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D-day & Battle of Midway

DerKrieger's Photo DerKrieger 07 Jun 2007

Today marks the 63rd anniversary of the launch of Operation Overlord; on June 6, 1944, Allied troops landed on Normandy Beach to liberate France, and the rest of Europe, from Nazi control. Overlord was the largest amphibious landing in history.
This date also marks the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Midway (June 4-7, 1942). Midway was fought over the Midway Atoll, a small atoll in the central Pacific. Whoever had control of this island had control of an important refueling depot that could be used to resupply ships to cross the Pacific. If the US Navy had lost Midway, the Japanese could have launched attacks on the US West Coast. The US victory at Midway marked the turning point in the Pacific, and was a severe blow to the Imperial Japanese Navy; 4 Japanese carriers and a heavy cruiser were sunk, and ~200 Japanese combat aircraft were destroyed.

Sgt. Nuker's Photo Sgt. Nuker 07 Jun 2007

May those who fell in combat, in battle for their freedom, in the struggle for their country, be remembered for their bravery. May their memories live on in the hearts of many, and may this event, and the men and women that took part, never be forgotten.

*Salutes while Taps plays in the distance*

Sincerest regards,

Major Nuker