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Tutorial Requests

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#1 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 13 May 2007 - 04:15

If you need a tutorial, please request it here.

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#2 Strategia


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Posted 27 September 2007 - 00:34

I humbly request a map.ini tutorial. Nowhere have I managed to find one, and a thread I made some time ago about a specific issue died out with no result, so now I would finally like to know HOW THE HECK IT WORKS.
Specifically, I want to;
-try and make wrecks stay as per this post;
-mess about with commandbuttons (e.g. factory production buttons);
-modify the Generals' Powers for a specific faction (e.g. remove the Aurora and FAB, add Ca$h Bounty, replace the Paradrop with another power, have one power unlock multiple vehicles (if possible) AND give veterancy to units (if possible));
-change description text (e.g. add text for the UN Soldier, modify text on other buttons etc.);
-if possible, add cameos (again, UN Soldier; add a cameo (preferably a separate pic, but an existing one will do), some civvy buildings);
-if possible, adding construction times and costs to some buildings and units (civvy bunker, tank trap, UN Soldier, UN Humvee);
-merge upgrades (e.g. ability x is unlocked by tech x, ability y by tech y; change it so both are unlocked by tech x);

Primarily, I'd like to know what code from the .inis to put in map.ini and how.

Edited by Strategia, 27 September 2007 - 20:13.

#3 Kyouko

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 05:52

I would like to request a tut on SPAWNING multiple teams and getting them to work via Teambuilder. (FYI, Ive already looked at RVMECHS tut) Thanks in advance.

I would like to request a tut on SPAWNING multiple teams and getting them to work via Teambuilder. (FYI, Ive already looked at RVMECHS tut) Thanks in advance.

Edit: Curse that flood control

Edit 2: Forget it. I created a uberlaggy way of doing it

Edited by Iron_Golem, 13 March 2008 - 05:05.

#4 Amdrial

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 12:49

View PostStrategia, on 27 Sep 2007, 1:34, said:

I humbly request a map.ini tutorial. Nowhere have I managed to find one, and a thread I made some time ago about a specific issue died out with no result, so now I would finally like to know HOW THE HECK IT WORKS.
Specifically, I want to;
-try and make wrecks stay as per this post;
-mess about with commandbuttons (e.g. factory production buttons);
-modify the Generals' Powers for a specific faction (e.g. remove the Aurora and FAB, add Ca$h Bounty, replace the Paradrop with another power, have one power unlock multiple vehicles (if possible) AND give veterancy to units (if possible));
-change description text (e.g. add text for the UN Soldier, modify text on other buttons etc.);
-if possible, add cameos (again, UN Soldier; add a cameo (preferably a separate pic, but an existing one will do), some civvy buildings);
-if possible, adding construction times and costs to some buildings and units (civvy bunker, tank trap, UN Soldier, UN Humvee);
-merge upgrades (e.g. ability x is unlocked by tech x, ability y by tech y; change it so both are unlocked by tech x);

Primarily, I'd like to know what code from the .inis to put in map.ini and how.

The best way to use map.ini's is to just download an existing one for a unit/thing and to alter it.
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#5 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 09 March 2008 - 23:59

Map.ini tutorial, on how to edit things on the map.
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#6 JJ

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 13:22

Map.ini editing is basically coding. To learn how to do map.ini, you learn how to code.

#7 Crazykenny

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Posted 10 March 2008 - 18:09

Actually coding and using map.ini's are quite different. The problem is, only a handfull of people know how to use them. The only one in my team currently is Nipthecat, so I think you'll just have to wait and see if he wants to make one :P
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#8 nip


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Posted 11 March 2008 - 03:04

Sorry but I do have basic knowledge of ini stuff only, this tut would be a disappointment. To get an idea of what is possible with map.ini editing, search for maps and missions made by Beng. He's an excellent coder, does a lot with map.ini's and releases his stuff on CNCDEN, filefront or CnCMaps.

And check Modding Tutorials, ppmsite, GenDev and CnCMaps.

Edited by nipthecat, 11 March 2008 - 03:37.

#9 =Hawkeye=


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Posted 11 March 2008 - 06:20

Just one more thing. If you are planning to put the ini file with a multiplayer map you
may get mismatch errors during online play. So ini files are for single player maps.
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#10 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 11 March 2008 - 20:40

View Postnipthecat, on 10 Mar 2008, 22:04, said:

Sorry but I do have basic knowledge of ini stuff only, this tut would be a disappointment. To get an idea of what is possible with map.ini editing, search for maps and missions made by Beng. He's an excellent coder, does a lot with map.ini's and releases his stuff on CNCDEN, filefront or CnCMaps.

And check Modding Tutorials, ppmsite, GenDev and CnCMaps.

Beng is an excellent coder, I have all his missions. I just don't understand how he does it?
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#11 Crazykenny

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Posted 11 March 2008 - 21:43

Lots and lots of patience. Trial and error my friend, its the only way to do it.
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#12 The Shell


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Posted 26 April 2008 - 21:21

How about a singleplayer trigger tutorial explaining diferent things about scripts, answering such questions as:
  • What exactly ARE subroutine scripts?
  • Why scripts have to have certain [S A D] flag combinations?


This is something I feel VERY strongly needs a clear and detailed explaination. Remember, good tutorials explain why you have to do certain things in its procedure.

#13 nip


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Posted 27 April 2008 - 01:44

View Posthl_world, on 26 Apr 2008, 23:21, said:

How about a singleplayer trigger tutorial explaining diferent things about scripts, answering such questions as:
  • What exactly ARE subroutine scripts?
  • Why scripts have to have certain [S A D] flag combinations?


This is something I feel VERY strongly needs a clear and detailed explaination. Remember, good tutorials explain why you have to do certain things in its procedure.

EA's official WB manual (right click and 'save target as...').

#14 Genrail


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 01:17

how about one on object lists like... gitting the USA dozer to build only certen things and not have little gray squars on what it cant build... hint hint 8| !
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