short time later i was close enough to the base to see the reality of what had happened.
The outer walls had crumbled, and sections were still ablaze. Bodies were strewn across the rubble laden floor.
I continued on into the encampment, and quickly found myself a GD2 Rifle, The standard issue assault rifle of the GDI.
Most buildings had been relatively unharmed.
I could hear a gentle humm, almost like a groan not too far away from where i was standing.
I called out, though weary it may be a foe, ....no reply, but the noise continued.
I continued to search for the source, checkin around each corner and behind every obstacle.
Until, I looked into the armory. The left wall had buckled leaving the other three to support the entire weight.
I looked to the man on the floor, his face blackened by soot and dust. He had a cut down the side of his boney face surrounded by dull dry blood.
"What happened here?" I asked as i offered him my hand, still shaking from my incident.
He took a breath. "By the time we detected them," he took another breath, "It was too late."
"detected who?" I asked, becoming un-nerved, I pulled my hand back as he showed no intention of getting up. "We knew NOD was here."
"No, not NOD, Something else." His voice was becoming weak.
"what?! what was it?" I began to panic. What could be this terrible?
"It was too late to form anything more than a basic defense." he continued, his voice becoming fainter as he continued.
"what was it? Who were they?!" I ranted. He didnt reply. His chest had stopped moving. I pulled his helmet down over his face and stepped backwards.
What now?
Edited by Warbz, 10 April 2007 - 20:13.

Posted 12 April 2007 - 08:55
Power surges tend to be noticed by people in powerplants, as do assaults on bases by a team of heavily armed cyborgs. Twitching oddly in need of a mechanic, Lady Fletcher and loot the corpses for weapons and slowly make our way out fo the tunnel, I carry Jenkin's head on my blade to show the face of a traitor. Two squads are waiting for me, using a recording of Kane's own voice i tell them to stand down and let the cyborgs pass, this crime will arn my execution but i need aid and soon.
As we leave i hijack a mark 1 buggy, the pride of Jenkin's collection. This ancient motor moves us to Sic's base where we rest. He performs repairs to Lady Fletcher with me holding her pneumatic limbs in place as to avoid killing the mechanics. Then it is my turn, i am offline for 5 minutes as Sic re-builds my factured internal wiring system. Now able to stand, we clean ourselves and arm ourselves, I pay Sic with Jenkin's car, telling him to hand it in to the Black Hand when they come to hunt us down. As ranking officer I order him out the room while Lady Fletcher and I loot the armoury for our final stand. Humans are truely weak and i plan to drag as many of them to hell with me as possible.
We rush for a lush tiberium field in no-mans land, using a stolen radio i alert GDI to a Nod formation in the area and Nod to a GDI one in the same. First the two recon teams ping each other with bullets, while occupied Lady Flecther and i each take down a team. While the cowards decide what to do next I clean up a APC and quickly graft a tank engine into it, we have power and speed providing the gearbox survives. Now packing it with high explosive i weld the throttle open and send it to the GDI lines, this should get some attention. After two days of fighting and dodging a true tank battle erupts and ignites the tiberium field, bathed in green flames Lady Fletcher is broken as a Mammoth tank explodes driving one of its vast barrels through the cheast cavity.
Now alone, i begin my final mission, once i was lied to and paid with my mobilty, this time someone wanted to kill me, Kane must die.
Edited by Dauth, 12 April 2007 - 12:18.
Posted 12 April 2007 - 20:23
No-Skillz, on 10 Apr 2007, 21:30, said:
Meh, unless anyone involves my Ultima Tower in his campaign, I will not walk into your storyline anytime soon. Only if this gets a bit stable (without like No-Skillz asking whether it should Die and such, nothing personal) I might stand an actual 'smart' GDI Enemy

Posted 12 April 2007 - 20:28
without him it'll just be us randomly writing short stories

Posted 13 April 2007 - 11:27

Ofcourse me alone couldnt keep it for long.

Posted 14 April 2007 - 03:58
I'll finish this in the morning.
General Admission
The Basilisk
Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:25
Staying deep in tibrieum rich fields, dodging the occassional harvester i see more and more evidence of the mutagenic effects. If i only had a working laboratory i could turn these beasts into true killing machines. At one point i carved a visceroid in two, both entities continued shooting tiberium vapour until i left the area. Progress across the vast distance to the 'most holy' temple of Nod is slow, I need wheels. Picking up radio static from a GDI outpost, i damage a harvester and draw out a Humvee with minigunners. While they rot and hopefully turn feindish i remove the tracking device and drive off into the night.
Curse the GDI and their tight budgets, i had fuel for 6 hours travel. I resign myself to a slwo march through the dark to the temple.
I cross the equator and see polaris for the first time in 5 years, after the tiberium impacts it is 6degrees from magnetic north but still beautiful.
As i approch form the south i see the fist of nod rising above the base, the first hand of nod, an obvious and il-considered design, i notice the scorch mark created when one fo the GDI A-10s crashed directly into 'our' might.
A full batallion waits at the gates every day and night, i must take time to change my appreance and gain access somehow. A flash of light and a instinctual dive sideways as the rock i was hiding behind is vapourised by a ramjet rifle. Well so much for the quiet approch, loading my looted weapons i charge the infantry core. No-one ever asked if i tire of violence. I do, and to this end i drive a stealth tank into the wall surrounding 'our' citadel. Through this gap i see a open field, layers with mines, fortunately being able to move at 50mph means i tend to be beyond the blast of a mine. The old technology used here may be reliable against the GDI but Nod really need a better system for me.
The Temple is huge, apparently to show our glory, more likely to hide one of the pre-war, working nuclear missles. Containment and redundancy systems may well keep it safe but i inetend to create a supercritical mass of Uranium the traditional way, by banging it together very hard.
Walking into the silo i shoot the unalret guards and find the location of the missle as diplomatically as the time allowed.
Its nose cone is all that shows in the hanger, however the silo was stripped of resources by scavengers before Nod built the temple, the blast doors are ornate and not original, hopefully i will wipe this base off the map.
The front levers off easily, sounding all sorts fo alarms suddenly every hole in the area shows a muzzle, nevermind, all i need do is break the ceramic pylon supporting the central charge and we reach oblivion. A hail of bullets break one of my actucators, ironically i cannot move my legs again. it is however in vain, with a strong punch followed by a finally letting go of the spring holding my blade in place, the rod shatters, knowing the rules for containment i catch the dropping charge, plate myself with metal and follow it down the missile. Peace at last.
On the news today, The trecharous GDI launched an attack in breach of their own conventions today, our Holy Temple along with a selection of civillian buildings were vapourised by a Nuclear missile launched from the Philadelphia satellite.
Our glorious leader Kane who was congratualting our valiant troops on the front line was the obvious target of this callous act. We end this broadcast with our Anthem, please rise...
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