Asked by: The Dr
Answer: C&C3
Question: What is this mod anyway?
Asked by: Forgotten_Soul
Answer: it's a Total Conversion
Question: What's this mod all about
Asked by: Forgotten_Soul
Answer: Refer to the site for all missalinius info
Question: Will members of this mod get cool Sigma Invasion sigs?
Asked by: Forgotten_Soul
Answer: When we get a graphics artist, yes
Question: Why does Darkshield have same body but different weapon models? (rephrased to be better understood)
Asked by: Agent717
Answer: Darkshield are experts at standizisation on their wepon components, So they are able to mount diferent wepons onto their chassis easily. So, you build a chassis, then upgade it to the weapon of you're chioce.
Question: Are you going to keep infantry squads or remove them?
Asked by: Destrukto
Answer: All basic infantry units are set up into three 'man' squads, but special infantry (such as the Darkshield Sniper) are single lone units.
Edited by Slye_Fox, 18 November 2008 - 18:15.