Anyways lets begin, The files you will need to edit:
InfantryGeneral.ini (I didnt add the bayonet to this guy as his red guard already 0wns but it`s up to you)
So let`s Begin:
First open up either China/Infantry/Nuke/Tank and look for the Red Guards weaponset and replace the weaponset with the one posted:
WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY RedguardMachineGun Weapon = TERTIARY RedguardBayonet End
(The reason it has to be in the TERTIARY slot is due to it being on bone c from what i am lead to believe)
Make sure you save your work and then open up the CommandSet.ini and search for the Red Guards command set and replace it with this:
CommandSet ChinaInfantryRedguardCommandSet 1 = Command_ChinaInfantryRedguardSwitchToMachineGun 2 = Command_ChinaInfantryRedGuardCaptureBuilding 3 = Command_ChinaInfantryRedguardBayonet 11 = Command_AttackMove 13 = Command_Guard 14 = Command_Stop End
Save you work and continue now to CommandButton.ini and add these buttons to the bottom of the ini file (at least you know where the buttons are then)
CommandButton Command_ChinaInfantryRedguardSwitchToMachineGun Command = SWITCH_WEAPON WeaponSlot = PRIMARY Options = CHECK_LIKE OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:RedGuardMachineGun ButtonImage = SSMachineGun ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipSwitchToRedGuardMachineGun End CommandButton Command_ChinaInfantryRedguardBayonet Command = FIRE_WEAPON WeaponSlot = TERTIARY Options = OK_FOR_MULTI_SELECT NEED_TARGET_ENEMY_OBJECT NEED_TARGET_NEUTRAL_OBJECT CONTEXTMODE_COMMAND TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:Bayonet ButtonImage = SSBayonet CursorName = StabAttack InvalidCursorName = StabAttackInvalid ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipChinaRedGuardFireBayonet End
There is no need to worry about putting the tooltips and such into your CSF/STR file as ZH already has them in

(Also you can add CHECK_LIKE to the options list of the Bayonet Button ,But i found that to be really buggy for some reason so it`s up to you if you add it)
Now open the Weapon.ini and search for the Bayonet weapon (yeah its already in-game but i added a few extras) and replace it with this:
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon RedguardBayonet PrimaryDamage = 10000.0 ; always kills target in one hit PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 ; 0 primary radius means "hits only intended victim" AttackRange = 2.0 DamageType = MELEE DeathType = NORMAL WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant) ProjectileObject = NONE FireFX = NONE FireSound = HeroUSAKnifeAttack DelayBetweenShots = 1900 ; time between shots, msec ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite) ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec PreAttackDelay = 1400 PreAttackType = PER_ATTACK; Do the delay each time we attack a new target End
And that is it!! Congrats you have given the Red Guard his trusty bayonet back, Just move your cursor over enemy infantry and have fun!!
For an extra little bit of spice why not add a sound when you click the bayonet button? Or when you attack someone? For that i will leave to you to decide. I hope this was helpfull and happy modding