Post your game collection
Started By The_Hunter, Dec 15 2007 10:52
64 replies to this topic
Posted 19 May 2009 - 07:23
Bob, I don´t See Any Kingdom Hearts Games Among your Collection >_> GO GET IT! >

Kyle Carter said:
Harry Potter is the safety scissors of the Fantasy genre
Posted 02 June 2009 - 12:26
Right, I'm finally gonna take a picture of my collection by the end of this week. Stay tuned, chaps.
Posted 12 July 2009 - 18:19
Whats the name of that game above Bad Company?

Posted 17 January 2010 - 07:15
about half my games are on steam.

photos.. i don't have a whole lot of console games but these aren't ALL of them. I have DS games and the like that I can't currently find.

(side note: new AITD is BAD. BAD BAD BAD. Worst game i've played in a while. If any of you are thinking of buying it... don't. even better, take my copy. jesus.
oh, and that's my DS lite at the front. Its name is Mello.)

(AoE is my favorite game as of late, apart from this silly tower defense game i've been indulging in.. plus the box doesn't say the name on the side so that's why i turned it around.
I can play AoE2's themesong on piano. I'm so rad.
And that's a D&D guidebook and box.)
Nobody comment on the filenames for the photos.
I just tried to check my email by typing my email address into the URL box on chrome.
I confused it.

photos.. i don't have a whole lot of console games but these aren't ALL of them. I have DS games and the like that I can't currently find.

(side note: new AITD is BAD. BAD BAD BAD. Worst game i've played in a while. If any of you are thinking of buying it... don't. even better, take my copy. jesus.
oh, and that's my DS lite at the front. Its name is Mello.)

(AoE is my favorite game as of late, apart from this silly tower defense game i've been indulging in.. plus the box doesn't say the name on the side so that's why i turned it around.
I can play AoE2's themesong on piano. I'm so rad.
And that's a D&D guidebook and box.)
Nobody comment on the filenames for the photos.
I just tried to check my email by typing my email address into the URL box on chrome.
I confused it.
Edited by Headcrab, 17 January 2010 - 07:16.
this sig is a lie
Posted 10 August 2010 - 17:03
I wish I had like a huge, neat shelf to put all my damn games/DVDs on. But unfortunately, I don't. My games are just piled up on the sides of my room, getting squished lol (its because of this fireplace which isn't used anymore on the side of my room, limits the amount of furniture I can place).
Edited by Jinzor, 10 August 2010 - 17:07.

Steam: Jinz
X-Fire: jinrenegade
Posted 19 August 2010 - 03:15

Sorry for the second being blurry, I kinda moved slightly while taking it.
Pretty much all my GameCube, Computer, and Wii games

Posted 19 August 2010 - 10:26
Needs moar Brawl.

Posted 14 December 2020 - 21:42
Digital Collection, Threw all physicals I had away.

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