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Atlantis' Writings

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#26 Ellipsis

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 01:58

How....cool, she must be proud, :).
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Thanks for the sig and avatar, 'Dr.

#27 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 05:40

Proud is an odd way of putting it... but yes, she loves when I do these small things for her. :)
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#28 Ellipsis

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 20:45

Well, I am not a genius in the vocabulary section and that was the only way I could think of putting it, :P.
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Thanks for the sig and avatar, 'Dr.

#29 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 02:14

*blows dust off thread*

Another poem for you all. Again, about my GF I know... but these feelings are the easiest to capture and and put to words.

Being with you...

When I am with you,
life never skips a beat.
You make my soul glow,
like a undying star.

When you look at me with your eyes,
your gorgeous, glittering eyes,
you set my insides a light with a passion.
Your simple presence makes it fly high,
high above the clouds-
high above the clouds with you.

Whenever I mess up,
you forgive me.
You realize that I am not perfect,
although I strive to be-.
I strive to be perfect for you.

Whenever you make a mistake,
I forgive you for it.
For the reason why is quite simple:
I truly love you.
Nothing in this world can change that.

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#30 kanan


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Posted 14 March 2008 - 09:43

it is clear that you and your girlfriend have a very good understanding of each other. i get the impression from your writing that you both have a strong relationship. i wish you much happiness. make the most of your moments together. make every second count! ~smiles~

Edited by kanan, 14 March 2008 - 14:48.

k-9 the truth is out there

For The Emperor!!! For The Lion!!!
Death Or Glory!!!
Give Them No Quarter!!! Show Them No Mercy!!!

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anime <3

#31 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 21:35

Its really hard to believe what we have been through, but simply put, we met almost 3 years ago and I instantly liked her the moment I set eyes on her. I told her that I liked her, and she also liked me as well. From that moment, we stayed in contact via e-mail and an occasional phone call. There was a moment where we were out of contact because we didn't see eye to eye and almost hated each other, but we got over that and were really good friends like we were before. Just this year (she is almost 1 year and 8 months younger, but 2 grades below me in school), she told me that she likes me quite a bit and wanted to go out with me. I, of course, still liked her and we dated for 2 months. Twas the best two months of my life. Then she, out of the blue, broke up with me without almost any warning. It of course broke my heart, but I couldn't hate her for it and I honestly still liked her. She still liked me as well, and really regretted breaking up with me the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week after breaking up with me and her mom thought she was joking when she told her that she broke up with me. She told me that she still liked me on the 1 month passing of us being broken up. Since then I had to get adjusted to some things, but its going much more solid and I love her like I did then. That hasn't changed.

As you can see, we have been through thick and thin... it really opens your eyes when you experience something like this.
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#32 kanan


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 04:22

if you love someone with your whole being from the depths of your very soul. you will do anything for that person. if love proves real even in death you can never be parted.
k-9 the truth is out there

For The Emperor!!! For The Lion!!!
Death Or Glory!!!
Give Them No Quarter!!! Show Them No Mercy!!!

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anime <3

#33 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 05:39

That is very true... I do love her that much, and would do anything for her and she knows it. And you really understand how much I feel for her after you read some of the later poems that I have written (some of the earlier ones were from a relationship that I honestly regret). Start with "The Lovely Sun" and all of the poems after that are meant for my Brittany. Enjoy reading them. :tard:
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#34 kanan


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 01:27

i really do understand mate. and yes i thoroughly enjoy reading your work. it is very very good ~smiles~ ill go back and read through your posts again when i have more time. anyways keep writing man whenever you can.

best regards

Edited by kanan, 16 March 2008 - 01:55.

k-9 the truth is out there

For The Emperor!!! For The Lion!!!
Death Or Glory!!!
Give Them No Quarter!!! Show Them No Mercy!!!

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anime <3

#35 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 20 April 2008 - 02:41

Well... alot has happened since I last posted in this thread. Since then, Brittany and I have broken up and are now not much as friends anymore. The last couple weeks of the relationship were quite more... we weren't together, but we were for some reason. Since then, one of Brittany's best friends last yearhas made her way into my life. Her name is Teresa. She lives in Alabama, saddly, but over the phone she has shown to me that she has what I'm looking for plus some. Her personality... her mind... just clicks. Its a hard feeling to explain, almost like a gut feeling or some surreal 6th sense that is telling me that she is someone who I look for... someone who I feel I need, even though we've never met. Her simple personality has rekindeled the feeling of love in me even though we've never met. I am in a long distance relationship, in which I feel may be the one that I am looking for. Time will tell if that is the case, but I feel that it is meant to be that way. And onto some writing of substance, I printed my healing heart and its reborn soul and spirit into words, speaking the truth. Here is , titled "Love is an Ocean Wide".

~Love is an Ocean Wide~

I have never met you,
but I long for the day
in which I do.

I've never gazed upon you,
only the pictures that you've shared with me,
but I wish to see your beauty in person.

I've heard your voice from afar,
through the wonderous words you share with me
or the voice through the phone,
but I yearn for hearing its beautiful sounds near me.

My burning desire for the feeling of holding you,
being with you, touching you,
showing you how much I love you.
It overwhelms me and drives me to hold on until we can.

My love for you is that of true love,
for you've made yourself at home in my heart. Please,
stay there forever. Stay with me forever. Don't ever leave.

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#36 Jok3r

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Posted 20 April 2008 - 02:53

Lord Atlantis, that was beautiful. It is clear to see you're really put heart and soul onto the paper here... great work...elegant, simple, and so telling. Great job.
kinda, sorta alive.

#37 kanan


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Posted 20 April 2008 - 03:26

beautifully written my friend. im sure your new lady will really adore your words. and spoken from the depths of your heart and soul im sure she will be touched. great work man. and starting a new relationship after one that has run its course takes some courage so i wish you the very best with everything.


Edited by kanan, 20 April 2008 - 03:27.

k-9 the truth is out there

For The Emperor!!! For The Lion!!!
Death Or Glory!!!
Give Them No Quarter!!! Show Them No Mercy!!!

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anime <3

#38 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 20 April 2008 - 05:07

Thanks alot. Like I said, although I'm just getting to know her and haven't met her she is drawing me close, as I am drawing her close. Hopefully this won't run into the ground... but it doesn't seem like that any time soon. :read:
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#39 kanan


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Posted 20 April 2008 - 19:50

i think as long as youre honest about what you feel and you express your feelings to her without holding too much of yourself back then she will do likewise. it can only blossom from this initial point of contact. its good to establish trust early in the relationship but real trusting comes with time.

sometimes you dont have to meet face to face to actually know someone well. that comes from spending hours on the phone talking and sharing your deepest thoughts and expressing your warm feelings for each other. i wish you well my friend. young love is a beautiful thing. may you enjoy the journey and i hope you both reach the same final destination.


Edited by kanan, 20 April 2008 - 19:52.

k-9 the truth is out there

For The Emperor!!! For The Lion!!!
Death Or Glory!!!
Give Them No Quarter!!! Show Them No Mercy!!!

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anime <3

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