Posted 08 March 2008 - 23:04
Well, here is the story, in a few lines, anyways, I forgot to mention, out of shear stupidity, that the Flare Microwave Tank design was first concept drawn and modeled by Freedom Fighter, the model is mine, but the original concept is his. So, yeah.
Following the end of the second GLA War. China rose to the position as the most powerful country, and its influence spread throughout. With alliances in Europe, and soon Africa, China seemed to be on the road to global domination, and the United States lay dormant. Little noise came out of the Powerful country, and its northern neighbor, Canada. Soon, without American influence, the United Nations finally dissolved. Chinese influence rapidly spread to the American continent, when Chinese officials annexed Panama (Chinese influence over the Panama Canal has existed for a long time).
Even more disturbing was what was happening in Europe. Britain resigned from the European Union, and began reconstructing its ties with the former Commonwealth countries. India, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda all rejoined the Commonwealth for fear of Chinese take over. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were already member states. Soon after, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay all joined suit to join the growing Commonwealth. With its massive strength the Commonwealth opposed China, and its growing power.
Soon after British withdrawal, the now strongly French controlled European Union reorganized as the World Union, and claimed itself as the successor to the United Nations, and in order to promote peace, demanded that the rest of the world join the World Union. This however sparked conflict, several countries joined peacefully, giving up much of their autonomy, this being found in most of Europe and the African members, out of fear of either war with the powerful Union, or risking Chinese takeover. However several nations in Europe refused to go with the Union, led by Germany, they formed The Northern European Front, including, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, Iceland, Belgium and the Netherlands. The NEF began to muster its armed forces for a showdown with the powerful World Union which had just entered and sucessfully took over its American Territories in the Caribbean and Northern South America.
During this entire time, the GLA regained strength and its leaders officially declared it a ruling nation, and claimed Hegemony over much of the Middle East, and it began its conquest and final revenge in the Americas, quickly gobbling up territories in Colombia, Central America, and Mexico. The GLA also stood in the Path of China and its raging growth as a military and economic superpower.
During all this time a new power rose: Japan. Japan's economic power was dominating the Pacific and Southeast Asia, and soon part of South America. Japan soon called itself the Asiatic Empire (If anyone can think of a better name, please tell me, I'm struggling with that one). It, however resented Chinese power, which was exerting influence over the Asiatic Empire. Tensions were high, and the Asiatic Empire began a militarization project to stand up to the powerhouse that is China.
Meanwhile three nations remained silent during this entire course of events: The United States, Canada and Russia. Concerned about what was happening in the outside world, but not to the extent to push their miltary might out into the World, these three countries bonded with each other, eventually, the United States and Canada joined forces in the United States of America and Canada (USAC) and continued its isolationist policies with Russia, its only economic and Military partner. The two countries signed a pact to come to the others aide in the event of war, primarily with China or the GLA.
Then it all started: The Asiatic Empire threw the first punch, right at China. Then it was like dominoes. The World Union declared war upon the Northern European Front and the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth was soon dragged into a three way war with China and the Asiatic Empire. The Chinese invaded North Africa and GLA territories in The Americas. Union forces crossed the border into Russia and Sparked a conflict with the Russians, and soon, USAC. The GLA launched its final revenge into Southwest USAC, and that sparked an invasion in Kazakhstan by the Russians, and even the Chinese. China, angered by Russian invasion into Central Asia, invaded Russia through Mongolia, And the United States reacted by bombing Panama. The World Union launched an invasion of Florida, and was winning on all its fronts.
It was total Chaos, it was The World at War.
Not the most gramatically spectacular story and definitely not detailed, but I thought it would give an accurate description.
Happy Birthday,
"In this day and age, we must always remain prepared for the worst of things, for the worst of things may come at the worst of times, and when that happens, we cannot afford to be off guard."
General Zachary Noswar, Commander and Chief, United States Army, the Third World War, from future book "Blackened Skies," by Robert M. Rawson