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The Allied Army

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#1 Slye_Fox

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 00:02

+++++ Tactical H.U.D. +++++

Command H.U.D. and Production Queue Tab - Pic

+++++ Normal Buildings +++++

Construction Yard

The heart of every base is the Construction Yard. This structure is responsible for the creation of all other buildings in your base from simple walls to the technologically advanced Battle Labs. Because this building controls your ability to expand your base and acquire new technologies, the wise commander protects it at all costs and at all times. In many missions, you will start with Construction Yard already in place, while in others you will begin, with an MCV and must deploy it to begin building.

Prerequestes: Service Depot & War Factory
Notes: Controls a single MCV



Power Plant

While a few of your buildings, like your Construction Yard, provide their own power, most do not. To get them operate at peak efficiency, you must provide them with power. That the function of this structure. Power Plantsput out a good deal of energy, but larger bases will require multiple Power Plants to operate effectively. Power Plants are physically weak and critically important, so keep them well guarded.

prerequestes: construction yard
notes: Supplys power




The creation of all infantry units from the basic GI to the advanced Chrono Legionnaire is performed at the Allied Barracks. Many of your more powerful and effective structures and base defenses require the presence of a Barracks.

prerequestes: Power Plant
notes: trains infantry



Ore Refinery

Your Chrono Miners need somewhere to take the Ore they collect. That place is the Ore refinery, a structure at the very heart of your economic operation. A filled Miner will return to the Refinery to dump its load of Ore before returning to the field. This Ore is then converted into credits, which you can use to purchase structures and units. Each Ore refinery comes with a Miner. You will need one of these buildings in every mission, and will often want several. Make more Miners or Ore refineries to make more money.

prerequestes: Power Plant
notes: Allows a Miner to dock with it



War Factory

If you wish to build vehicles, you will need a War Factory. All ground vehicles are created at the War Factory, although many may require the addition of other buildings to allow for production.

prerequestes: refinery, barracks
notes: Constructs vehicles



Airforce Command HQ

This building has two critical functions. First, it provides radar, activating your radar display, and allowing you to see the areas of the shroud you have removed on your radar map. Second, this structure allows for the creation of aircraft. Each Airforce Command can control up to four Harriers. Additional aircraft will require the production of a new Airforce Command.

prerequestes: refinery
notes: contructs and rearms aircraft



Robot Control Center

The Robot Control Center, bristling with antenna, is the prerequisite for building Robot Tanks. If the Control Center is destroyed or is powered down, all Robot Tanks turn gray and become inoperable until the Control Center is rebuilt or powered up.

prerequestes: war factory
notes: allows the construction of Robot Tanks



Service Depot

During the course of a battle, your units will become damaged. Moving a damaged vehicle into a Service Depot begins the repair process. Repairing damaged vehicles costs credits, with the cost depending on the severity of the damage to the unit.

prerequestes: war factory
notes: repairs vehicles



Battle Lab

Many of the more advanced Allied units and defenses depend on additional technology found only at the Battle Lab. To create the Allied special weapons, you must have a Battle Lab at your base. While expensive to build and requiring a lot of power to run, the units and structures available with the Battle Lab make it a necessary addition to any Allied base.

prerequestes: airforce command, war factory
notes: none



Ore Purifier

The Allies have developed the Ore Purifier as a way to further refine the Ore they mine. While an expensive structure, the Ore Purifier allows you to gain additional credits from every load of Ore your miners return to your Refineries. Over time, the Ore Purifier pays for itself many times over.

prerequestes: battle lab
notes: none


+++++ Armoury Structures +++++

Weather Control Device

This structure gives the Allied commander the ability to control the forces of nature. Once built, the Weather control device will create a powerful lighting storm, which can be deployed over any part of the map, causing incredible destruction. The lighting storm will destroy buildings and units over a large area. When a Weather Control Device is build, all players will receive notification of the construction, and the shroud above device is removed. All players will also receive a countdown as the lighting storm is developed.

prerequestes: battle lab
notes: creates a weatherstorm, reveals shroud around it for all players




Allied research into time travel has developed the Chronosphere, a device that allows units to move instantly across the map. When used, the Chronosphere will move vehicles in a selected wide radius to another point on he map. Additionally, enemy vehicles can be transported with the Chronosphere. Enemy ships can be placed on land or enemy ground vehicles can be dropped in water, destroying them instantly. Like the Weather Control Device, when the Chronosphere is built, all players are notified, and the shroud above the device is removed.

prerequestes: battle lab
notes: chronoshifts units onto the battlefield, reveals shroud around it for all players



Concrete Walls

Walls are passive defense system designed to stop enemy infantry and vehicles. Multiple pieces of wall section can be placed at once for quick building.

prerequestes: barracks
notes: none



Pill Box

Pill-boxes are fortified gun emplacements designed to protect an area against attacks by enemy infantry. Pill-boxes are not very effective against vehicles. They cannot shoot trough walls, either.

prerequestes: barracks
notes: none



Patriot Missile System

This building is an anti-aircraft device design to keep Allied bases protected from Soviet aircraft. Effective against all enemy flying units, the Patriot can also target and destroy incoming enemy missiles.

prerequestes: barracks
notes: none



Prism Tower

The Prism Tower is a powerful base defense for the Allies. Prism Towers fire a concentrated beam of light at any approaching enemy ground units. If Prism Towers are placed close enough together, they can fire one large, powerful beam by targeting each other and combining light beams on the target.

prerequestes: airforce command
notes: none



Grand Cannon

This special French weapon is not a vehicle, but a large structurecalled the Grand Cannon. Once created, the Grand Cannon provides extreamely effective base defence against enemy attacks, particulary against armoured units.

prerequestes: airforce command
notes: none



Gap Generator

Much of the Allied strategy revolves around gathering superior information and denying information to the Soviets. When a Gap Generator is deployed, it creates a shroud over a wide radius, hiding the Allied base from Soviet radar. The Gap Generator requires a great deal of power to maintain.

prerequestes: battle lab
notes: none



Spy Satellite Uplink

The Allied army depends on superior information to defeat the Soviet menace. When built, the Spy Satellite Uplink completely removes the shroud, showing all locations on the battlefield and on the Radar display.

prerequestes: battle lab
notes: reveals the shroud for the owning player


+++++ Infantry +++++


The GI is the basic Allied infantry unit. Slow and capable of only light damage, Gls are nonetheless necessary because of their low cost and ability to set up sandbags around them like a bunker. Left-clicking on a selected GI unit or (D), will cause him to deploy into a heavy machine gun platform which offers increased range and power but no ability to move. Left-clicking or (D) again undeploys the GI.

prerequestes: barracks
notes: deployable


+++++ Vehicles +++++

Chrono Miner

The heart of your economy is the Chrono Miner, a small vehicle that collects Ore and returns it to your Refineries. This Ore is then converted into money, which allows you to produce units and structures to increase your power. When traveling to an Ore field, the Chrono Miner moves like a normal vehicle. However, when full of Ore, the Miner "chronos" back to the Refinery, much like a Chrono Legionnaire moves across the map. This saves considerable time in getting the Ore into the refinery.

prerequestes: war factory, refinery
notes: Imune to mind control



Grizzly medium Tank

The Grizzly is a standard Allied tank. Useful for base, assaults, Grizzly Battle Tanks are also capable of grinding enemy infantry units under their powerful treads. This all-purpose vehicle is useful both on defense and on offense.

prerequestes: war factory
notes: none



Infantry Fighting vehicle

An incredibly versatile vehicle, this transport alters its weapon depending on what type of infantry unit is placed inside it. For instance, putting an Engineer into this craft turns it into a mobile repair vehicle, able to repair your damaged vehicles without the necessity of bringing your units back to your base. GIs enhance the vehicles ability to mow down infantry, etc. Explore the many unique abilities the IFV has to offer.

prerequestes: war factory
notes: none

Render Set 1


Mobile Construction Vevicle

As you will see in the section on Allied buildings, the heart of ever base is the Construction Yard. Many times, you will not start with this structure in place, but will have an MCV or Mobile Construction Vehicle at your disposal. When deployed, this vehicle becomes a Construction Yard, providing you with all of the benefits of that building. To deploy an MCV, select the vehicle and hold the cursor over it. If the cursor changes to a golden circle with four arrows, (D) on it will deploy the vehicle. If instead the cursor has a red circle with a line through it, there is either not enough room to deploy or something is in the way. Move the vehicle (or the offending object) to find a suitable deployment site.

prerequestes: war factory & service depot
notes: deploys into the allied contruction yard



Robot Tank

This speedy raider is the result of Allied research into anti-tank technology. The Robot Tank's maneuverability and speed make it an excellent hit-and-run unit; the fact that it's immune to psychic powers makes it especially useful against Yuri's forces. This hovering tank can move over water, and its cannon makes quick work of straggling enemy units. Disadvantages are that the Robot Tank cannot gain veterancy and doesn't fare well in prolonged conflicts, but always keep a few on hand for mini-assaults.

prerequestes: war factory, robot control center
notes: none



Prism Tank

This powerful Allied tank uses a weapon similar to the Allied Prism Tower. The powerful and deadly beam of light launched from the Prism Tank's cannon disperses from the target to hit other nearby enemies, allowing this vehicle to single-handedly destroy entire groups of enemy units.

prerequestes: war factory, battle lab
notes: none



Mirage Tank

In most ways, the Mirage Tank is similar to the Grizzly Battle Tank of the Allies. However, when not moving, this unit changes in appearance to look like a tree. It can fire on enemy units from this camouflaged state, making it difficult for the enemy to discover where the fire is coming from. They do, however, appear for a brief moment when firing. Used carefully (for instance, stopping Mirage Tanks in or near a forested area), these units can provide a devastating sneak attack.

prerequestes: war factory, battle lab
notes: none



Battle Fortress

This giant assault vehicle is the Allied response to the Soviet's Apocalypse Tank. Mounting only a machine gun, the Battle Fortress might seem an easy target for enemy tanks, but its power becomes clear when it crushes enemy vehicles under its mighty tracks. The Battle Fortress also serves as a transport. Up to five infantry units can climb aboard and provide extra firepower as they travel by independently firing their weapons out of the Battle Fortress's many ports.

prerequestes: war factory, battle lab
notes: none



Tank Destroyer

German scientists have developed the Tank Destoyer, a unit designed specifically to give German forces an edge against enemy armour. While vary weak against structures or infantry, Tank Destroyers are extreamely powerful against enemy vehicles, and can be used either to clear the way for your own attacks or to blunt incomming columns of enemy armour.

prerequestes: war factory, airforce command
notes: none




This massive transport helicopter is used to move infantry units across the map quickly and efficiently, and without regard to terrain. Better, the Nighthawk Transport is completely invisible to enemy radar, making it even more effective at shuttling units back and forth. It is vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire, however.

prerequestes: war factory
notes: none




This fast jet aircraft is used for ground attacks against enemy positions. Useful for strafing enemy structures or incoming columns of enemy units, the Harrier is vulnerable to Soviet anti-aircraft fire.

prerequestes: airforce command
notes: none



Black Eagle

The special weapon in the Korean arsenal is the Black Eagle. Effectively, this aircraft is a stronger Harrier, offering increased ability to both take and dish out damage.

prerequestes: airforce command
notes: Korea only



C-130 Hercules

This large aircraft is used for the Allies Tech Airfield para-drop and America's Airborne special abilities.

prerequestes: N/A
notes: not buildable


+++++ Navy +++++

Amphibious Transport

The Allied Amphibious Transport is used to transport units from place to place. While not invisible to radar like the Light Hawk Transport, the hovercraft is capable of carrying vehicles as well as infantry. It can cross both land and water, allowing for amphibious assaults of enemy positions. This vehicle has no armament.

prerequestes: naval yard
notes: none




The basic Allied naval unit, the Destroyer is designed to automatically defend against submerged enemy units like submarines. The Destroyer can also be used to bombard shorelines and enemy installations, allowing for easier amphibious invasions.

prerequestes: naval yard
notes: none



AEGIS Cruiser

Another important Allied ship, the Aegis Cruiser is used to defend against aerial attacks. In addition to standard anti-aircraft defences, Aegis Cruisers are also equipped with anti-missile defences that can protect vital installations against missile attacks.

prerequestes: naval yard, airforce command
notes: none


Edited by Slye_Fox, 10 September 2010 - 11:45.

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#2 Soul

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 01:52

Nice Slye, can't wait to see the rest.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#3 Soul

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 01:53

Cool, I'd like to see the rest.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#4 Soul

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 01:54

Cool models.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#5 Futschki


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 13:00

CopyPasta FTW Eh Soul :joint: ... anyway Great Stuff ...
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#6 Crazykenny

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 13:01

Awesome work :joint:
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#7 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 15:54

I can just imagine the sphere lit up by its blue time warping energy. A very well modeled piece of machinery :joint: .

My best,

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#8 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 15:56

I am loving that War Factory. That's how a building such as that should look :joint: . As I mentioned earlier, the Battle Lab looks awesome.

My best,

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#9 Crazykenny

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 19:16

They all look very, very good :/
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#10 laserjet


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Posted 23 April 2007 - 19:44

WOW!! They look just A-W-E-S-O-M-E. BRAVO!!!!!! :drunk:
Posted Image Imagination is the best Science

#11 Slye_Fox

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Posted 24 April 2007 - 21:14

Service Depot added
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#12 Sgt. Nuker

    Greenskin Inside

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Posted 24 April 2007 - 22:20

And what a wonderfully detailed and faithfully rendered Repair Depot it is :D .

My best,

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#13 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 00:25

Holy shit. Nice job again.

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#14 Zeke

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 01:49

*sniff* There so beautiful...

#15 Sic


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Posted 25 April 2007 - 11:52

They're awesome :).
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#16 TheDR

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 12:05

There realy cool
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#17 Amdrial

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 19:27

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The above signature was made by TheDR.
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#18 Slye_Fox

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 06:06

Barracks added
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#19 Zeke

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 09:49

OMG that's amazing especially the flag, just one question why does the title still say "generals" con red :D

#20 Razven


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Posted 26 April 2007 - 14:36

Love the models, but I just have one tinsy suggestion, the Battle Lab looks a bit too wide...maybe making it a bit taller overall would make it look nicer.

#21 Slye_Fox

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 14:38


just one question why does the title still say "generals" con red

You mean the logo?
The new one's not been made yet
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#22 NergiZed

    ^^^ Pronouced like the battery brand ^^^

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 19:59

Very nice models, lots of detailed mesh. The Warfactory is like an exact replica of the one in RA2. Overall, very nice stuff.

#23 NergiZed

    ^^^ Pronouced like the battery brand ^^^

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Posted 26 April 2007 - 20:00

Good job, just like the one in RA2. Can't wait to see more.

#24 Zeke

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Posted 27 April 2007 - 04:05

That fucking rocks!! :/

#25 Slye_Fox

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Posted 27 April 2007 - 15:04

Ore Purifier added
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