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How to make moving trains

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#1 Short Stuff

    The Music Man

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 01:36

Here's This Weeks Scripting 101!

Makeing Trains :dope:

To Make A Train You Use A Series Of Waypoint Paths.

The Waypoint Path is the route the train will take. Try to make the distance between each way point fair...not to big and not to large, you want the nice rolling effect of the train between the points :loels:

The Waypoint paths should be named in the path area (The 3-4 areas that are usualy blank at the bottom)
it should be called


now, this is the easy part, just lay a waypoint down, then from there make a path to a new one, and from that one on...untill u get back to the orignal point.

Now, trains are easier then cars or troops (which i will cover in the next scripting 101) they are already scripted to follow the path placed.

to make a train follow the path, find a train you like (they are scripted tocome with their own cars, you can add your own if u like, ill teach that in a later scripting 101) then place it by the track, it will automaticly start on there.

Now, whats a train track without a train station? by the orignal waypoint name(waypoint #, its the very top box), put the prefix


right in front of it, and the train will stop there for 10 seconds, each time it goes by.

but you say, short stuff! i want my train to go through tunnels...

easy place a tunnel at the base of a mountain, then put the prefix,


im front of the waypoint #, and do it on each waypoint the tunnel is. then at the last point of the tunnel, just dont put that prefix.

that covers the basics of train createing, and this has been....

Scripting 101

Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 13:44.

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