Coming in at # 2
Started By OverlorD, Jan 28 2008 17:17
5 replies to this topic
Posted 28 January 2008 - 17:17
Ok so finally cnc-files decided to host mappers guild first tiberium wars mappak which i worked oh so many long hours on it comes in at # 2 on tere top 5 downloads for january second to the tiberium gameplay video.... here is the website if you would like to read it for yourself > http://commandandconquer.filefront.com/new...uary_2027;37104 and in other news i have gotten my new laptop in a 5000$ alienware so im formally announcing im back to mapping though it will be a while b4 my next release... and that is it for now, overlord out
My city

CPL.Melanson (AKA OverlorD) Gunner of B32 M270A1 MLRS, CAMP Casey SOuth kOREA..
a soldier sent to fight in a God-less place
only to come home, and have a protester spit in his face
attends a fellow soldier’s funeral
who died serving to protect us all
and a murderer is what he’ll be called
by protesters who stand behind the cemetery wall
but the soldiers will still stand proud
cause of these men, the protester’s voices are allowed
the protesters chants are loud
but the soldiers are just happy to hear the crowd.

CPL.Melanson (AKA OverlorD) Gunner of B32 M270A1 MLRS, CAMP Casey SOuth kOREA..
a soldier sent to fight in a God-less place
only to come home, and have a protester spit in his face
attends a fellow soldier’s funeral
who died serving to protect us all
and a murderer is what he’ll be called
by protesters who stand behind the cemetery wall
but the soldiers will still stand proud
cause of these men, the protester’s voices are allowed
the protesters chants are loud
but the soldiers are just happy to hear the crowd.
Posted 02 February 2008 - 13:37
Congratulations on getting 2cnd Place, OverlorD!
And 5000$ Alienware Laptop? Thats the way to do it, very nice Comrade.
- E.V.E.
And 5000$ Alienware Laptop? Thats the way to do it, very nice Comrade.

- E.V.E.

Posted 04 May 2008 - 06:58
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
Ok so finally cnc-files decided to host mappers guild first tiberium wars mappak which i worked oh so many long hours on it comes in at # 2 on tere top 5 downloads for january second to the tiberium gameplay video.... here is the website if you would like to read it for yourself > http://commandandconquer.filefront.com/new...uary_2027;37104 and in other news i have gotten my new laptop in a 5000$ alienware so im formally announcing im back to mapping though it will be a while b4 my next release... and that is it for now, overlord out
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
in other news i have gotten my new laptop in a 5000$ alienware so im formally announcing im back to mapping though it will be a while b4 my next release... and that is it for now, overlord out
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
in other news i have gotten my new laptop in a 5000$ alienware
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
new laptop in a 5000$ alienware
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
5000$ alienware
OverlorD, on 28 Jan 2008, 18:17, said:
Sweet Jesus!

Posted 05 May 2008 - 14:37
Lol, date anyone?
I'll let this one slip since you put so much work into your quoting pyramide

I'll let this one slip since you put so much work into your quoting pyramide

Posted 13 May 2008 - 20:53
Crazykenny, on 5 May 2008, 15:37, said:
Lol, date anyone?
I'll let this one slip since you put so much work into your quoting pyramide

I'll let this one slip since you put so much work into your quoting pyramide

It was worth it for teh lulz, but seeing as that was a huge necro...
And I just necro'd O.o
WTFH Dates mess up D:

Always wanted to use that
Edited by Nidmeister, 13 May 2008 - 20:54.

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