Ugh. You do realize that there is a rule against necro'ing threads, right? The reason no one posted is because no one could work on it. If someone could, they would necro the topic with new information not by asking whats going on, and then responding badly when Nip reminds you of a rule. Telling him to shut the fuck up is not a particularly good way to make friends, now is it?

Started By Major Fuckup, Mar 03 2008 03:56
53 replies to this topic
Posted 27 June 2008 - 17:06
kinda, sorta alive.
Posted 27 June 2008 - 17:06
If you continue vomitting in my PM box I'll gonna roast your ass in flames, WNxAbraxix. It's clearly your turn to STFU. Now.
Posted 27 June 2008 - 17:49
ok sorry then and good work wannabe mod

Posted 27 June 2008 - 18:03
WNxAbraxix please stop necroing threads. This means posting in a topic, which is older than two weeks, with no new information.
If you want the map PM the person instead.
There's no need for this thread any more so;
Thread Locked
If you want the map PM the person instead.
There's no need for this thread any more so;


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