I suppose anyone can post here his maps

So I am working on a map with altered gameplay, aka like in BF2
You have to capture at all 6 flags and hold them 1-2 minutes to win.
Now I have some problems:
1.: The flag is captured in the moment an infantry enters the trigger area around the flag
2.: I want to make that the one with more unit in the tirgger area gets the flag
3.: There shall be no MCVs, only the command post (that building you need for the tech lab) and an anti infantry defence.
4.: I want to make so the playes get reinforcements every 2 minutes.
I got at least the flag capturing done, just put an infantry unit near the flag...you can test it with the map in the attachement.
Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 15:52.