Destiny, on 9 Jun 2008, 11:23, said:
Define the meaning of 'Nuclear Waste'

I wonder where the nuclear waste goes when shot to space, and what happens to of now, Coal is affecting the Earth more adversly than the Nuclear.
Coal = Carbon warming and O-zone there's thousands of them in the world.
Nuke = Can't do much shit to pollute the Earth properly. Blabla dump waste bla.
Nuke is only bad when it asplodes. Also, the production of non-fissable radioactive material can be reduced by making type 4 reactors (they "burn" more "cleanly").
With coal it's round the clock CO2, and while CO2 is not the worst greenhouse gas (Methane is far worse), it is produced in a quantity that needs a
little some A LOT of attention. Carbon capture sort of works, but it only delays the problem. Carbon credits are a pile of ass, or at least I think so.
And going back to what would happen if we shot nuclear waste into outer space: not much. The most probably thing is that it would float through space until it either starts to orbit the sun, or leaves the solar system to float through deep space for an eternity. If it stays in the solar system, than I guess there's a minute chance that it could hit something eventually and spill all that crap all over the place. Radioactive material in SPACE!? OH NOES!
Now that I think of it, shooting it into the sun would be a good idea as well. (the only bead part is that "sun" doesn't really rhyme with "nuclear waste").