I am egc.vm|ReLaX and some player which play ZH will know me if they played ZH on a higher level on clanwars.
We (some good ZH players - excluding me of course I am just an avarage player) did already 3 patches.
The 1st one was 1.04 (the actual version was coming mainly from Germany which we all know is not very good), the next for ZH (ZH 1.05e)
and one for normal Generals (CCG 1.9) which u can see in the link below:
I know the balance of both games and I think I can help here a bit,
if I can find some skilled players here to play against!
I saw some bugs already and maybe saw some imbalances.
So, mainly I am searching for some 1on1s.
My communication data is in my profile.
Theres also some hamachi-channels online.
I played 4 games last night and just tried sth. around.
Post here or contact me to get some 1on1's!
gl hf!
Edited by ReLaX, 25 December 2007 - 12:02.