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#26 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 14:36

Looks good.
Keep making suggestions.

#27 Shirou

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 15:11

View PostAlexei_Stukov, on 30 Nov 2008, 9:56, said:

Why, laser weapons are developed many years ago. Russia have laser weapons to.

Prototypes and theoretical builds yeah, and whatnot. I don't see laser tanks rolling around in afghanistan yet though...
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#28 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 15:29

In that case I must say that russia first use laser weapon against chinese soldiers.
Also I like laser weapons and I don't think there is any problem with them.This is just game, reality can't be 100% :)

#29 Pandut

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 15:35

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May I suggest the Type 99 MBT, for China?
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#30 zerocold


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 15:39

Some suggestions;

-To replace the F-22 for the F-35 (stealthy strike plane with limited AA)
-To replace the F117 (stealth bomber) for the F-22 (full combat atealthy AA AG plane)
-Replacing the crusader for the M1A1, upgradable to M1A2
-The ability to call an AWACS plane from a structure (maybe a com tower), only one AWACS available, it can increase the power of the air units, detector ability, this can be done with the superpower INI code, making the object controlable, and putting a limit of the plane
-The ability to call an 747 airborne laser ;)
-This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLCM, intead the tomahawk launcher...maybe?, stealthy cruiser missiles, but more vulnerable to be intercepted, better range (same range as the smerch)

For China;

To replace the mig fighter for the J-10 (cheapest of all planes)
A type of infantery that can operate under radiation
Cobalt bomb, a nuke with low physical damge, but persistent radiation
Tank bunker


-Russia need a scout, i suggest the mig-31 as recc plane, ground to air weapons dont do a lot of damage on it (since is flying very high and fast) but against air to air weapons it armor is normal

In general all the factions should get cheaper infantry units, since these kind of units are very weak compare with others

#31 FiReFTW


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Posted 04 December 2008 - 14:39

I already suggested some things to alexei on pm but here are some unit ideas taking he wants it more realistic than original zero hour which is quite a good idea , vish has some good ideas let me elaborate:

View Postvish, on 3 Mar 2008, 11:47, said:

A technical army... technical mortar, technical ATGM, technical SAM, technical IFV, a technical-towed light artllery with quick deploy/undeploy times... technical rocket launcher... perhaps improvised World War II tank destroyers like ISU-152... or designs derived from them... 152 mm self-propelling artillery (can be loaded with sharpenel or chemical warheads), Katyushas, Mig-21s (AA fighter), Mig-23s (ground attack), and Aérospatiale Gazelle (the flying rocket truck, armed with 54 rockets and a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun)... and if there is a need to balance the game... you can add a slow-moving 250 mm cannon to the mix... improvised SA-4 Ganef SAM (fitted with sharpenel warheads to compensate for accuracy, slow rate of fire and bulk) and the ZSU-23-4 Shilka AA gun system...

In my view, GLA units should be cheap... largely fast... junk upgradeable... and if losing in one on one conflict try to kill their enemies in a suicide blast...

Some good ideas , I might also add that since the T-72 is a very used tank over the world and mostly by similar factions as GLA is it would be a good idea to have it as a mbt , I have a good model of it and its public usable.
Some old soviet BMP's or BDRM's of older descent would also be usable in this kind of a army , those 152 artillery guns , katyushas and cold war migs 21 , 23 seem as a interesting idea.

View Postvish, on 3 Mar 2008, 11:47, said:

China's major strength is infantry. In addition to regular infantry it could contain normal infantry, Type 88 sniper, Type 80 machine gun squad, PF 98 120mm AT rocket soldier, PF 89 80mm AT rocket soldier, FHJ-84 dual 62mm rocket soldier, QW-3 AA trooper and 100 mm mortar infantry. Complimentarily, China could have Type 97 IFV (comes with a 12.7 mm machine gun, space for 4 soldiers, and can sport 100 mm gun or 30 mm autocannon), ZBD2000 airborne IFV (comes with a 25 mm autocannon, 7.62 mm machine gun and space for 6 soldiers) and Type 92 amphibious APC (7.62 mm machine gun and space for 10 soldiers). China's tank corps could include expensive and advanced Type 99 and the economical Type 96. For China I suggest creating two Barracks (one regular and one heavy). China's artillery corps could include the A-100 10-tube 320 mm heavy rocket artillery and the PLZ45 155 mm self-propelled artillery... Also add KS-1 SAM, WZ-9 attack helicopter, the cheaper and less advanced JF-17 and the expensive J-10

Chineses units should be ideal for mass production, but not as cheap as the GLA, and are generally slow...

Im adding H-6 which is a chinese version of badger Tu-16 , that could be used for a general power or as just a aircraft for heavyer bombing , and I suggest Mi-8 for a transport helicopter and also besides Wz-9 it would be good to use wz-10 for a more modern helicopter.
Chinese air defence should be strong , some good chinese copy's of russian air defences for close attack and some more expencive and strong version of a S-300 system , but not upgradable to S-400 as the russians and also a different version and a bit outdated but non the less very strong.

View Postvish, on 3 Mar 2008, 11:47, said:

America's strength should lie in the technology and quality of its weapons. Its weapons should be moderately fast, moderately armoured, long-ranged, active protection system and airborne. Infantry could include Rangers (with HE grenades), Javelin soldiers and Stinger launchers. Armoured units include XM1202 Mounted Combat System (MCS), XM1206 Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV), XM1205 Recovery and Maintenance Vehicle (FRMV) and M1097 Avenger. Mortar could include the low-level and "cheap" Dragon Fire 120 mm Automated Mortar and the advanced XM1204 Non-Line-of-Sight Mortar (NLOS-M). Artillery could include the XM1203 Non-Line-of-Sight Cannon (NLOS-C), XM501 Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) and M270 MLRS. Airpower comprises AH-64 Apache, A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-22 (AA and Anti-Vehicle), F-35 (AA and Anti-Building) and B-52 heavy bomber.

M1A1 mbt , could be upgradable to M1A2 , humvee is esential , its used widely in the us army very fast and cheap , stryker is a good idea , NLOS is a good idea for future artillery , M270 good idea , all those XM12xx are kinda too much of everything dunno my opinion maybe just add some unique XM12 but not bother with things that could already be used with other units , for the airpower B-52 and B-2 should be used as a general power and A-10 aswell.
The airfield itself should have alot of variety aircraft for different tasks , some cheap some more expencive , for example AH-64 is a good idea for a heavy helo but a super cobra could be used for fast and cheap helo , then aircraft F-35 would be a stealth ground attack aircraft while F-22 should be a air to air interceptor much like the Mig-31 , then a good idea would also be a cheaper aircraft like F-15 and F-16 which would be as a similar role as the stealth F-22 and F-35 just cheaper and maybe with a lower payload and obviusly weaker since they are not stealth, chinoks are transport , also I think a good idea for US to make it the strongest airforce would be AWACS that would somehow increase the range of nearby aircrafts for firing missiles and also a wider area of fog of war view , but it would be a bit expencive for its great advantage and a bit fragile when attacked.
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#32 CommanderJB

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 14:47

The only thing I'd have to say about some of those GLA suggestions is that we are talking a c.2012-2015 Middle-Eastern/central-Asian coalition here, not the Red Army from 1972. There are a very large proportion of other foreign weapons systems used by countries in the region, not least British weapons, as well as French exports to northern Africa and a growing proportion of Chinese systems such as the JF-17. Never mind all the M60 mods that seem to form most of the Middle East's tank force. There's massive diversity and it would be a mistake to look only to Russian tech for GLA options IMO.


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#33 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 16:40

There is very good suggestions.
Can you suggest some GLA units that are not russian and to be closed to reality?
Also I need suggestion about the army specifications as I wrote before
USA-Laser weapon system
USA-Air force weapon system
USA-Super weapon system
China - Nuke weapon system
China Infantry weapon system
China-Tank weapon system
GLA-Stealth weapon system
GLA-Demolition weapon system
GLA-Toxin weapon system
Tell me what unit seems to be to one weapon system or other. and what specification can have (upgrades, abilities and so on)
Also you can suggest renamed weapon systems for each side.

Edited by Alexei_Stukov, 04 December 2008 - 16:41.

#34 Shirou

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 20:26

USA Superweapon general. She is from the navy, and some time ago they have done their first test of their Rail Gun system. You could perhaps use this Rail Gun for a base defense. It would be the most powerful base defense in the game, but also the most power consuming.

Other ideas for this system may include a buildable bomber plane to signify from the other systems air power. I do not suggest a B-2 Spirit or B1B, rather a smaller bombercraft.

Edited by Aftershock, 04 December 2008 - 20:27.

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#35 FiReFTW


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Posted 04 December 2008 - 23:17

View PostAlexei_Stukov, on 4 Dec 2008, 17:40, said:

There is very good suggestions.
Can you suggest some GLA units that are not russian and to be closed to reality?
Also I need suggestion about the army specifications as I wrote before
USA-Laser weapon system
USA-Air force weapon system
USA-Super weapon system
China - Nuke weapon system
China Infantry weapon system
China-Tank weapon system
GLA-Stealth weapon system
GLA-Demolition weapon system
GLA-Toxin weapon system
Tell me what unit seems to be to one weapon system or other. and what specification can have (upgrades, abilities and so on)
Also you can suggest renamed weapon systems for each side.

Ok il try to have some ideas if you look at the generals , first of all I think it would be a good idea if you choose to do so in the russian faction to do the same in the rest and simply choose a way to choose the type of weapon system to use , it would be much easyer and not use up so much faction space in case you need it in future and also the generals have some similar things but some unique ones so making 3 seperate generals is a waiste of space at least I think so and I think you are trying to do the same thing because you named them weapon systems as opposed to generals , but even if you dont plan to do it and if you make seperate generals thats up too you , but the suggestions would be in my opinion the following for aproximate systems


1. Advanced weapons systems ( change it from laser to advanced weapons , not because he will not have lasers but simply because he wont focus on lasers as a whole but on all advanced weapons )
With that you can add some advanced weapons besides the laser weapons as that guy previusly said , refering to NLOS artillery and that XM12XX systems etc......

2. Advanced airforce systems
He will focus solely on airforce , specialty will be B-2 bombers as a general power , F-22 , F-35 stealth aircraft , AWACS , V-22 Osprey transport....

3. Superweapon systems
He will focus solely on superweapons , cruise missiles as general powers , maybe as a 5 star power a small tactical nuclear missile from a submarine , and a strong unique general superpower , M270 with good artillery barriage , strong defences ( rail gun perhaps? ) , F-18 aircraft , , but lacking in airforce and advanced ground units as the two other generals


Focus primarly on infantry as a whole , has veteran infantry , has advanced weapons and has all types of infantry , regular , anti air , rocket , mortar , special forces , maybe even infantry that plant mines... Maybe a mass infantry drop for a general power.

Focus primarly on ground forces, has advanced systems such as WS-1 rocket launcher , Type99 tank and some other minnor things which make it to be a very tough ground force general , maybe a general power to drop some elite tank squads from chinese corps

3.Nuclear weapons
Use nuclear weapons on units such as rockets , mortars etc.. maybe some tactical nuke launchers basicaly trucks with a rocket on top of it , general power focused primarly on nuclear weapons maybe a airfract that drops a nuke and radiation as infantry on radiation.


1.Heavy demolition
A heavy hitting faction with stronger than usual systems , some there maid tanks such as Zulfiqar , mobile 155mm artillery ( slow but strong ) , Mig21 , Mig23 , F-14 air to air interceptor ( Remember Iran has them ) , Gazelle armed with rockets etc...

Units use toxic weapons , chemicals and biological warfare , bio warfare essentialy , rockets , infantry , aircraft are armed with bio weapons but no strong units for sheer firepower.

3.Mobile units ( just because arab countrys are far away from stealth tehnology and its not practical )
Mobile units such as armored vehicles , T-72 fast light tanks , light helicopters ,etc...

All of the non soviet equipment in arabian countrys possesion that are on the top of my head , but il be glad if some of the rest of you will point out a few other such equipment , it would be much help

I also need to think about adding alot of unit ideas to each of the list , now I mostly have the most unit ideas for USA airforce systems , but il think about some more other units for other systems aswell , tell me what you think about these suggestions alexei.

Edited by FiReFTW, 04 December 2008 - 23:25.

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#36 Thorazine


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Posted 05 December 2008 - 00:58

View PostAftershock, on 4 Dec 2008, 16:26, said:

USA Superweapon general. She is from the navy...

Correction, she is a Marine. Big difference.

Good place to look at the US Army's Future Combat Systems would be here to start with.
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#37 DerKrieger

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Posted 10 December 2008 - 22:25

Hm, some ideas. If you're going to use the same generals from Zero Hour, you could use ProGen for unit ideas-nearly everything in that mod was stuff that was cut from the original game and most can be reimplemented quite easily (such as the new units for the Laser General, Toxin General, and Nuclear General).

Red Guard (with Type 95 rifle)
Tank Hunter- maybe divide into two units; HJ-9 trooper for Anti-tank and QW-2 soldier for AA
-some sort of special forces unit could be cool- call 'em Black Guard or something

NJ2046 jeep (maybe can be equipped with HJ-9 anti tank missile)
Type 96 MBT (Type 99 for tank general and maybe Type 63A for infantry general?)
Type 90 MLRS or WM-80 MLRS (?)
PLZ-89 light howitzer
PLZ-05 mobile howitzer
DF-11 ballistic missile launcher
PGZ-95 light AA
FT2000 mobile SAM

K-9 helicopter (can be individually upgraded to attack helicopter)
J-10 light strike fighter
J-11/Su-30MKK fighter/interceptor

more or less the same infantry
maybe some sort of commando unit

T-72 tank
Toxin Tractor
SCUD Launcher
BM-21 Grad
Quad Cannon halftrack
G-6 Rhino howitzer
Demo truck
Radar van

Sa-321 Gazelle
MiG-19 Farmer
MiG-29S Fulcrum
Su-25BM Frogfoot

Same infantry; maybe divide Defender into Javelin (anti-tank) soldier and Stinger (AA) soldier

M1A2 Abrams (can be upgraded to A2E variant)
M2A3 Bradley
M1126 Stryker (can be individually upgraded to 120mm mortar and 105mm Mobile Gun System variants)
Laser Avenger
M6 Linebacker (perhaps an individual upgrade for the Bradley)
M109A6 Paladin (or NLOS-C)

AH-64D Apache Longbow
CH-47D Chinook
F-22A Raptor
F-35A Lightning II (Stealth fighter replacement)
F-15E Strike Eagle (maybe special aircraft for Air Force General)
A-10C Thunderbolt II (prob. only for generals power; same with B-52H Stratofortress and B-2A Spirit)

I'll have more stuff up for the original generals in a moment...
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Posted 11 December 2008 - 10:52

Probable AA for GLA.

Light: ZSU-23-4, aka shilka as a replacement for the quad cannon.

Heavy: SA-8 gecko, widely exported to mid-east countries
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#39 Equilibrium


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Posted 11 December 2008 - 17:53

My suggestions are:

Vanilla if available:
HUMMVE - multirole:
- default - 12.5mm MG
- GL - Mark 19 autoGL
- Avanger - stinger missiles AA(Laser Avanger only for Laser General)
- Tow Launcher with 7,62mm MG
- 20mm Vulcan gathling automatic cannon

M1A2 Abrams tank(replace Paladin)
Stingray Light tank replace Crusader

MLRS instead tomahawk launchers

F-22 and F117 still available
B1B to replace Aurora
AH-64 to replace Commanche(RAH66)
Mobile Patriots - but needed to be deployed

High-Mobility General:
Stryker instead of HUMMVE
can be equiped with MG's/TOW missile combo, autocanons(30mm), 90mm canon, mortar launcher and it is with more HP than normal HUMMVE

V-22 Osprey instead of CH47 fast with combat air-drop for Vehicles or infantry


F-35 dedicated to ground attack with limited AA capabilities, F117 and AH-64 still available

More specialize and deadly infantry(only this General will have snipers)

Air-Force General:

No tanks,
F-22 with more capabilities
F-35 with stealth upgrade
B1B with more payload
RAH-66 stealthy
UH-60 instead CH-47 can be equipped with missiles and MG's to be transport gunship
AWACS suggestion is good for this one

Laser General:

Laser Avanger for HUMMVES
Laser defences for all aircrafts
Laser point defences for turrets

Tomahawk launchers as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLCM

hmm for now this is what I think soon I will post more if u like it :P

Edited by Equilibrium, 11 December 2008 - 17:55.

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#40 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 18:21

Really thanks guys keep it up.

#41 TehKiller

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Posted 11 December 2008 - 21:38

A possible unit (or structure) for any of the GLA: RAK-12 MLRS ( launches 24 small rockets, AA system. Quite cheap and easily attainable...and was used by militant forces in the 90's....oh and these stats are RL not in game)

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Also For vGLA gen: War Veteran- Infantry unit. The name implies that he has seen experience in some other conflict. Armed with LMG's and have the ability to use nades (both smoke and frag). We cant just suggest Tanks & Aircraft and some more Tanks & Aircraft.

Huey instead of a CH-47. Comes with door MG's. 6 transport slots. Ability to pull a vehicle (just like in CWC mod) if possible.
Marine instead of a ranger (No access to Flashbang but has a faster firing rate and a small HP boost)

Edited by TehKiller, 11 December 2008 - 21:44.

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#42 Equilibrium


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Posted 11 December 2008 - 23:08

View PostTehKiller, on 11 Dec 2008, 23:38, said:

Huey instead of a CH-47. Comes with door MG's. 6 transport slots. Ability to pull a vehicle (just like in CWC mod) if possible.
Marine instead of a ranger (No access to Flashbang but has a faster firing rate and a small HP boost)

UH-1 or Huey is too small to deliver supplies for me, it's look little bit stupid... my opinion.
I agree about the marine, for High Mobility General(if you choose this terminology), there are two options - ranger with M249 LMG and Marine with M-16 but with underbarrel GL with flashbangs and normal grenades... what do you think?
About China most of their weapons are copy of russian, soviet or others... I think that only some thinks can be changed(or be upgraded), like replace the battlemaster tanks with Type 99 and Migs with something else JC10 if I am right.... Helix is good to stay for me...
About GLA it needs good old soviet weaponary from early 60's.... like T-54/55 MBT, Grad MLRS, Frog or Luna Missiles, Scud and etc, Also can be added some air units like Mig-21/23, someone mention french choper Gazelle and I can add the polish W-3 http://en.wikipedia....Sok%C3%B3%C5%82
I will think about this and post more :D
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#43 Futschki


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Posted 12 December 2008 - 15:27

i dont have a suggestion for a unit but i suggest that u use names u invent ... like paladin or crusader or marauder and such ... and that u modify RL tanks models a bit ... so u dont use overused units such as abrams and t-72 ...

Edited by Abourror, 12 December 2008 - 15:29.

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#44 TehKiller

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 21:38

For a mod that concentrates more on realism (but not hardcore) wouldn't it be better to use real names?


About GLA it needs good old soviet weaponary from early 60's...

Isnt that a bit too old?

Though a T-55 actually could work (as a light tank)
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#45 Alexei_Stukov

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Posted 12 December 2008 - 23:29

I'll use real names, but also when I'll create some not so real units like the russian FOAB bomber for the other factions. We need more fun and difference in the units.The focus is on real life weapons, but don't blame me for some futuristic units - they make the game nice for playing :rolleyes:
So don't worry to suggest any weapons and ideas.

Edited by Alexei_Stukov, 12 December 2008 - 23:31.

#46 Soul

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 03:03

For USA Laser Weapon Systems, I suggest an Apache armed with laser cannons instead of missiles.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#47 TehKiller

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 12:25

ShW much?
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#48 Soul

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Posted 13 December 2008 - 23:58

View PostTehKiller, on 13 Dec 2008, 7:25, said:

ShW much?

It's different cause it's an Apache :rolleyes:.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#49 Waris

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Posted 14 December 2008 - 01:06

For the love of God, listen to this guy. Just ditch the Laser general at all costs.


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Posted 14 December 2008 - 01:56

But russia has an armour tactic
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RIP CommanderJB

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