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Post every Russian/Soviet military stuff you fing out.

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#151 Rade


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Posted 29 November 2008 - 23:20

 CommanderJB, on 29 Nov 2008, 15:37, said:

I simply could not believe it when I read on Sukhoi's website that the Su-35BM needs a runway only 450 metres long to take off (and 600m long to land, which is actually readily overlooked by some people but actually kinda important). It's such a giant, heavy monster of a fighter you'd automatically think it'd need a huge runway. For comparison, the Eurofighter needs about 700m to take off, and almost certainly longer to land.

I'm not sure about the Sukhoi's but the MiG-29 with the afterburners engaged can take off in about 250 meters, and without the afterburners engaged it needs 600-700m, and if it uses the brake chute it needs about 600m to land. But I must say this mostly depends on the engines fitted on the airplane and good example for this is F-15 which is one of the biggest fighter planes and thanks to its powerful engines it can take off in just 275 meters if it uses the afterburners and without them it needs about 600-700m.
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#152 CommanderJB

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 01:07

Believe it or not the Su-35BM carries more fuel internally than the entire empty weight of the MiG-29! TVC is a wonderful thing. I have to ponder what the MiG-29OVT/MiG-35's take-off run is. Surely minuscule.


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#153 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 12:27

Some stuff from German Alexandrovich Koborov, the Russian who constructed from 1937 to 1998 automatic weapons and parts for them. His first success was improvement of machinegun on a bombardier he worked on to 5000 shots/min from 1300 shots/min. One of his works was packaway automaton which has been defeated by concept of PPS - 43, the right reason was probably huge distance of facility he worked in from Moscow or policy.
One of his greatest works was assault rifle TBK - 408 - better than AK-47 which seemed too advanced for those guys which chosed AK-47. Why?
It was bull-pup! (the competition was fake anyways, winner was Kalashnikov no matter on results although AK-47 isn't bad weapon anyways)
G.A. Koborov in 1998 holding TBK - 408 (right hand) and TBK - 022PM5
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Edited by partyzanpaulzy, 01 January 2009 - 23:27.

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#154 Teller


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Posted 08 December 2008 - 10:27

sorry if i necroed topic but maybe its will be iteresting to see:), there are mostly concepts of some russian new military techs

1. BMP-T
2.T-80, T-90
3.DT-30 "vityaz"
5.Modifications of DT-30
6.2T Stalker
6.Object 640 (Black eagle) (Chyerniy Orel) is a prototype main battle tank it has some unique engineering solutions and it can have up to 152 mm gun, but it isnt T 95, T 95 is absolutely another project, that is developing by Uralvagonzavod,
7.EKIP (Ecologia in progress)
8.Russian unmanned stealth bomber.

vacuum bomb 4 times as powerfull as mother of all bombs, and it given nick name father of all bombs:), it will replace some tactical atomic bombs because it does not have radioactive contamination

Yak-141 first supersonic VTOL fighter, was developed in 1990 but because of our bad economical situation in 90s, never was in serial production

and sorry if my english is little broken

#155 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 08 December 2008 - 16:01

Yak-141 VTOL tech has been bought by that company which developed F-35 JSF.
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#156 Someone


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 21:12

I recently came across an English wikipedia article about Soviet Нож Aрмейский Oбразца 1940 года (HA-40) (can be translated into English as Knife (for) Army Circa 1940 (NA-40); also often referred to as Hож Pазведчика Oбразца 1940 года (HP-40), which means Knife (for) Scout (as in recon unit) Circa 1940 (NR-40) in Russian).

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Above: an example of NR-40

Most of the information about the knife is not bad until you come to this statement:


Combat use

The NR-40 was popular with the Soviet troops. It was a sturdy tool that could be used to open cans, cut wood, etc. At some points during the war, due to a lack of rifles, Soviet soldiers stormed German trenches armed only with their knives. Such tactics astounded the Germans, who decided that the Soviets must have a special "Schwarzmesser" (black knife) division of trained knife fighters.

:) 8| 8| :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It is statements like that that make Wikipedia an unsuitable source for reliable information.
First of all, I never heard of “Soviet soldiers storming German trenches armed only with knifes”. I even did a search and came up with nothing. I do not know who could have made such an unfounded comment.
Second, believe it or not there really was a "Schwarzmesser" division. Only it was not a “division of trained knife fighters”, nor did the Germans think they were anything of the sort. You see, when the 10th Volunteer Uralsko-Lvovskaya Tank Division was created in 1943, every member (from private all the way to general) was given a gift from the workers of the Zlatoustovskogo instrumental complex – knife with a black handle. I am not sure whether it was the members of the tank division or the Germans that came up with, but 10th Uralsko-Lvovskaya Division got a nickname – the “Black Knife” division. Over time, the name stuck, especially after the 10th Volunteer Uralsko-Lvovskaya Tank Division gained considerable fame for their performance as the war progressed (no, they did not storm the Germans with their knives, they stormed them with their tanks :) ).
It is interesting that the Russian wikipedia article about the NA-40 has the right information about the Schwarzmesser division while its English counterpart mentioned above does not.
If you like to read more about the “Black Knives”, you can do so here: http://nesusvet.naro...hwarzmesser.htm (those of you who are English-speaking might find text difficult to read since it is in Russian)

Some of you probably think that a combat knife can not feature a lot of innovation and military ingenuity. I would beg to differ.
For instance, in 1970’s a new combat knife was introduced into the Soviet armed forces. Based on the NR-40, it was designed for reconnaissance units and special forces. The knife is known as Hож Pазведчика Cтреляющий (HPC) (can be translated into English as Knife (for) Scout (as in recon unit) that Shoots (NRS)). As suggested by the name, NRS is a combat knife which has a handle that doubles as a gun!

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Note: there are at leas two types of “scout shooting knives” – HPC and HPC-2.
HPC-2 is made to fire silenced bullets while the HPC is not, but I am unsure about how to distinguish the two models by appearance. The last picture supposedly shows the HPC-2 at the top left corner (black handle) and the HPC at the bottom (green handle). However, other websites I visited that show the green-handled knife claim that it is a HPC-2.

More information about HPC knives can be found at these links (again in Russian):

#157 Razven


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Posted 18 December 2008 - 04:42

A good way to find it a "story" is reliable is to see if it cites any sources with the [1],[2] number. But given the way war war was waged on the Eastern Front in WWII, it actually wouldn't be suprising if Russian troops low on ammo and cut off from support to make a mad dash with any weapon they can find. Given that it was a Tank division was given black knives, the tankers might have given them off to those in infantry divisions or salvaged from the fallen.

#158 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 22:58

This knife reminds me those illegal weapons (pistol pen which works also like a normal pen).

I found on http://www.palba.cz/viewtopic.php?t=1498 topic about MiG-23 development with some pictures of it's (unusual) prototypes:
MiG-23 was in same generation like F-4 (after generation of MiG-21, Mirage III, F-104), the last plane finished by Mikoyan himself (died on the 9th december 1970, plane's first flight was on the 10th april 1970).
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On the 17th april 1962 development of this prototype ended by it's destruction in speed of 1.8 Mach, injured pilot, all caused by 1 torn off shovel of the compressor.
Otherwise with some upgrades it would be even comparable with F-16.

Prototype izd.23-01 Mig-23PD
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Delta wing conception.

Final prototype 23-11
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Variable wing geometry, complicated undercart (Spider's leg) from the fuselage instead from the wings, boxy suction, low sitting of the pilot (bad view to low angles).

Микоян Артём Иванович - Mikoyan Artem Ivanovich (he rarely weared a uniform, btw)
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MiG-23 codes:
NATO: Warszaw Pact
Flogger A: Mig-23
Flogger B: Mig-23S, M, MF
Flogger C: Mig-23UB, UM
Flogger D: Mig-27
Flogger E: Mig-23MS
Flogger F: Mig-23B (-> MiG-27 against ground targets)
Flogger G: Mig-23ML
Flogger H: Mig-23BN, BK
Flogger J: Mig-27M
Flogger K: Mig-23MLD

TTD, Mig-23ML:

Wingspan max………………………………13,96m
Wingspan min…………………………………7,78m
Airfoil………………………………………………34,16 – 37,35m2
Empty weight…………………………………10230kg
Max flighth weight…………………………17800kg
Max speed………………………………………2500km/h
Max speed on sea level………………1350km/h
Climb capacity………………………………230m/s
Max flight height.…………………………18600m
Max. flight range.…………………………3000km (with 3 external fuel tanks)
Max. battle range..………………………1450km
Length of taking off………………………580m
Length of landing…………………………825m


MiG-21I Analog - test platform for Gothic Delta wing (used on Tu-144)
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Su T-58VD - vertical takeoff (2 main engines R-11-F2s-300 and 3 RD-36-35 engines for vertical take-off), prototype 1st flight in november 1966
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Su-7IG (S-22I) (variable wing geometry), flight in 1967
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Other interesting supersonics would be Russian civilian supersonics, Tu-144 failed, but even before this plane was created, there was serious project
in the Mikoyan design bureau in mid 1960's of creating 1st biz-class supersonic based on MiG-25
(everyone is equal, just some are more equal / top personnel in the USSR lived like millionaires)
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taken from http://www.testpilot...yan/index_e.htm

Later, in 1989 Sukhoi started project of other supersonic biz-jet S-21, in 1992 began cooperation with American Gulfstream Aerospace, but later due technical problems and errors, whole project was stopped. Last mention is that in November 2000 China entered this project to continue on this with Sukhoi (there was demand on supersonic biz-jets before economical crisis).
I don't know the current status of this project.
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two engines Saturn/Ljulka - Rolls-Royce AL-RR-363 with 112,8 kN
speed: ……………………………………………………2.125 km/h in 15.000 m height, 2.0 Mach
max height ……………………………………………18.500 m (15.500-19.500 m)
max range ……………………………………………7.400 km
weight ……………………………………………………22.560 t
max start weight ……………………………………48.500 t (51.800 t)
width ………………………………………………………19.92 m
length ………………………………………………………40.50 m
wing area ………………………………………………130 m² (140 m²)
In the beginning of this project there was choice between creating big supersonic S-51, or creating biz supersonic S-21.
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68 passangers
4 engines Solowjew D-21A1 with 73,6 kN
speed 2.125 km/h, Mach 2
max range 9.200 km
empty weight 22.560 t (this is weird when compared with max start weight)
max start weight 90.700 t
from http://www.suchoj.com/ab1953/index.htm?htt...S-21/home.shtml

Edited by partyzanpaulzy, 02 January 2009 - 20:10.

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#159 Someone


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Posted 29 August 2009 - 19:34

Hello everyone.

Yes, I realize that this thread was not used for a while, but I wanted to make this post for some time now (real life kept getting in the way though) and I see no reason to create a new thread if an old one exists for the same purpose.

So without further delay, I present to you “armor-ensemble” ВОИН

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ВОИН (WARRIOR in English) is a special protective suit designed by Russian defence research institute НИИ Стали (NII Stali). It is classified as a бронекомплект (“armor-ensemble” in Eanglish) – a concept the institute claims to have invented. “Armor-ensembles” such as ВОИН are intended to provide protection in situations for which standard military body armor is not enough. It is claimed that WARRIOR provides unparalleled protection for a low price and can withstand hits form Kalashnikov and M-16 assault-rifles. Unfortunately, such a suit trades in mobility for protection and its use is therefore limited to close-quarter combat, hostage rescue, and other situations where chances of being hit are high but running fast is not required.

Other НИИ Стали бронекомплекты can be viewed here.

#160 source code


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Posted 30 August 2009 - 11:31

cous the russian army rulez


#161 Someone


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Posted 03 September 2009 - 17:10

 source code, on 30 Aug 2009, 11:31, said:

cous the russian army rulez


Impressive... though this video (as the title states) shows exercises of Serbian army, not Russian army.
Perhaps it would be more appropriate to post this video on this thread?

Edited by Someone, 03 September 2009 - 17:11.

#162 partyzanpaulzy


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Posted 12 September 2009 - 13:40


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Something's wrong. :D :D

Edited by partyzanpaulzy, 12 September 2009 - 13:41.

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(I'm making RA2YR mod, check Revora Forums for more info)
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#163 tank50us


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Posted 15 September 2009 - 03:46

you mean other then the fact that he's wearing a suit that gives him no peripheral vision? AND the fact that he's wearing so much armor that he can barely move? I don't see any other problems here. [sarcasm]

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