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The Command & Conquer 3 Worldbuilder

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#1 Amdrial

    Naval Wrenchineer

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  • 3047 posts

Posted 23 March 2007 - 23:30

Hey there guys,
I'm here with some information regarding the Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Worldbuilder.
Let's start, the Worldbuilder will firstly, NOT come within the game itself. It can be downloaded at THIS LOCATION. Furthermore, they also promise (Maybe it's already done, I don't know) ''A detailed instruction manual (100-plus pages) that is intended both for beginning map designers as well as advanced and returning Worldbuilder users.''

The link to the current C&C3 Worlduilder site: C&C3 Worldbuilder.


C&C3 Worldbuilder Direct Downloadlink: Download this for ultimate win!

Amer: Worldbuilder is coming this month. We're almost there.
I thought the answer was kind of amusing. I had heard the first week of April. Then on the official C&C3 Website HERE, it had stated 'Early April'. Somehow the 'Early' part mysteriously disappeared, and now it just says April. Although if you scan down through that page, you'll see that one of the 'early April' references was missed...hehe. The Lion's sharp eYe didn't miss it though. Anyhoot, we'll be soon past the early April time frame, so they had to change the wording. For those of ya too lazy to surf to that page, here's the reference about when World Builder will be released, just in case it mysteriously disappears too:
We are absolutely committed to releasing the latest version of Worldbuilder for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars in early April, and you will be able to download it right here directly from our site.



Hey everyone,

My apologies in my absence the past few days, wanted to experience the relaxation of a weekend for a change, it's been a long while.

That said, Worldbuilder is currently in CQC which means, the final phase of approval. It is possible we will release it this week on our official site, so stay tuned. I think the worst case scenario is an early release next week, but I also feel some good vibes for this week. So, fingers crossed, I know you are all excited for it!

And how about those stats? EA Smudge will have a more formal update, but as of right now, we are seeing almost all stats being reported accurately and timely. The stat-less threads have dissappeared significantly, so unless we are mistaken, it looks like we should be on a good path right now. Let us know if not otherwise.

Did you hear that? The Worldbuilder is in the final state of approval! (Release possible this week).

Edited by {LP}Admiral-(NL), 20 April 2007 - 13:58.

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