I thought that since there is a few sig makers around i would post a few links to some renders, fonts, brushes etc etc so we can all share the wealth. If you have any links you have then please post them up as we may al find them usefull

Ok so here goes:
Planet Renders
Very good site for gaming renders
Game Renders
Another site with gaming renders, but these guys like to wet there beak into everything
Clan Templates
Another great render site
Of course google image search is always good to find pictures to convert to renders
Best place for PS brushes in my opinion, that`s why i`m only posting this link lol, It has everything you need
Best place for fonts, I always get mine from here
How to add rain
Animated Shine
Pulse Animation
Animated Tesla
(Great site for Signature Tutorials)
Loads of cool tutorials
To many to list, But it is worth a visit

Well i hope this is a start for you and if anybody has anything they want to add then by all means please do share the wealth.
Also if there is any questions you would like to ask then go ahead, Im more than happy to help you with any PS releated problems

ENJOY, And happy sig making
Edited by Stinger, 10 October 2008 - 14:39.